Steven Redhead Quotes

Text Quotes
Life was never meant to be serious, it was meant to be a joy (Steven Redhead Quotes)
The path you create then follow becomes the story of your life (Steven Redhead Quotes)
Life becomes difficult when out of sync with your heart-felt desires (Steven Redhead Quotes)
Life is whatever you make it, a heaven or hell on earth (Steven Redhead Quotes)
Don’t become a prisoner of your own reality, set yourself free by creating a life worth living (Steven Redhead Quotes)
You shouldn’t blame others for the conditions you endure; we each have the freedom to follow which path we desire in life. (Steven Redhead Quotes)
You can’t change the past, only your perception of it; but you can control the future (Steven Redhead Quotes)
Life was never meant to be difficult, we just make it that way so that it fits into societies and our indoctrinated concept of what things should be like. (Steven Redhead Quotes)
The issue is not what you may be facing, rather your interpretation of it. Always think in a positive light to create a better world for yourself and others. (Steven Redhead Quotes)
The quality of life that you have is determined solely by the effort you put into giving your life value, purpose and a reason. (Steven Redhead Quotes)
You are surrounded by endless possibilities. Your potential being the sum of your beliefs. (Steven Redhead Quotes)
Love the moment for its simplicity, it may give or take nothing from you, but in the blinking of an eye it will have change so many things forever. (Steven Redhead Quotes)
Everyone is given the potential to excel, whether you do or not is entirely up to you (Steven Redhead Quotes)
We are given the potential to excel, whether we do or not is entirely up to us (Steven Redhead Quotes)
Open up your heart and mind to the infinite wonderful experiences there are in life (Steven Redhead Quotes)