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Stewardesses Quotes

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I always wanted to be an artist, whatever that was, like other chicks want to be stewardesses. I read. I painted. I thought  (Stewardesses Quotes) Maybe careers aren’t something you can really plan for. They just sort of happen, like brown eyes or flat feet. I took one of those career aptitude tests last year, and it showed that I should be a flight attendant or a seamstress. Not a fashion designer or anything, mind you, but a sweatshop worker. Apparently stewardesses and sweatshop workers and I enjoy a lot of the same interests and activities  (Stewardesses Quotes) When I was 8, I got a little toy propeller plane: You could turn it on and the people disappeared from the little windows and stewardesses appeared, and it ran along the ground  (Stewardesses Quotes) In Japan, you get on the bullet train or the airplane, and I loved the little speeches the stewardesses would do. They even do little speeches before you play gigs  (Stewardesses Quotes) Stewardesses were a joke to many of us coming of age in the liberated Sixties. They were no joke in the women’s movement that liberated us, however.  (Stewardesses Quotes) Stewardesses are still paid so little that in many cases, new hires qualify for food stamps  (Stewardesses Quotes)