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Sticky Quotes

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I want life and in all its stupid sticky rawness  (Sticky Quotes) Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky  (Sticky Quotes) Sports section and a sticky bun. Know what that means  (Sticky Quotes) We’re sticky at the ends and the middle is getting squeezed  (Sticky Quotes) Blood may be thicker than water, but it is still sticky, unpleasant and generally nauseating  (Sticky Quotes) It’s not sticky unless it touches itself  (Sticky Quotes) Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities  (Sticky Quotes) Disappointment is a sticky one, because no one can steal contentment, joy, gratitude, or peace - we have to give it away.  (Sticky Quotes) Peel off these dusty wool blankets of apathy and antipathy and cynical desiccation. I want life in all its stupid sticky rawness  (Sticky Quotes) The terrible sticky thing about truth is if it exists, it’s coming for you  (Sticky Quotes) She fell into a deep pool of sticky water, which eventually closed over her head. She saw nothing and heard nothing but a faint booming sound, which was the sound of the sea rolling over her head. While all her tormentors thought that she was dead, she was not dead, but curled up at the bottom of the sea  (Sticky Quotes) A patent is a legal analog of sticky fly paper: it attracts some of the lowest forms of life  (Sticky Quotes) May your summer birthday be less hot and sticky than the moment of your birth  (Sticky Quotes) Political scientists have long argued that party identification is the best possible predictor of voting behavior and is remarkably sticky over time.  (Sticky Quotes) Tape is wonderful at preserving evidence - fingerprints, hairs, fibers. Tape preserves this, especially on the sticky side, even if the body’s been out there for a year.  (Sticky Quotes) Writing a book is like sliding down a rainbow! Marketing it is like trudging through a field of chewed bubblegum on a hot, sticky day.  (Sticky Quotes) I feel the spring breeze rufflingthe new-hatched damp of my unfurlingfeathers; I see with eyes bleary from egg-darkthe shell clinging sticky to my screamingbeak.  (Sticky Quotes) Why would we ever want to go back when your world is so accommodating with your telephones and your guns and what’s that sticky stuff called... duct tape  (Sticky Quotes) What’s that sticky stuff called? Basta: Duct tape. Yes, duct tape. I love duct tape.  (Sticky Quotes) Why would we ever want to go back when your world is so accommodating with your telephones and your guns and what’s that sticky stuff called ...duct tape.  (Sticky Quotes) All the time that I’m acting with an animated character, I’m looking at a tennis ball or sticky tape or an eyeline or a man in a green suit. There’s no real environment, just this electric green that’s blaring into your brain.  (Sticky Quotes) I’m a great believer in governments doing as little as possible and people power doing the rest, so I’m in favour of governments being there to govern in the areas that need governing, not a whole heap of other things that they stick their sticky fingers into.  (Sticky Quotes) I had one guy pretend to be me, go to a hotel room, and tell the people at the front desk that it was me, and then he went in and stole all of our luggage. There’s always that eager beaver that wants to be a part of the team and comes off as a sticky fly.  (Sticky Quotes) Still, I wonder if more women artists, musicians and writers aren’t household names because we don’t have enough faith in our own pursuits to give ourselves the time we desperately need to be transformed by a creative vision. Maybe that glass ceiling isn’t really made of glass at all, but of sticky little fingers, dishes piled in the sink, and mortgages that demand two incomes.  (Sticky Quotes) People don’t know how good cauliflower is, because they always have this image of cauliflower cheese - awful, sticky, creamy and rich.  (Sticky Quotes) I would have been dead if it weren’t for that great gift to civilization from the Chemistry Department of Harvard, which was napalm, or sticky jellied gasoline.  (Sticky Quotes) I’ve always felt happy in my own company. It’s only when I get around other people that things get sticky.  (Sticky Quotes) I have to confess I can’t have the holiday season without Hard Candy Christmas. For some reason, it makes me think of the sticky ribbon candy bowl my mid-western grandma always had.  (Sticky Quotes) As a writer, you should have a sticky soul; the act of continually taking things in should be as much a part of you as your hair color  (Sticky Quotes) She was indeed a girl of exquisite beauty. She was one of those languid women made of dark honey smooth and sweet and terribly sticky  (Sticky Quotes)
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