Still the race of hero spirits pass the lamp from hand to hand
Still the race of hero spirits pass the lamp from hand to hand
Charles Kingsley was a prominent English clergyman, novelist, and social reformer who lived during the 19th century. He was known for his strong beliefs in Christian socialism and his commitment to social justice. Kingsley's works often reflected his views on the importance of duty, honor, and courage, and he frequently explored themes of heroism and the triumph of the human spirit.One of Kingsley's most famous works is his novel "Westward Ho!" which tells the story of the adventures of a group of Elizabethan seafarers. In this novel, Kingsley explores the idea of heroism and the enduring legacy of those who have come before us. The phrase "Still the race of hero spirits pass the lamp from hand to hand" can be seen as a reflection of Kingsley's belief in the continuity of heroism throughout history.