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Stir Quotes

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It is clear that he does not pray, who, far from uplifting himself to God, requires that God shall lower Himself to him, and who resorts to prayer not to stir the man in us to will what God wills, but only to persuade God to will what the man in us wills  (Stir Quotes) Eve shall kiss night, and the leaves stir like rain as the wind stealeth light o'er the grass of the plain. Unseen are thine eyes mid the dreamy night's sleeping, and on my mouth there lies the dear rain of thy weeping  (Stir Quotes) Great political questions stir the deepest nature of one-half the nation; but they pass far above and over the heads of the other half  (Stir Quotes) If you wish in this world to advance, your merits you're bound to enhance; You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, or trust me, you haven't a chance  (Stir Quotes) Never stir up litigation. A worse man can scarcely be found than one who does this  (Stir Quotes) It is easier to lead men to combat and to stir up their passions than to temper them and urge them to the patient labors of peace  (Stir Quotes) As small letters hurt the sight, so do small matters him that is too much intent upon them; they vex and stir up anger, which begets an evil habit in him in reference to greater affairs  (Stir Quotes) If the Communists win Europe and a large part of the world, it will not be because they know how to stir up discontent or how to infect people with hatred, but because they know how to preach hope  (Stir Quotes) But when the country, into which I had just set my foot, was set on fire about my ears, it was time to stir. It was time for every man to stir  (Stir Quotes) For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech To stir men's blood. I only speak right on  (Stir Quotes) Rightly to be great is not to stir without great argument, but greatly to find quarrel in a straw when honour's at the stake  (Stir Quotes) But I pray you, let none of your people stir me. I have an exposition of sleep come upon me  (Stir Quotes) But, o thou tyrant, do not repent these things, for they are heavier than all thy woes can stir. Therefore betake thee to nothing but despair  (Stir Quotes) Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top  (Stir Quotes) Now don't stir. I'll be back in five minutes. And don't fall into any temptations while I am away  (Stir Quotes) The most important thing women have to do is to stir up the zeal of women themselves  (Stir Quotes) A fresher gale begins to wave the wood, and stir the stream, sweeping with shadowy gust the fields of corn; while the quail clamors for his running mate  (Stir Quotes) The blackness would stir and eventually go away, and God would remain, a shining point of light in my heart. I would go on loving  (Stir Quotes) Does it not stir up our hearts, to go forth and help them, does it not make us long to leave our luxury, our exceeding abundant light, and go to them that sit in darkness?  (Stir Quotes) Here she lies a pretty bud, lately made of flesh and blood; who, as soone fell fast asleep, as her little eyes did peep. Give her strewings, but not stir the Earth that lightly covers her  (Stir Quotes) It faded on the crowing of the cock. Some say that ever ‘gainst that season comes wherein our savior’s birth is celebrated, this bird of dawning singeth all night long; and then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad  (Stir Quotes) A lioness with udders all drawn dry, lay couching, head on ground, with catlike watch, when that the sleeping man should stir; for ‘tis the royal disposition of that beast To prey on nothing that doth seem as dead  (Stir Quotes) All things by immortal power. Near of far, to each other linked are, that thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star  (Stir Quotes) I tried to stir the imagination and enthusiasms of students to take risks, to do what they were most afraid of doing, to widen their horizons of action  (Stir Quotes) There are movements which impinge upon the nerves with a strength that is incomparable, for movement has power to stir the senses and emotions, unique in itself  (Stir Quotes) By showing hunger, deprivation, starvation and brutality, as well as endurance and nobility, documentaries inform, prod our memories, even stir us to action. Such films do battle for our very soul  (Stir Quotes) I am filled with awe that filmmakers have the capacity to stir us and give us back a sense of wonder  (Stir Quotes) It is the mind which creates the world around us, and even though we stand side by side in the same meadow, my eyes will never see what is beheld by yours, my heart will never stir to the emotions with which yours is touched  (Stir Quotes) When the impulses which stir us to profound emotion are integrated with the medium of expression, every interview of the soul may become art. This is contingent upon mastery of the medium  (Stir Quotes) Pour some water into a tub and stir it up. Now try as hard as you can to calm the water with your hands; you will succeed in agitating it further. Let it stand undisturbed a while, and it will calm down by itself. The human brain works much the same way  (Stir Quotes)
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