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Stirring Quotes

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All such action would cease if those powerful elemental forces were to cease stirring within us  (Stirring Quotes) I wonder that religion can live or die on the strength of a faint, stirring breeze. The scent trail shifts, causing the predator to miss the pounce. One God draws in the breath of life and rises; another God expires  (Stirring Quotes) And indeed it could be said that once the faintest stirring of hope became possible, the dominion of plague was ended  (Stirring Quotes) The last time I saw her was red. The sky was like soup, boiling and stirring. In some places, it was burned. There were black crumbs, and pepper, streaked across the redness  (Stirring Quotes) Ani felt a stirring, a hope, a winged thing waking up in her chest and brushing her heart with it’s feathers  (Stirring Quotes) Waves of thought are stirring. In a twilight corner of her consciousness, one tiny fragment and another tiny fragment call out wordlessly to eachother, their spreading ripples intermingling  (Stirring Quotes) Ennui, the demon, waited at the threshold of his noiseless refuge, and drove away the stirring hopes and enlivening expectations, which form the better part of life  (Stirring Quotes) When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest... and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war  (Stirring Quotes) A tyrant... is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader  (Stirring Quotes) What we need to realize is that there can be, shall we say, a movement, a stirring among people, which can be organically designed instead of politically designed  (Stirring Quotes) Every man carries a menagerie in himself; and, by stirring him up all around, you will find every sort of animal represented there  (Stirring Quotes) Prowling about the rooms, sitting down, getting up, stirring the fire, looking out the window, teasing my hair, sitting down to write, writing nothing, writing something and tearing it up  (Stirring Quotes) No doubt soaring cathedrals, stirring music, moving stories and parables, help a bit. But by far the most important variable determining your religion is the accident of birth  (Stirring Quotes) There is a great difference between feeding parties to wild beasts and stirring up their finer feelings in an inquisition. One is the system of degraded barbarians, the other of enlightened civilized people  (Stirring Quotes) Great ideas, it has been said, come into the world as gently as doves. Perhaps then, if we listen attentively, we shall hear amid the uproar of empires and nations, a faint flutter of wings, the gentle stirring of life and hope. Some will say that this hope lies in a nation; others in a man. I believe rather that it is awakened, revived, nourished, by millions of solitary individuals whose and works every day negate frontiers and the crudest implications of history  (Stirring Quotes) We seem, these days, much more willing to recognize the perils before us than we were even a decade ago. The newly recognized dangers threaten all of us, equally. No one can say how it will turn out down here. But this is also, we may note, the first time that a species has become able to journey to the planets and the stars. Sailors on a becalmed sea, we sense a stirring of the breeze  (Stirring Quotes) Sunrise offered a very beautiful spectacle; the water was quite unruffled, but the motion communicated by the tides was so great that, although there was not a breath of air stirring, the sea heaved slowly with a grand and majestic motion  (Stirring Quotes) I like stirring things up. I’m on the side of the kids more than I am on the adults. and occasionally I find some adults that have that same mischievous streak, so I don’t get in too much trouble  (Stirring Quotes) It is a common error to imagine that to be stirring and voluble in a worthy cause is to be good and to do good  (Stirring Quotes) Acting manifested as the primary focus over the years but now I am stirring the pot once again with my voice  (Stirring Quotes) It is better to stir up a question without deciding it, than to decide it without stirring it up  (Stirring Quotes) Spins round the stirring hand; lose by degrees, their separate powers the parts, and comes at last, from many several colors one that rules  (Stirring Quotes) What furniture can give such finish to a room as a tender woman’s face? and is there any harmony of tints that has such stirring of delight as the sweet modulation of her voice?  (Stirring Quotes) We should round every day of stirring action with an evening of thought. We learn nothing of our experience except we muse upon it  (Stirring Quotes) Usury dulls and damps all industries, improvements, and new inventions, wherein money would be stirring if it were not for this slug  (Stirring Quotes) Why after the dust settles, someone has to come by and blow at it, stirring it up into the air again?  (Stirring Quotes) Art, industry, and commerce, so long crushed and overborne, were stirring into renewed life, and a crowd of adventurous men, nurtured in war and incapable of repose, must seek employment for their restless energies in fields of peaceful enterprise  (Stirring Quotes) Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. The capacity for wonder has been called our most pregnant human faculty, for in it are born our art, our science, our religion  (Stirring Quotes) A stirring warmth flowed from her, as if her heart was trying to come out to you concealed in one of those breathless, thrilling words  (Stirring Quotes) It was as if all of the happiness, all of the magic of this blissful hour had flowed together into these stirring, bittersweet tones and flowed away, becoming temporal and transitory once more  (Stirring Quotes)
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