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Stolen Quotes

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O theft most base, that we have stolen what we do fear to keep!  (Stolen Quotes) The only man who has stolen my heart is my son  (Stolen Quotes) Maybe my identity’s been stolen. Or maybe I was sleep shopping!  (Stolen Quotes) If your best friend has stolen your girlfriend, it does become life and death  (Stolen Quotes) Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions. Conservatives feel they deserve everything they’ve stolen  (Stolen Quotes) Stolen sweets are best  (Stolen Quotes) I’m a plethora of stolen jokes and kitschy references  (Stolen Quotes) My country’s main exports are stolen cars and sadness  (Stolen Quotes) My heart has been stolen by you  (Stolen Quotes) Piece by piece, my mother is being stolen from me  (Stolen Quotes) A lawful kiss is never worth as much as a stolen one  (Stolen Quotes) Your wealth can be stolen, but the precious riches buried deep in your soul cannot  (Stolen Quotes) What was stolen must be returned  (Stolen Quotes) I, for one, have no interest at all in having my heart stolen  (Stolen Quotes) Women have had the power of naming stolen from us  (Stolen Quotes) For the villainy of the world is great, and a man has to run his legs off to keep them from being stolen out fom underneath him  (Stolen Quotes) School shootings were invented by blacks... and stolen by the white man  (Stolen Quotes) I’ve stolen a couple of hearts and they are in my private collection!  (Stolen Quotes) He that first cries out stop thief, is often he that has stolen the treasure  (Stolen Quotes) The possessions of the rich are stolen property  (Stolen Quotes) Love can’t be stolen without willing participants  (Stolen Quotes) The young have stolen our youthfulness, and flaunt it without shame  (Stolen Quotes) Magic can be found in stolen moments  (Stolen Quotes) Stolen kisses require an accomplice  (Stolen Quotes) My artwork gets stolen all the time; it’s ridiculous  (Stolen Quotes) Secrets stolen from deep inside....the drum beats out of time  (Stolen Quotes) ... in the old days, silvery bells would often sound just as some Englishman or Englishwoman of particular virtue or beauty was about to be stolen away by fairies to live in strange, ghostly lands for ever  (Stolen Quotes) It skims in through the eye, and by means of the utterly delicate retina hurls shadows like insect legs inward for translation. Then an immense space opens up in silence and an endlessly fecund sub-universe the writer descends, and asks the reader to descend after him, not merely to gain instructions but also to experience delight, the delight of mind freed from matter and exultant in the strength it has stolen from matter  (Stolen Quotes) Perhaps he was a fool, but he thought that if a work were truly great you would only have to read it once and you would be stolen from yourself, desperately moved, changed forever  (Stolen Quotes) It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless you have plenty of work to do. Idleness to be sweet, like kisses, must be stolen  (Stolen Quotes)
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