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Stone Quotes

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I read once, somewhere, that the way you know you’ve grown up is when your future death becomes a stone in your shoe: when you feel it with every step  (Stone Quotes) The drop of rain maketh a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling  (Stone Quotes) No individual is alone responsible for a single stepping stone along the path of progress, and where the path is smooth progress is most rapid  (Stone Quotes) Love doesn’t sit there like a stone, it has to be made, like bread: remade all the time, made new  (Stone Quotes) Hoods are good parts because they’re always flashy and attract attention. If you’ve got any ability, you can use that as a stepping stone  (Stone Quotes) The law is not so much carved in stone as it is written in water, flowing in and out with the tide  (Stone Quotes) The word dropped like a stone on my still living breast. Confess: I was prepared, am somehow ready for the test  (Stone Quotes) There may be some tenderness in the conscience and yet the will be a very stone; and as long as the will stands out, there is no broken heart  (Stone Quotes) This child, who is grasping the stone, facing the tank, is it not the greatest message to the world when that hero becomes a martyr? We are proud of them  (Stone Quotes) His many years had reduced and polished him the way water smooths and polishes a stone or generations of men polish a proverb  (Stone Quotes) Honor is like the eye, which cannot suffer the least impurity without damage. It is a precious stone, the price of which is lessened by a single flaw  (Stone Quotes) How does it feel? To be on your own, with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?  (Stone Quotes) People who love downy peaches are apt not to think of the stone, and sometimes jar their teeth terribly against it  (Stone Quotes) A fool may throw a stone into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot pull out  (Stone Quotes) No one cares to speak to an unwilling listener. An arrow never lodges in a stone: often it recoils upon the sender of it  (Stone Quotes) A shaping stone, to make us; a testing ground to prove our worth; and a punishment for the sin  (Stone Quotes) Wanting won’t make a stone cheese. But he still smells like cheese to me  (Stone Quotes) It accords with the most liberal spirit of philosophy to suppose that not a stone can fall, or a plant rise, without the immediate agency of divine power  (Stone Quotes) The unreal is more powerful than the real... Because it’s only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die  (Stone Quotes) The sun beats down with a merciless white fire until the cloudless sky is scarcely blue but rather like the blade of a knife that for days has been ground to the stone  (Stone Quotes) It’s not a question of who’s going to throw the first stone; it’s a question of who’s going to start building with it  (Stone Quotes) To the illumined man or woman, a clod of dirt, a stone, and gold are the same  (Stone Quotes) Work is the open sesame of every portal, the great equalizer in the world, the true philosopher’s stone which transmutes all the base metal of humanity into gold  (Stone Quotes) In an arch each single stone which, if severed from the rest, would be perhaps defenceless is sufficiently secured by the solidity and entireness of the whole fabric, of which it is a part  (Stone Quotes) For me it will be enough that a marble stone should declare that a queen, having reigned such a time, lived and died a virgin  (Stone Quotes) As creeping ivy clings to wood or stone, and hides the ruin that it feeds upon  (Stone Quotes) It is as easy to draw back a stone thrown with force from the hand, as to recall a word once spoken  (Stone Quotes) What is harder than stone? What more soft than water? Nevertheless hard though the rock be, it is hollowed by the wave  (Stone Quotes) Sculpture is not the mere cutting of the form of anything in stone; it is the cutting of the effect of it. Very often the true form, in the marble, would not be in the least like itself  (Stone Quotes) They kindly leave us, but not quite alone, but in good company, the gout or stone  (Stone Quotes)
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