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I held my breath as we do sometimes to stop time when something wonderful has touched us  (Stop Quotes) Maybe it's time we stop trying to avoid the truth and let it have it's day  (Stop Quotes) You can't stop your heart from loving, really - it's like standing out there in the ocean yelling at the waves to stop  (Stop Quotes) It's so easy that when you begin you can't stop. You just go on and on doing it always  (Stop Quotes) Come aboard if your destination is oblivion - it should be our next stop. We can sit together. You can have the window seat if you want. But it's a sad view  (Stop Quotes) I think what a lot of action movies lose these days, especially the ones that deal with fantasy, is you stop caring at some point because you've lost human scale  (Stop Quotes) I was still searching for someone to blame for my suffering. I really wanted someone to transfer my hate to, so that I could stop hating myself  (Stop Quotes) Defeat anger, stop using it as a shield against truth, and you will find the compassion you need to forgive the people you love  (Stop Quotes) Oh, will you pray? Stop now and pray, lest desire turn to feeling and feeling evaporate  (Stop Quotes) I don't want the fear of failure to stop me from doing what I really care about  (Stop Quotes) I have realized that fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop  (Stop Quotes) If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by who we are we can all be freer. And this is what HeforShe is about. It's about freedom  (Stop Quotes) When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are  (Stop Quotes) When a relationship is right, it is no more possible to wake up and want out of the marriage than it is to wake up and stop believing in God. What is, is what is  (Stop Quotes) Dad told me to stop running in circles, I couldn't, so he nailed down my other foot!  (Stop Quotes) So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants to stop living on account of the cost  (Stop Quotes) Margarine? That's not food. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter? I can. If you're planning on using margarine in anything, you can stop reading now, because I won't be able to help you  (Stop Quotes) They best pass over the world who trip over it quickly; for it is but a bog. If we stop, we sink  (Stop Quotes) I'm definitely looking forward to the day when I stop working - if I ever stop working. I like the idea of keeling over in my tomato vines in Sardinia or northern Italy  (Stop Quotes) Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it  (Stop Quotes) The NBA's chosen ones think I'm setting a bad example? I think they need to look around and stop taking themselves so seriously  (Stop Quotes) Criticism didn't really stop us and it shouldn't ever stop anyone, because critics are only the people who can't get a record deal themselves  (Stop Quotes) If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat  (Stop Quotes) One reason we stop praying or let our prayer lives fade is that we are too comfortable  (Stop Quotes) The human brain is special. It starts working as soon as you get up and it doesn't stop until you get to school  (Stop Quotes) Jazz is an Uncle Tom word. They should stop using that word for selling. I told George Wein the other day that he should stop using it  (Stop Quotes) My point is, no one can stop the Internet. No one can stop that march. It doesn't mean that it's going to be smooth, though  (Stop Quotes) When you stop trying to find the right man and start becoming the right woman, the right man will find his way to you  (Stop Quotes) People always ask me if I’m going to stop modeling because I have started an acting career. I hope to continue to model for years to come  (Stop Quotes) Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that’s positive and celebrate that!  (Stop Quotes)
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