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I don’t want to stop acting, but acting in some ways is a young man’s game  (Stop Quotes) You get very tired, and there was a certain amount of pain and you slow up. Your legs are so tired that you are in fact slowing. If you don’t keep running, keep your blood circulating, the muscles stop pumping the blood back and you get dizzy  (Stop Quotes) In any assembly the simplest way to stop transacting business and split the ranks is to appeal to a principle  (Stop Quotes) Every woman in her late 20s goes through a period where she just doesn’t believe love is out there anymore, but it is. And I think the minute you stop looking for it is when it comes for you  (Stop Quotes) That includes not cutting down the rain forest, and stop polluting the ocean because once we kill the coral reefs and the rain forest, this earth is toast  (Stop Quotes) One might have thought the world would stop ascribing moral equivalence between acts of terrorism and acts of punishing terrorism. It has not happened that way  (Stop Quotes) We never stop reading, although every book comes to an end, just as we never stop living, although death is certain  (Stop Quotes) If you have an impossible dream, a dream that cannot be fulfilled, the friendly thing for me to do is to put a stop to you wasting your life at it  (Stop Quotes) There are all of these people that say, my mommy doesn’t love me enough, my daddy doesn’t hug me enough. There are some people that would want to coddle them somewhere. I want them to shut up and stop whining  (Stop Quotes) I write plays not to make money, but to stop myself from going mad. Because it’s my way of making the world rational to me  (Stop Quotes) My ancestors wandered lost in the wilderness for forty years because even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask for directions  (Stop Quotes) Well, one of the first things is to restore the rule of law, to place the government back under the cage of law. Another thing is to stop falling for the myth of democracy  (Stop Quotes) When you stop drinking, you have to deal with this marvelous personality that started you drinking in the first place  (Stop Quotes) There was one day when I just didn’t feel like I could do weight training after my cardio, so I didn’t. You do have to know when to stop, or you can hurt yourself  (Stop Quotes) I devoted my career to building an affinity with my fans who have supported me unflinchingly and no barbed wire fence or prison wall will stop that  (Stop Quotes) When friends stop being frank and useful to each other, the whole world loses some of its radiance  (Stop Quotes) Being an actress isn’t as fun as it may seem. If I don’t love something, I stop doing it. I don’t love acting anymore, so I’ve stopped doing it  (Stop Quotes) We know that appropriators will fight these cutbacks. But by eliminating earmarks, we can stop the horse trading that grows agency budgets  (Stop Quotes) For the past few years, I’ve been more selective than I have any right to be, but I think that’s finally starting to work in my favor. I think I get way too much credit for making what people consider to be smart choices, but it’s only because I made a decision to stop worrying about making money  (Stop Quotes) It is about time that we develop a worldwide strategy to reduce illegal trade in meth and its precursor chemicals and stop the devastating impact that methamphetamine use is having on our children and our communities  (Stop Quotes) I slipped at a bus stop; I went one way and my hair went the other. That was the end of my wig  (Stop Quotes) Paintings are like a beer, only beer tastes good and it’s hard to stop drinking beer  (Stop Quotes) I remember when my mother pointed to a stone, and she said this was the kind of stone people used to place on the feet of the baby girls to stop them trying to climb away and unbind their feet  (Stop Quotes) Artists don’t talk about art. Artists talk about work. If I have anything to say to young writers, it’s stop thinking of writing as art. Think of it as work  (Stop Quotes) You don’t stop laughing because you grow older. You grow older because you stop laughing  (Stop Quotes) There’s a lot of different things that we do during life that could personally harm us and I choose not to stop doing those things  (Stop Quotes) You don’t have to teach people how to be human. You have to teach them how to stop being inhuman  (Stop Quotes) Writing anything is terribly hard but, alas for me, because I am addicted, a heck of a lot of fun. I often am sorry I ever started writing prose, because it is so hard. But I can’t stop  (Stop Quotes) To stop smoking was actually really easy because I had already started to cut down. My husband is asthmatic, and he just can’t for the life of him imagine why anybody would put smoke in their mouth, so he really helped me to start cutting down  (Stop Quotes) You would give up your career if you lost your voice for good, or if the impresarios stopped calling, or the audiences stopped coming. But as long as those things are there, I don’t plan to stop. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to be with my public  (Stop Quotes)
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