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The media tries to do what they do. You can’t stop. You gotta get money  (Stop Quotes) I’d forgotten what it was like to play music and have it be fun so I decided to stop. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to make a new record, I was just kinda quitting  (Stop Quotes) You put a song on the record or on tape and you stop singing it. You just don’t sit around and sing it anymore unless you’re performing. That’s kind of sad  (Stop Quotes) If you actively do something, it will stop making you feel like a victim and you’ll start feeling like part of the solution, which is just a huge benefit to your body and your psyche  (Stop Quotes) This was our last stop. This was it. We had those two embryos that we had banked prior to learning about the breast cancer, and with the medicine she was on, this was our last effort. The prayers were answered  (Stop Quotes) A refuge is supposed to prevent what? The genes from flowing out of sight? This refuge idea won’t stop insects from moving across boundaries. That’s absurd  (Stop Quotes) He was making all kinds of sounds apparently with his mouth, and shaking his head and I thought, gosh, is he trying to stop the orchestra? Is it all wrong? It was just unbelievable  (Stop Quotes) It’s a great feeling to know that 100 cops want to stop you doing something and they can’t  (Stop Quotes) The only thing to prevent what’s past is to put a stop to it before it happens  (Stop Quotes) I don’t think we realise just how fast we go until you stop for a minute and realise just how loud and how hectic your life is, and how easily distracted you can get  (Stop Quotes) You need more people to perpetuate a myth because if the people stop the myth is known to all  (Stop Quotes) There is a lot that happens around the world we cannot control. We cannot stop earthquakes, we cannot prevent droughts, and we cannot prevent all conflict, but when we know where the hungry, the homeless and the sick exist, then we can help  (Stop Quotes) Men should stop treating feminists like ladies, and instead treat them like the men they say they want to be  (Stop Quotes) I don’t hate work, composing is not work for me, it’s my pleasure; it’s my life. So why should I stop? If something is pleasurable and exciting and rewarding, why should one stop?  (Stop Quotes) I’ve been on the road for fifteen years and I had no intent to stop  (Stop Quotes) And anyway, it’s only movies. to stop me I think they’ll ahve to shoot me in the head  (Stop Quotes) The first time I went to therapy, I had to stop going because they were making me hate my parents  (Stop Quotes) My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt  (Stop Quotes) Putting a stop to internet gambling is a necessary reform that targets flagrant violations of state and federal laws  (Stop Quotes) I race in two or three classic races a year and I may carry on for 10 more years or I may stop tomorrow  (Stop Quotes) Democracy’s a very fragile thing. You have to take care of democracy. As soon as you stop being responsible to it and allow it to turn into scare tactics, it’s no longer democracy, is it? It’s something else. It may be an inch away from totalitarianism  (Stop Quotes) The world has been gradually reducing its nuclear arsenals. Testing must stop so that progress on the destruction of nuclear weapons may begin  (Stop Quotes) I plan to be running as long as I can and have no plans to stop  (Stop Quotes) I started crying 20 seconds into the movie and didn’t stop till it was over  (Stop Quotes) Report, report, report. Dig, dig, dig. Think, think, think. Don’t stop being a reporter because you’ve become a columnist  (Stop Quotes) In today’s society we sometimes forget to balance our hearts and our heads; this is the reason we stop laughing  (Stop Quotes) You can’t stop the aging process. There’s only so much oil you can put on your body. I’ve always just tried to go with my age  (Stop Quotes) I do not think that obsession is funny or that not being able to stop one’s intensity is funny  (Stop Quotes) I tend to plan as I write. And I want to leave myself open and the character open to keep on going until it seems to be the time to stop  (Stop Quotes) We need to stop saying we can’t rock this boat when it needs to be rocked  (Stop Quotes)
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