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I remember once having to stop performing when I thought an elderly man a few rows back from the front was actually going to die because he was laughing so hard  (Stop Quotes) I’d like people to know that you can head off kidney disease, maybe prevent a transplant or stop the disease from progressing after detection by doing a simple urine test in the doctor’s office  (Stop Quotes) By the time I was four, I would walk around the corner and wait at a local streetcar stop, get on the streetcar with somebody who looked like they could be my mother and go to the end of the line  (Stop Quotes) Mexico doesn’t deserve what has happened to us. A democratic change is urgent, a change that will permit us to stop being a loser country  (Stop Quotes) We must put together countries that produce drugs, countries that traffic, and countries that consume, and through this multilateral effort really stop the growing of crime  (Stop Quotes) I’ve read somewhere that when you’re writing, you should stop while you’re doing well so you always want to go back to work  (Stop Quotes) The painter should paint not only what he has in front of him, but also what he sees inside himself. If he sees nothing within, then he should stop painting what is in front of him  (Stop Quotes) Take a look at your natural river. What are you? Stop playing games with yourself. Where’s your river going? Are you riding with it? Or are you rowing against it? Don’t you see that there is no effort if you’re riding with your river?  (Stop Quotes) When I had my first boy it all started and that male energy seemed to keep me awake but since my daughter, who’s incredibly serene, I can’t seem to stop sleeping because she’s asleep all the time. It’s a pattern  (Stop Quotes) One day, we were doing a serious scene and fast talking like we do and we could not stop laughing and the director had to stop the production. We had to go to our trailer and calm down and do it all again  (Stop Quotes) I don’t know if it’s how I speak or what it is about me that presents that sort of label, but I don’t know how many times I have to be out in public with a girlfriend to stop that from being said  (Stop Quotes) Stop doing what the record companies are doing and do what’s in your heart  (Stop Quotes) I think people stop themselves from doing the things they want to do. I just think you never know how long you’re going to be around so you might as well do the things that are intriguing. Nobody really cares anyway so you have to do what makes you happy  (Stop Quotes) Men must stop being jealous of their power and generously allow freedom and responsibility to others. The reward is harmonious families and society  (Stop Quotes) I know I can get to the stage where I’m drinking a lot. I tend to be rotten and groggy all day and hanging out for the next drink and five o’clock, ping! I have to just stop  (Stop Quotes) No one will stop to help you when you are in need, but everyone forces opinions upon you that you do not require  (Stop Quotes) I feel it’s in people’s nature to want to stop evil and embrace the good  (Stop Quotes) I would gladly admit women are superior to men if only they would stop trying to be the same as us  (Stop Quotes) If you don’t ever stop singing, your voice stays in shape. It’s like the marathon runner. You’ve got to run, run, run to stay in shape  (Stop Quotes) I like kids but I also like the option to close the door. Becoming a parent is a whole other life, and it doesn’t stop  (Stop Quotes) We wanted to offer something new to our audience. I hate it when bands stop taking chances  (Stop Quotes) It is refreshing to be able to express my views without having to toe a party line. It has got me into trouble on the odd occasion, but I am not going to stop saying what I think  (Stop Quotes) Red is one of the strongest colors, it’s blood, it has a power with the eye. That’s why traffic lights are red I guess, and stop signs as well... In fact I use red in all of my paintings  (Stop Quotes) I find too often in the wrestling business, you just wrestle, get to the hotel, make your money. Sometimes I have to stop and remind myself to enjoy my life and not just rush through  (Stop Quotes) After you start learning all about the mechanics of piloting a riverboat, you stop seeing all the pretty sunsets and you start thinking about the weather  (Stop Quotes) And if you stop and think about it you won’t believe it’s true: That all the love you’ve been giving has all been meant for you  (Stop Quotes) The willingness to keep learning is, I think, the most important thing about trying to be good at anything. You never want to stop learning  (Stop Quotes) Yeah, I still feel as if I have things to do really. I’m not ready to stop  (Stop Quotes) Therefore, until the day I die, I am going to do what I can, regardless of the cost to me, to try to stop this awful corruption that is destroying our beloved democracy  (Stop Quotes) When you stop comparing what is right here and now with what you wish were, you can begin to enjoy what is  (Stop Quotes)
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