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Retire? Not on your life. I have no plans to stop singing. What are you going to do when you love music? It’s a terrible disease. You can’t stop. Of course, I’d like to get off the road  (Stop Quotes) Sometimes you have to stop thinking. Sometimes you shut down completely. I think that’s true in any creative field  (Stop Quotes) I determined never to stop until I had come to the end and achieved my purpose  (Stop Quotes) At the moment I have my family coming out with me on the road. We have our own vehicle and its more like a family vacation. I just stop, do some gigs, and take off. Its a lot more fun now with the family  (Stop Quotes) I beg of you always to dwell upon the necessity of a thorough understanding of principles, in order to stop the vivacity of his mind, and please do not forget to meditate upon the subject of our discussion  (Stop Quotes) Take the trouble to stop and think of the other person’s feelings, his viewpoints, his desires and needs. Think more of what the other fellow wants, and how he must feel  (Stop Quotes) When that man wants something, he’ll stop at nothing to get it. And I also believed in the good of him  (Stop Quotes) You had to pitch in and out. The zone didn’t belong to the hitters it belonged to the pitchers. Today, if you pitch too far inside, the umpire would stop you right there. I don’t think it’s fair  (Stop Quotes) There’s a part of me that wishes I’d never said one single solitary word on any subject publicly. Then I could have been the tortured poet, and there’s so much mileage in that. But it’s too late to stop now  (Stop Quotes) There are different types of love, and my love for my child is like me and my mum. We’ve gone through a lot of rocky patches, but we never stop loving  (Stop Quotes) You can’t stop what comes into a country, you can be influenced, but you can’t stop it, you shouldn’t, because it makes all the others interesting, we all get muddled up together, and produce something that belongs to everyone  (Stop Quotes) Its nice to have a catcher who knows my mechanics, too. That way if I get into trouble he can stop it before I get out of control  (Stop Quotes) We also have to stop the flow of precursor chemicals that meth cooks use to boil up this poison  (Stop Quotes) I did start reading quite young but I was always read to by my parents, who are both actors. Bedtime stories from when I was about two/three to when I was about 15. In fact they didn’t stop until I eventually kind of kicked them out of my bedroom  (Stop Quotes) Any musician who can stop may be a musician, but they’re no artist. If it’s in your blood, it can’t stop flowing  (Stop Quotes) I want to conquer the world and it seems like my own family is putting a stop to that  (Stop Quotes) I’ve had lots of kids come up and ask for my autograph, I’ve had a grandmother stop me and ask me if I know a good place to buy underwear  (Stop Quotes) At some point we must make a decision not to allow the mere threat of charges of cultural or religious insensitivity to stop us from dealing with this evil  (Stop Quotes) Stop pathetically believing that you deserve fame or fame deserves you. It’s yucky, and it’s only making you miserable, so stop  (Stop Quotes) We never stop investigating. We are never satisfied that we know enough to get by. Every question we answer leads on to another question. This has become the greatest survival trick of our species  (Stop Quotes) You know what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night with a vivid dream? And you know that if you don’t have a pencil and pad by the bed, it will be completely gone by the next morning. Sometimes it’s important to wake up and stop dreaming. When a really great dream shows up, grab it  (Stop Quotes) If at first you don’t succeed, before you try again, stop to figure out what you did wrong  (Stop Quotes) It’s just human. We all have the jungle inside of us. We all have wants and needs and desires, strange as they may seem. If you stop to think about it, we’re all pretty creative, cooking up all these fantasies. it’s like a kind of poetry  (Stop Quotes) Unix was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things  (Stop Quotes) If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever  (Stop Quotes) I rode it once, which was up the driveway in the opening credits of the show. I didn’t know how to stop it. I actually nearly killed the director of photography, and I smashed into the sound truck  (Stop Quotes) We are well aware from which countries and through which countries the terrorists are receiving support. In the immediate future I shall be calling upon the leaders of these states to put a stop to this kind of activity  (Stop Quotes) I can’t convince you to put the drink down if you’re an alcoholic, you have to want to do that. I can’t convince you to stop eating the cookies when you’re a diabetic. You have to do that. And that takes responsibility  (Stop Quotes) I myself won’t do anything, but I won’t stop anyone else from acting  (Stop Quotes) Science knows it doesn’t know everything; otherwise, it’d stop. But just because science doesn’t know everything doesn’t mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy tale most appeals to you  (Stop Quotes)
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