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Cooking is not difficult. Everyone has taste, even if they don’t realize it. Even if you’re not a great chef, there’s nothing to stop you understanding the difference between what tastes good and what doesn’t  (Stop Quotes) The limelight is a tricky place, because you can’t believe what’s going on around you. You stop observing. You stop perceiving. You stop extending yourself, and you become isolated  (Stop Quotes) A lot of people who claim they’re political comedians are just comedians who have opinions. But they stop being funny the minute they give their opinions  (Stop Quotes) The day I think about throwing the ball away at the beginning of a play, I should stop playing  (Stop Quotes) I don’t like to stop. I’m a big person who looks at where the hubs are because I hate changing planes  (Stop Quotes) If you manage to stop the timber industry from cutting this forest, they’ll cut that forest. If you stop oil drilling here, they’ll go drill there  (Stop Quotes) Don’t try to write too much in a single session. One thousand words a day is quite enough. Stop after about four or five hours  (Stop Quotes) All I can ask from society is that it please stop telling me why I should like sports  (Stop Quotes) Don’t block your blessings. Don’t let doubt stop you from getting where you want to be  (Stop Quotes) I never stop working when I’m on stage, and that’s my fitness  (Stop Quotes) A force field is basically an invisible shield. You push a button and all of a sudden a bubble forms around you which is impenetrable. It can stop bullets, it can stop ray gun blasts and we realized force fields are actually a little bit difficult to create  (Stop Quotes) Maybe I’m naively romantic, but I do believe that spice and excitement doesn’t stop once a couple gets together  (Stop Quotes) If you stop and think about it, nearly all great humor is at the expense of someone or something  (Stop Quotes) Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don’t like them  (Stop Quotes) I’m a very organised and rational and linear thinker, and you have to stop all that to write a novel  (Stop Quotes) When you have good friends you’ve been around, every time they talk, you don’t give them your full attention. You don’t look them in the eye and stop. Half the time, you’re listening, half the time, you are ignoring them  (Stop Quotes) Now, you lose something in your life, or you come into a conflict, and there’s gonna come a time that you’re gonna know: There was a reason for that. And at the end of your life, all the things you thought were periods, they turn out to be commas. There was never a full stop in any of it  (Stop Quotes) I’m not an optimist. I’m a realist. And my reality is that we live in a multifaceted, multicultural world. And maybe once we stop labeling ourselves, then maybe everyone else will  (Stop Quotes) I don’t really want to be fat, so I stop before I am. I’m not a vegetarian, but I might go through a phase when I’m not interested in eating protein for a week or so, and then I might go through a phase when I eat nothing but steak  (Stop Quotes) I am always writing; if you want to survive in this business, you need to keep working, keep creating and never stop the output  (Stop Quotes) The truth is, no matter what your lifestyle or occupation, nothing can really stop you when you’re allowing yourself to be exactly who you want to be  (Stop Quotes) The press doesn’t stop publishing, by the way, in a fascist escalation; it simply watches what it says. That too can be an incremental process, and the pace at which the free press polices itself depends on how journalists are targeted  (Stop Quotes) Bollywood is huge. Anything that’s made in large quantity will evidently overshadow others. But that won’t stop artistes from making albums. A person who has faith in his music will go ahead  (Stop Quotes) There are times when life’s ends are so raveled that reason and sense cry out that we stop and gather them together again before we can proceed  (Stop Quotes) When a young person is moved by a passion and feels compelled to go on this sort of quest, I think you have to let him. You can’t stop him. In our culture we don’t have formal rights of passage like in some ancient cultures. Subjecting yourself to risk... may be something you have to go through to be a man or a woman  (Stop Quotes) They waited. The door did not open. The rain did not stop. The darkness made a tent and covered them completely  (Stop Quotes) One thing I don’t need is any more apologies I got sorry greetin me at my front door you can keep yrs I don’t know what to do wit em they don’t open doors or bring the sun back they don’t make me happy or get a mornin paper didn’t nobody stop usin my tears to wash cars cuz a sorry  (Stop Quotes) Man’s destiny was to conquer and rule the world, and this is what he’s done.. almost. He hasn’t quite made it, and it looks as though this may be his undoing. The problem is that man’s conquest of the world has itself devastated the world. And in spite of all the mastery we’ve attained, we don’t have enough mastery to stop devastating the world.. or to repair the devastation we’ve already wrought  (Stop Quotes) The spirit in the body is like wine in a glass; when it spills, it seeps into air and earth and light….It’s a mistake to think it’s the small things we control and not the large, it’s the other way around! We can’t stop the small accident, the tiny detail that conspires into fate: the extra moment you run back for something forgotten, a moment that saves you from an accident – or causes one. But we can assert the largest order, the large human values daily, the only order large enough to see  (Stop Quotes) It is a common condition of being poor... you are always afraid that the good things in your life are temporary, that someone can take them away, because you have no power beyond your own brute strength to stop them  (Stop Quotes)
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