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Do the things you used to talk about doing but never did. Know when to let go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don’t be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who lift you up, and cut loose the ones who bring you down. Stop giving your power away. Be more concerned with being interested than being interesting. Be old enough to appreciate your freedom, and young enough to enjoy it. Finally know who you are  (Stop Quotes) Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you  (Stop Quotes) Anytime you stop and talk to somebody and you learn about them, you start to walk in their shoes a little bit and you see things through a different lens  (Stop Quotes) A golf ball can stop in the fairway, rough, woods, bunker or lake. With five equally likely options, very few balls choose the fairway  (Stop Quotes) People are also dying from vaccinations. Evan, my son, died in front of me for two minutes. You ask any mother in the autism community if we’ll take the flu, the measles, over autism and day of the week. I think they need to wake up and stop hurting our kids  (Stop Quotes) For us to be successful on defense, we must get back and stop the basketball, eliminate easy baskets, keep the ball out of the lane, and bother the shooters  (Stop Quotes) I think that to stop an offense, you must go to the heart of that offense. If it is a particular move, a screen, the break, an outstanding scorer, whatever it is that they like to do and rely on, you have to work in your plans on taking that completely or as much as possible away from them  (Stop Quotes) When we’re playing a good scoring center, we tell our team that it is not our defensive man’s job to stop the center. It’s the responsibility of our perimeter people to stop the ball from going inside  (Stop Quotes) Life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body  (Stop Quotes) What continues to astonish me about a garden is that you can walk past it in a hurry, see something wrong, stop to set it right, and emerge an hour or two later breathless, contented, and wondering what on earth happened  (Stop Quotes) My focus was always first and foremost to stop the puck. I never let the other players on the other team get to me  (Stop Quotes) Courage has you say in a defiant spirit you can take everything from me, you could cut me deep, you could render me in shame but you will never ever stop me from loving those who mock me, from loving those that hate me, from loving those who don’t forgive me, from loving the cynics, from loving the darkness so much that I myself through my small acts of consistent unyielding love may bring on the light  (Stop Quotes) Be original, stop pretending to be someone you are not, be your own light in this world  (Stop Quotes) The only thing that I am ambitious about is to live a good life. Full stop  (Stop Quotes) Stop protesting the hand you’ve been dealt! Become partners with your life instead of making it an exhausting wrestling match  (Stop Quotes) When I hear excuses muttered from another, I’m reminded to stop repeating those of my own  (Stop Quotes) You live long enough, you lose enough people, you learn to appreciate the memories you have and stop begrudging the ones you never got to make  (Stop Quotes) The boomers will eventually have to accept that it is not possible to stay young forever or to stop aging. But it is possible by committing to show up for each others in community after community, to earn a measure of immortality  (Stop Quotes) The best training is to read and write, no matter what. Don’t live with a lover or roommate who doesn’t respect your work. Don’t lie, buy time, borrow to buy time. Write what will stop your breath if you don’t write  (Stop Quotes) I’m still learning. Hopefully I can keep getting better, and not stop where I am now  (Stop Quotes) I know that the hard work got me here. And the day I stop working hard, this can all go away  (Stop Quotes) One might be led to question whether the scientists acted wisely in presenting the statesmen of the world with this appalling problem. Actually there was no choice. Once basic knowledge is acquired, any attempt at preventing its fruition would be as futile as hoping to stop the earth from revolving around the sun  (Stop Quotes) Suddenly, there was an enormous flash of light, the brightest light I have ever seen or that I think anyone has ever seen. It blasted; it pounced; it bored its way into you. It was a vision which was seen with more than the eye. It was seen to last forever. You would wish it would stop; altogether it lasted about two seconds  (Stop Quotes) Solitude is the soul’s holiday, an opportunity to stop doing for others and to surprise and delight ourselves instead  (Stop Quotes) Creating success is tough. But keeping it is tougher. You have to keep producing, you can’t ever stop  (Stop Quotes) The spirit must be felt so intensely that it has power to call others in passing, for it must pass, not stop in the pictures  (Stop Quotes) We have to keep in practice like musicians. Besides, there are still potentialities to be realized in color film. To us, it’s just like bringing up a child. You don’t stop after you’ve had it  (Stop Quotes) We can’t run. We can’t pass. We can’t stop the run. We can’t stop the pass. We can’t kick. Other than that, we’re just not a very good football team right now  (Stop Quotes) I just want the bullying to stop. That is all I ever wanted. I used to love going to school. Now I hate it  (Stop Quotes) My singing silenced the bullies, but better than that, it silenced the demons inside me. When you’re jeered at, told to shut up, sit still, stop being silly, there’s a cacophony of noise rolling around in your head. When I was singing, it was peaceful  (Stop Quotes)
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