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If you stop building stars, which we never do, you wouldn’t be in business  (Stop Quotes) Under affliction in the very depths, stop and contemplate what you have to be grateful for  (Stop Quotes) When the homebrewers stop entering the profession, and the backyard breweries are squeezed out, then it will become stagnant  (Stop Quotes) I told my caddie today that I am in the position that I want to be in. That this is what I have been waiting for, to win my tenth victory. I said that I am going to do everything that I can do today and that nothing is going to stop me  (Stop Quotes) A grandmother is a person with too much wisdom to let that stop her from making a fool of herself over her grandchildren  (Stop Quotes) Ask yourself: If I can’t avoid it, change it, or make it go away, what if I changed my response to it? What if I decided to stop letting it bother me?  (Stop Quotes) Do your thing. Do it unapologetically. Don’t be discouraged by criticism. You probably already know what they’re going to say. Pay no mind to the fear of failure. It’s far more valuable than success. Take ownership, take chances, and have fun. And no matter what, don’t ever stop doing your thing  (Stop Quotes) Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away  (Stop Quotes) If there were no belief in God, if such a truth were ever realized, then their would be no fear of consequence. Stop for a moment and imagine what this world would be like without consequence and fear. Imagine what we could, what we would do. I dare not think of such a nightmare for it could only be born in pain  (Stop Quotes) We all enter this world in the same way: naked, screaming, soaked in blood. But if you live your life right, that kind of thing doesn’t have to stop there  (Stop Quotes) As you’ll come to know, the closer you get to your goal, the more it draws you in; success feeds on success. It’s like a gravitational pull. Once you get into a rhythm, it’s hard to stop. You achieve big visions by doing the little things every day and looking at them in a positive focus  (Stop Quotes) When things go bad, it’s easy to point fingers. People who attempt to switch the blame are afraid to fail. We’ve all been afraid to fail before a game, but it shouldn’t stop us from continuing, and from doing what we have to do to get the job done  (Stop Quotes) In tactics, no information is better than too much... because at some point the players stop reading and stop thinking  (Stop Quotes) We were very aggressive, and when we’re aggressive, it’s hard to stop us  (Stop Quotes) You can stop splitting the atom; you can stop visiting the moon; you can stop using aerosols; you may even decide not to kill entire populations by the use of a few bombs. But you cannot recall a new form of life  (Stop Quotes) I have learned all kinds of things from my many mistakes. The one thing I never learn to stop making them  (Stop Quotes) When the uncultured man sees a stone in the road it tells him no story other than the fact that he sees a stone... The scientist looking at the same stone perhaps will stop, and with a hammer break it open, when the newly exposed faces of the rock will have written upon them a history that is as real to him as the printed page  (Stop Quotes) Real peace comes only when you stop chasing it. When you relax your driving desire for comfort, real fulfillment arises. When you drop your hectic pursuit of gratification, the real beauty of life comes out. When you seek to know the reality without illusion, complete with all its pain and danger, that is when real freedfom and security are yours  (Stop Quotes) One way can be learned by starting to see the magic in everything. Sometimes it seems to be hiding but it is always there. The more we can see the magic in one thing, a tiny flower, a mango, someone we love, then the more we are able to see the magic in everything and in everyone. Where does the mango stop and the sky begin?  (Stop Quotes) Every relationship has tough days. Don’t let the grudge last. Be the first to try to make things right and stop waiting for an apology  (Stop Quotes) If you want it and you dream about it... there’s nothing that’s going to stop you  (Stop Quotes) Take whatever cause for outward happiness you might have and take it within yourself, so that, if the sun should go out, you will not be any less happy; if the birds stop singing you will not be any less happy  (Stop Quotes) You don’t realize that if you stop looking backwards craving the love and acceptance which you didn’t receive from your parents, then you might open your eyes to what is available for you now. But you won’t let go. If only you could see that looking back into an incomplete and imperfect past, with regret, blame, guilt or resentment is keeping you from the treasures that await you here now. The past has gone. You cannot rectify something that is no longer with you  (Stop Quotes) If you understand what the other team is trying to do to stop you, it makes your job easier  (Stop Quotes) Love is a very important part of life, and you have to give in to it. But after a while it ceases to be such an important force in life, and that’s the time when you should give in to age and stop doing it, if you don’t have the impulse any more  (Stop Quotes) I am inspired by the professionalism of others. I believe there is an obligation to strive for excellence in what one is asked to do. No pains are too great, no revisions too tedious no matter how small the result. But I also believe that while humility should not be overdone, excellence should never be taken for granted, otherwise we stop reaching for it  (Stop Quotes) I knew I became a professional when I stop paying attention to what time it was  (Stop Quotes) Global warming is part of natural cycle and there’s nothing we can actually do to stop these cycles. The world is now facing spending a vast amount of money in tax to try to solve a problem that doesn’t actually exist  (Stop Quotes) The crux of the sea level issue is that it starts very slowly but once it gets going it is practically unstoppable... There is no way I can see to stop this rise, even if we have gone to zero emissions  (Stop Quotes) A wedding is for daughters and fathers. The mothers all dress up, trying to look like young women. But a wedding is for a father and daughter. They stop being married to each other on that day  (Stop Quotes)
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