Stop Quotes

Text Quotes
Take any job, get started and stop with the video games and pot. I’m not for that (Stop Quotes)
If you are able to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and to contribute to the betterment of this world and of those around us, you will experience a high that is beyond my ability to express (Stop Quotes)
What more could there be, but the absolute beauty of our lives? Look around you, for heaven’s sake and stop thinking. It is only in your thoughts and in analytical processes that you lose yourself (Stop Quotes)
The place that you gain the most power is within your own mind. Stopping thought generates power. That is why people meditate. The longer you can stop thought, the more power you gain (Stop Quotes)
The good news is that you don’t have to stop thoughts completely to meditate. It takes a long time to stop thought impeccably. What you need is to detach yourself from thought (Stop Quotes)
With the power of one’s will we stop thought and move into alternate forms of perception. We gain that power through practicing very, very, very hard each day when we meditate to stop our thoughts (Stop Quotes)
When we meditate and we are able to stop thought, we get a sense of being beyond the body. Our consciousness expands and we see ourselves as beings of light (Stop Quotes)
When you can successfully stop thought for longer periods of time, you do move into other worlds. This can also happen in the very beginning, if a person meditates with someone who is very advanced (Stop Quotes)
Try to be still inside. Learn to quiet and stop thought, and you will be able to develop your mind. Your psychic intuition will start to come about (Stop Quotes)
Try and stop your thoughts. Be patient and then the kundalini will flow through you and bring about substantial changes in your awareness (Stop Quotes)
It is possible with pure willpower to force the kundalini up the shushumna, through the chakras. You will develop visions of other worlds that will not necessarily stop when you want them to. This is a condition we call insanity (Stop Quotes)
A cardinal rule of writing is never interrupt yourself to explain something. If you must bring up an obscure topic, drop informative hints about it as you go along so that you don’t end up with the entire explanation all in one place. This keeps you from skidding to a stop and sounding teacherish. Otherwise it’s better to omit the obscure topic altogether, or as mothers might put it: if you can’t say it interestingly, don’t say it at all (Stop Quotes)
Officials of governments that use or produce landmines should be forced to see the reality of how landmines hurt people and make them suffer, because this would surely make them stop (Stop Quotes)
If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. They have nothing to do but fold their arms and the world will stop. The workers are more powerful with their hands in their pockets than all the property of the capitalists (Stop Quotes)
If the world is turning, even the church can’t stop it; if it isn’t turning, nobody can go out and make it turn (Stop Quotes)
Whenever I think of something but can’t think of what it was I was thinking of, I can’t stop thinking until I think I’m thinking of it again. I think I think too much (Stop Quotes)
Just stop it. Seriously. Whatever it is. Just stop it. If only for an hour, a day, a week. Stop doing it long enough to get a glimpse of what the change would actually look like (Stop Quotes)
In good times, we all want to drop anchor, to stop in time! But man is condemned to move till the far end of the precipice! (Stop Quotes)
In the military I could exercise the power of being automatically respected because of the medals on my chest, not because I had done anything right at the moment to earn that respect. This is pretty nice. It’s also a psychological trap that can stop one’s growth and allow one to get away with just plain bad behavior (Stop Quotes)
I like to work out every day. I run, walk, do machines. I’m not neurotic about food. My rule is, don’t let yourself get over a certain weight. If you gain 5lb, stop before it gets worse (Stop Quotes)
From the time you are a tiny baby, a parent’s love is usually unconditional. Whatever you do, your parents think you are the tops, but when their memory goes, you stop recouping the love you’ve put in (Stop Quotes)
We should be respectful but we must also have the courage to stop harmful practices that impoverish girls, women and their communities (Stop Quotes)
In your lifetime, at what point do you stop being an idiot? I’m 24. Enough is enough! (Stop Quotes)
It’s important to stop and realize what we have, why we have it and how privileged we are. And from that place, start caring and get a lot done (Stop Quotes)
Marketers have to move upstream now. We have to stop being the last step in the process and start being the first step (Stop Quotes)
My energy just couldn’t stop dancing. I was caught up in the music of struggle, and I wanted to dance (Stop Quotes)
Activism has to remain active. That’s the trademark slogan and that’s the mantra, because if your foot doesn’t stay on the pedal, the car will stop (Stop Quotes)
Your lies didn’t stop me loving you; your truth hasn’t stopped me either (Stop Quotes)
The difference between a confident person and an unconfident person is simply that the confident person acts on their ambitions and desires and doesn’t let fear of failure stop them (Stop Quotes)
The best way to get a move to work is to make it so uncomfortable that the opponent gives it to you to stop the pain (Stop Quotes)