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I think it’s time we women stopped carrying supplies for the entire family. If children don’t have room to carry their own toys, if men don’t have pockets in their pants, tougho  (Stopped Quotes) I think the thing that I lost in myself when I stopped writing fiction and the thing that I rediscovered and started mining again is, for lack of a better word, magic. It’s the way you can brush up against the inexplicable and the mystical  (Stopped Quotes) When I start doing a body of work I feel vulnerable, fearful. If I stopped trusting the process, I would stop doing art  (Stopped Quotes) My morale has never been higher than since I stopped asking for grants to keep my lab going  (Stopped Quotes) I realized that work doesnt beget work. Good work begets work. So I got a lot more patient and stopped worrying about working all the time  (Stopped Quotes) High society is for those who have stopped working and no longer have anything important to do  (Stopped Quotes) Failure would only be if you had somewhere stopped growing. As far as I can see the whole duty of the artist is to keep on growing  (Stopped Quotes) Abstraction in photography is ridiculous, and is only an imitation of painting. We stopped imitating painters a hundred years ago, so to imitate them in this day and age is laughable  (Stopped Quotes) Reading is professionally important for me to keep tuned in to what’s being written in my genre, let’s not lie. But that’s not the reason I read. I read for my own emotional and mental health. If I stopped reading, I’d probably just die  (Stopped Quotes) For years I stopped reading beauty magazines because I couldn’t look at one without wanting to blow my brains out. How can those women look so good?  (Stopped Quotes) If you really didn’t ever want to get wrinkles, then you should have stopped smiling years ago!  (Stopped Quotes) Once I stopped dwelling on what I didn’t have, on what I thought I was going to lose, and began to give freely, everything opened up for me. Everything began to flow into my life  (Stopped Quotes) I suppose you know where this country would be, where the world would be, if everyone who got depressed by the papers stopped reading them  (Stopped Quotes) I don’t think I really accepted my power as a woman until I realized that no was a complete sentence. When I stopped making excuses for saying it and began creating boundaries in my life, I knew real power  (Stopped Quotes) The limits on your enlightenment come not from the age you stopped going to school but from the age you stopped being curious  (Stopped Quotes) I do get stopped on the street, although rarely. And they always have something lovely to say  (Stopped Quotes) People say I’m such a pessimist, but I always was. It never stopped me from doing what I had to do. I would say I’m a realist  (Stopped Quotes) Cigarettes are pretty much my worst vice, and I even stopped smoking for 20 years. I spend most of my free time with my family and working on art  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped eating beef in high school, and in college I stopped eating poultry. I am not a huge fan of factory farming and what we’re doing to animals. I try to eat as clean as possible because I want to know what I’m putting into my body  (Stopped Quotes) I remember walking out in front of that crowd, all the parents faces and the applause, and folding my little self in half and thinking, I could get used to this. And I just never stopped  (Stopped Quotes) Background checks, waiting periods, reports of transfers, and access to mental health records have not stopped the legal sale of firearms to legitimate buyers  (Stopped Quotes) When I stopped drinking... there were so many things I had to face that I didn’t even realize were part of my makeup before. When you do that and have any changes that severe, you lose a lot of things, both good and bad  (Stopped Quotes) The thought of killing myself had slowed me down to five miles per hour. The thought of killing someone else stopped me completely  (Stopped Quotes) Journalism, spooked by rumors of its own obsolescence, has stopped believing in itself. Groans of doom alternate with panicked happy talk  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped drinking almost immediately after I had ready access to liquor, when I got to college. It almost immediately lost its appeal for me  (Stopped Quotes) Age about 30, I stopped looking up my books in bookstores. Paying attention to the marketplace isn’t a healthy thing for me  (Stopped Quotes) I am a mountain goat that keeps going and going and going, I cannot be stopped, I just keep going  (Stopped Quotes) There are moments where we forgot what got us to where we are now.... We stopped moving the ball. We know how it works. We are playing a great team with great players, and we’ve got to be close to perfect to win  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped reading reviews about my own movies. I read stuff about other people’s movies  (Stopped Quotes) I started going to a piano teacher at 5 years old, but pretty soon I started picking things out on my own and stopped taking music lessons. I never could read music very well, but I’ve still been doing it  (Stopped Quotes)
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