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I never stopped loving you. Even when I tried desperately to forget you, I couldn’t  (Stopped Quotes) When you stopped wishing things wouldn’t fall apart, you’d stop suffering when they did  (Stopped Quotes) The supposedly immaterial soul, we now know, can be bisected with a knife, altered by chemicals, started or stopped by electricity, and extinguished by a sharp blow or by insufficient oxygen  (Stopped Quotes) His voice stopped and they looked for a long quiet moment into each other’s eyes and between them lay the sunny lost youth that they had so unthinkingly shared  (Stopped Quotes) He stopped what he was doing and pulled out his magic phone. Okay, the phone wasn’t magic, but it does things my computer struggles with  (Stopped Quotes) I could see the veins through your skin like a map to inside you. how could skin be that thin? I was so afraid you might drop and break. I stopped breathing so you wouldn’t  (Stopped Quotes) You can’t be anything but who you are. I wouldn’t love you the same if you stopped being you. How do I change enough to accept that ruthless streak in you  (Stopped Quotes) I used to think I’d be just like them when I grew up, but I am not. And the thing is, somewhere along the way, I stopped wanting to be like them, anyway  (Stopped Quotes) It broke the spell. It’s not that I stopped being happy. I was still inexplicably, utterly happy. But suddenly the happiness had implications  (Stopped Quotes) There were so many layers of reality to the world. Nothing stopped for death; nothing stopped for grief or horror or tragedy  (Stopped Quotes) My manners have always been the first thing to go when I get upset, and some people say that they stopped coming back a long time ago.?  (Stopped Quotes) I don’t know what I’m doing, but my incompetence has never stopped my enthusiasm  (Stopped Quotes) I always worked until I had something done and I always stopped when I knew what was going to happen next. That way I could be sure of going on the next day  (Stopped Quotes) Since my father died and I stopped trusting my mother, no one else’s arms have made me feel this safe  (Stopped Quotes) If he’d been any other boy, and this was any other world, I would have kissed him. Nothing could have stopped me  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped. She was bleeding after all. Perfect lines crossed her wrists, not near any crucial veins, but enough to leave wet red tracks across her skin. She hadn; t hit her veins when she did this; death hadn’t been her goal  (Stopped Quotes) And believe it or not, she has a phone and everything. She stopped using smoking signals last year  (Stopped Quotes) I’d seen him fight before, but it never got old. He was captivating. He never stopped moving. Every action was graceful and lethal. He was a dancer of death  (Stopped Quotes) How do you tell an adult that maybe everything wrong in the world stems from the fact that she’s stopped believing the impossible can happen?  (Stopped Quotes) I leafed through the pages, inhaling the enchanted scent of promise that comes with all new books, and stopped to read the start of a sentence that caught my eye  (Stopped Quotes) … you were so worried about legal and illegal that you never stopped to think about whether it was right or wrong  (Stopped Quotes) A thousand things might have stopped me from being here right now, but instead, a thousand things brought me here  (Stopped Quotes) The truth is, that I feel alone most of the time. I stopped believing in happiness, but I know that music makes me feel good  (Stopped Quotes) The sands of time cannot be stopped. Years pass whether we will them or not... but we can remember. What has been lost may yet live in memories  (Stopped Quotes) We were like deaf people trying to dance to a beat we couldn’t hear, long after the music actually stopped  (Stopped Quotes) We are called the nation of inventors. And we are. We could still claim that title and wear its loftiest honors if we had stopped with the first thing we ever invented, which was human liberty  (Stopped Quotes) An expert is a man who has stopped thinking. Why should he think? He is an expert  (Stopped Quotes) People like to do what they used to do after they’ve stopped being able to do it  (Stopped Quotes) Thought the mind can justify itself faster than the speed of light, it can be stopped through the act of writing  (Stopped Quotes) As in the case of making a mound, if, before the very last basketful, I stop, then I shall have stopped. As in the case of leveling the ground, if, though tipping only one basketful, I am going forward, then I shall be making progress  (Stopped Quotes)
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