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Here’s my advice to you: don’t marry until you can tell yourself that you’ve done all you could, and until you’ve stopped loving the women you’ve chosen, until you see her clearly, otherwise you’ll be cruelly and irremediably mistaken. Marry when you’re old and good for nothing... Otherwise all that’s good and lofty in you will be lost  (Stopped Quotes) As long as I kept moving, my grief streamed out behind me like a swimmer’s long hair in water. I knew the weight was there but it didn’t touch me. Only when I stopped did the slick, dark stuff of it come floating around my face, catching my arms and throat till I began to drown. So I just didn’t stop  (Stopped Quotes) Tell me, was I the sort of person who took your elbow when cars passed on the street, touched your cheek while you talked, combed your wet hair, stopped by the side of the road in the country to point out certain constellations, standing behind you so that you had the advantage of leaning and looking up?  (Stopped Quotes) Death doesn’t exist. It never did, it never will. But we’ve drawn so many pictures of it, so many years, trying to pin it down, comprehend it, we’ve got to thinking of it as an entity, strangely alive and greedy. All it is, however, is a stopped watch, a loss, an end, a darkness. Nothing  (Stopped Quotes) Which doesn’t mean, of course, that I’d stopped loving her, that I’d forgotten her, or that her image had paled; on the contrary; in the form of a quiet nostalgia she remained constantly within me; I longed for her as one longs for something definitively lost  (Stopped Quotes) Taking a hypersensitive approach to life had come to seem so much more pure and honest then joining the ranks of the numb masses who could let it all slide by. What I stopped realizing was that if you feel everything intensely, ultimately you feel nothing at all. Everything registers at the same decibel  (Stopped Quotes) Never having been in love, this is going to be a real trick. I think of my parents. The way my father never failed to bring her gifts from the woods. The way my mother’s face would light up at the sound of his boots at the door. The way she almost stopped living when he died  (Stopped Quotes) It seems to me of great importance to teach children respect for life. Towards this end, experiments on living animals in classrooms should be stopped. To encourage cruelty in the name of science can only destroy the finer emotions of affection and sympathy, and breed an unfeeling callousness in the young towards suffering in all living creatures  (Stopped Quotes) I look older. Maybe it’s the short hair or maybe it’s just that I wear all that has happened like a mask. Either way, I always thought I would be happy when I stopped looking like a child. But all I feel is a lump in my throat. I am no longer the daughter my parents knew. They will never know me as I am now  (Stopped Quotes) Growing up is difficult. Strangely, even when we have stopped growing physically, we seem to have to keep on growing emotionally, which involves both expansion and shrinkage, as some parts of us develop and others must be allowed to disappear... Rigidity never works; we end up being the wrong size for our world  (Stopped Quotes) We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile  (Stopped Quotes) American business long ago gave up on demanding that prospective employees be honest and hardworking. It has even stopped hoping for employees who are educated enough that they can tell the difference between the men’s room and the women’s room without having little pictures on the doors  (Stopped Quotes) She explained that the bullet had entered through the side of my left eye where there was a scar, traveled eighteen inches down to my left shoulder and stopped there. It could have taken out my eye or gone into my brain. It was a miracle I was alive  (Stopped Quotes) The best way is to read it all every day from the start, correcting as you go along, then go on from where you stopped the day before. When it gets so long that you can’t do this every day read back two or three chapters each day; then each week read it all from the start. That’s how you make it all of one piece  (Stopped Quotes) I believe everything is one thing only. That said, there are some questions in my life that I don’t know.. I’ve stopped asking. At the very beginning of my life, I wanted to have answers for everything. And now I respect the fact that I can’t have answers for everything  (Stopped Quotes) I don’t know, I was young, I drank too much, you know, so I stopped. You know what I mean, it’s not really complicated. I had no interest in drinking in moderation. And I still don’t. Just because all that time’s passed doesn’t mean maybe it was just a phase. That’s you know, that’s who I am  (Stopped Quotes) We stopped doing my clothing line about five years ago, so it isn’t available anymore  (Stopped Quotes) Pretty much the day I stopped being laureate, the poems that had been few and far between came back to me, like birds in the evening nesting in a tree  (Stopped Quotes) I went from being totally unknown to getting stopped every time I went out. I always wanted to be successful, but I have never wanted to become a celebrity. I never, ever, craved that  (Stopped Quotes) They, astounded at the flash of the armor, and the swiftness of the charge, and attacked by showers of arrows and missiles, half naked as they were, never stopped to resist but gave way  (Stopped Quotes) As soon as I had proved this and, of course, also the normal pointing action and reactions in all other extremities and joints, I stopped the experiment  (Stopped Quotes) I think one of the things that we are facing right now is that we’ve stopped listening to each other in our politics  (Stopped Quotes) I regard many of the neoconservatives as personal friends, but that’s not stopped them from behaving with extraordinary viciousness towards those of us who raised the immigration issue  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped thinking about it after trying to figure out what are the lessons learned, and there are so many. After I had basically sorted that out, I figured it’s time to really look at the future and not at the past  (Stopped Quotes) I think it hurt my performance because I stopped being me. That won’t ever happen again  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped making movies because I don’t like taking my clothes off. Maybe it’s realism, but in my opinion, it’s utter filth  (Stopped Quotes) Since she got a cause and stopped being funny. I think she’s real funny, but lately it’s all been hearts and flowers and tears and saving teenagers and creating a role model. and that ain’t funny. No giggles there  (Stopped Quotes) I didn’t choose a word or anything. I just wrote the song until it stopped  (Stopped Quotes) So my own suspicion is that the attorney has stopped this prosecution because part of her defence was to question legality and that would have brought his advice into the public domain again and there was something fishy about the way in which he said war was legal  (Stopped Quotes) I didn’t want to repeat my mistakes so I stopped, took some time out and started having therapy. My songs were bringing up feelings inside of me I didn’t really understand, so I wanted to understand where they were coming from to help me be a better person and a better songwriter  (Stopped Quotes)
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