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Worry is the warning light that shows I’ve stopped looking to God to meet my needs  (Stopped Quotes) If Roger stopped right now and never won another match, to me he’d already be one of the greatest players to ever play the game. To me, he’s the greatest all around talent that I’ve ever seen  (Stopped Quotes) Once asked if he felt wearied by the constant onslaught of autograph seekers, actor Gregory Peck replied that he would be more worried when they stopped asking  (Stopped Quotes) I’ve never been arrested. I’ve been stopped, searched and had a gun put to my head by the Chicago cops  (Stopped Quotes) Paul Simon started piling up a lot of words, more than the bar could handle, and I stopped  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped this one about two months before federation and I want the next one to be more political. It will deal with the formation of white Australian policy and things like that  (Stopped Quotes) At one time I smoked, but in 1959 I couldn’t think of anything else to give up for Lent so I stopped - and I haven’t had a cigarette since  (Stopped Quotes) But had they not paid that advance we would have lost much more, we would have started to go and look for the product all over again, the refinery would have stopped working  (Stopped Quotes) And everything stopped quite rapidly because I knew that nobody in Europe was able to go to space. It was the privilege of being either American or Russian  (Stopped Quotes) By then I was in Brooklyn and drank my way through that summer. I stopped when I got sick of that and got a job at the Strand bookstore, which was a little better than the tax job  (Stopped Quotes) Beslan, where the Russian authorities stopped live coverage of the school being stormed, was an illustration of the progress we still have to make  (Stopped Quotes) You know, because of the lack of budget, we had to find neighborhoods where time had stopped - kind of stuck in the 50s. and no place had that better than Staten Island  (Stopped Quotes) I could have stopped it after they paid me the $50,000. I wouldn’t even have had to go on to do more than I already had: just the double agents’ names that I gave  (Stopped Quotes) There’s so much excitement around the Phish tours, and if it stopped feeling that way, it would ruin everything we’ve done for seventeen years  (Stopped Quotes) ‘Batman’ took 10 months to film, and by the time I stopped working on it, it took a long time before my English accent came out again. I was actually having to try for it  (Stopped Quotes) I think the future stopped looking American when you think back to Blade Runner and Neuromancer, when it started to look more Japanese  (Stopped Quotes) People stopped me on the street and said ‘I can’t live up to you.’ Of course, they’re referring to June Cleaver  (Stopped Quotes) I love to cook, it’s one of my most favorite things in the world. That’s why I stopped being a vegetarian - I didn’t want to serve people things I hadn’t tasted myself  (Stopped Quotes) They reality is that we have 70% of our voters use a punch card system that I tried to change and that bipartisan resistance in the legislature stopped  (Stopped Quotes) We barely missed killing Bin Laden. There were numerous findings issued by the President to kill him. We rolled up terrorist cells. We stopped the millennium bombings  (Stopped Quotes) I think most people realize that Barbara and Jenna are college kids, and to make such a big deal out of it is a bit ridiculous. At least now, the press has stopped  (Stopped Quotes) We, unlike Nazi Germany or Mussolini’s Italy, have never stopped being a nation of laws, not of men. But witness how men with motives and a majority can manipulate law to cruel and unjust ends  (Stopped Quotes) I also know that while I am black I am a human being, and therefore I have the right to go into any public place. White people didn’t know that. Every time I tried to go into a place they stopped me  (Stopped Quotes) We always had Packards, until the war, when they stopped making them; then we had a Cadillac  (Stopped Quotes) In childhood I developed a serious throat infection, and my heart stopped beating. I recovered from that illness with a voice that boomed forth like Kate Smith’s!  (Stopped Quotes) As soon as Young read my statements and saw clearly what I was saying, he stopped communicating with me  (Stopped Quotes) I try to retire jokes as soon as I can once I put them on an album. But I can’t think of anything I just stopped doing for no reason  (Stopped Quotes) Teach kids not to fight. Can they change taxes? I’d get rid of all the congestion charges, because they’ve not stopped traffic. They’re a waste of time, not that I’m getting all political  (Stopped Quotes) I wouldn’t say we were doing that. I think we probably stopped thinking. Though it took a while to stop thinking  (Stopped Quotes) At a certain point, I stopped seeing my clothing worn by people on the streets . . . It seemed like they were being treated as museum items  (Stopped Quotes)
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