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Muslims stand by their religion entirely. It is a sort of religious absolutism. While Europeans have stopped defending the values of their civilization. They confuse tolerance with relativism  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped looking at people’s opinions. It’s easy to get caught up in what other people think  (Stopped Quotes) If I wore a low-cut dress or showed my cleavage or did lad’s mags, people would make such a big deal. That has stopped me from doing it, but I would if it felt right  (Stopped Quotes) I’ve never stopped trying to do what’s right. I’m not doing it to earn favor with God. I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do  (Stopped Quotes) I haven’t really had a major role in film for about 12 years. But I never stopped working in the theater. I do stuff back to back  (Stopped Quotes) I remember writing ‘All I Want Is You’ and hoping it would get me out of trouble. I haven’t stopped writing songs or getting into trouble since  (Stopped Quotes) The one thing that might have stopped San Bernardino, that might have stopped 9/11 would have been stricter controls on those who came here  (Stopped Quotes) I’ve never stopped working on songs and practising singing and guitar  (Stopped Quotes) Yoga has stopped me from destroying my joints after running. It slows me down. My brain and body can go into overdrive - yoga teaches me to focus on the moment and not get ahead of myself  (Stopped Quotes) I think much has been made of this alter ego business. I mean, I actually stopped creating characters in 1975 - for albums, anyway  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped my iTunes festival set because someone fainted at the front. It felt like the right thing to do at the time but maybe I was being too sensitive  (Stopped Quotes) The mere idea of asking a family member if they intentionally stopped sending me an annual bonus makes me feel like breaking out in hives  (Stopped Quotes) I got my MacBook in the first year at university, and that’s really when I stopped playing live instruments and started geeking out on my laptop  (Stopped Quotes) I fell in love with radio once I started working there, and I never stopped  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their level of perception  (Stopped Quotes) It’s like that where these little anecdotes come through, and I guess that’s what I like about books like that [He Stopped Loving Her Today]. Fiction now is so experiential  (Stopped Quotes) I think it’s a great shame that America stopped being a republic and became an empire  (Stopped Quotes) I never stopped thinking about the Alamo from that day to this. I’m a huge collector of memorabilia. I’ve got Davy Crockett’s bullet pouch. I’ve got Colonel Travis’s belt  (Stopped Quotes) The same power that stopped the sun and raised Christ from the grave lives in every believer  (Stopped Quotes) I stopped doing drugs when I was 20. I was finished with drugs before Nirvana even started  (Stopped Quotes) If you are a blackman in America and get stopped by the police, make sure you have a vidio camera. Don’t rely on some passerby to film the beating. Rodney King was just lucky  (Stopped Quotes) Guilt trips don’t work on me. I stopped feeling bad for people a long time ago  (Stopped Quotes) There really is no point in doing your part in a relationship when the other person stopped doing their part a long time ago  (Stopped Quotes) I didn’t stop loving you. I just stopped showing it, because no matter how hard I tried, you just wouldn’t get it  (Stopped Quotes) He just stopped loving me, I don’t know what I did or what I didn’t do. He just stopped  (Stopped Quotes) I think a lot of cynicism has dropped away from my shoulders since I stopped drinking  (Stopped Quotes) The minute I stopped trying to find the right person, and started trying to become the right person, the right person came along  (Stopped Quotes) Maybe, someone else is making me smile but that doesn’t mean I haven’t stopped crying for you  (Stopped Quotes) One of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do is to stop loving someone because they’ve stopped loving you  (Stopped Quotes) My eyes have stopped searching, because I can honestly say my heart has found exactly what its been looking for. You  (Stopped Quotes)
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