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I think it hurt my performance because I stopped being me. That won’t ever happen again.  (Stopped Quotes) So I thought if I stopped being so, you know, wounded, we could take a shot at just being friends. - Peeta Mellark  (Stopped Quotes) During the run up to the Iraq War, Mike Farrell and I did get on television kind of frequently, but then they saw that that didn’t work. They really couldn’t bait us into being stupid, so they stopped. You know the mainstream media, corporate media, avoids ever giving anyone who has anything to say a platform, if they can possibly help it.  (Stopped Quotes) I’m trying to think how I impressed my wife. We had an on-stage kiss, and I really went for it. Because I liked her. Usually you can get away with it being just technical, but it was a problem when I ended up kissing my wife on the set. I’d say I stopped acting and kissed her on set.  (Stopped Quotes) One day that song stopped being on the outside of me and went deep inside. It was there all the time, especially when I was feeling particularly lonely.  (Stopped Quotes) Unless you’re living on the street and surviving on a diet of discarded turkey drumsticks, there’s no point in being gloomy. We’ve spent too long trying to cheer ourselves up by spending money on brightly coloured things we don’t really need. We’ve stopped using our imaginations.  (Stopped Quotes) Perhaps we have stopped ourselves from being invented, from self-realization, by blaming others for our wordlessness.  (Stopped Quotes) I would have been a terrible mother because I’m basically a very selfish human being. Not that that has stopped most people going off and having children.  (Stopped Quotes) It’s sort of what jazz would be if it stopped being snobby and what rock would be if it stopped being stupid.  (Stopped Quotes) You could only be stopped from being happy, successful, or great through your thoughts and beliefs  (Stopped Quotes) I love to cook, it’s one of my most favorite things in the world. That’s why I stopped being a vegetarian - I didn’t want to serve people things I hadn’t tasted myself.  (Stopped Quotes) When I stopped eating meat, I noticed that it was easier for me to focus, and I was really proud of myself for being green also... I had a plethora of reasons for going vegetarian.  (Stopped Quotes) I believe children are the future...which is why they must be stopped now!  (Stopped Quotes) Somewhere along the line we stopped believing we could do anything. And if we don’t have our dreams, we have nothing.  (Stopped Quotes) Many people don’t know they have stopped believing in God. Their neighbors do  (Stopped Quotes) I was 13 when I was started questioning and 16 when I stopped believing in God  (Stopped Quotes) I never stopped believing in my ability or what I was doing. I want to pass that sense of faith and perseverance on to others.  (Stopped Quotes) One of the things that I first remember wanting to be was a ‘geolisty’ - that was the best I could say when I was a kid. That was right after I stopped wanting to be a fireman or a truck driver. Because my dad is a paleontologist who worked with the Smithsonian, I got to see the bones up close and the exhibits behind the scenes there.  (Stopped Quotes) You never should feel like you’ve grown up because then you’ve stopped learning and you’ve stopped getting the best things out of life.  (Stopped Quotes) You would give up your career if you lost your voice for good, or if the impresarios stopped calling, or the audiences stopped coming. But as long as those things are there, I don’t plan to stop. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to be with my public.  (Stopped Quotes) When I left ‘Being Human,’ that was painful because the show was going on without me. But with ‘Him and Her,’ we finished on such a high together that if it is the end, it couldn’t have stopped at a better time. But I hope with ‘Him and Her’ that we’ll get another crack of the whip: that the writer might change his mind and write some more.  (Stopped Quotes) In 1969, we emigrated to Australia. It was a big change. The heat, the flies, and the completely different tinned meats. The shock was so great, I stopped reading books for nearly a year.  (Stopped Quotes) Where we are going as a species is a big question. Human evolution certainly hasn’t stopped. Every time individuals produce a new zygote, there’s a reshuffling and recombination of genes. And we don’t know where all of that is going to take us.  (Stopped Quotes) I started riding bikes when I was really young, but I stopped when I was 19 because my mother asked me to, so I stopped riding for 35 years and now I’m just addicted. It is my only addiction.  (Stopped Quotes) With the birth of my first child and my involvement with my first husband, I basically stopped lying. I just didn’t want to lie anymore, because it reduces the stature of the person you’re lying to.  (Stopped Quotes) I think over time I’ve learned to stop being a screamer and get interactive; otherwise, you get killed in Hollywood. I stopped being a screamer shortly after ‘Blade Runner,’ kicking doors and things like that, because I wasn’t actually getting anywhere.  (Stopped Quotes) I don’t miss the limelight, not at all. I’m just more comfortable out of it. I don’t miss ‘Monday Night Football.’ I just don’t miss it. I’m lucky. When I stopped playing, I didn’t miss it. I feel blessed that it’s not been a problem. I have great memories. I feel really lucky.  (Stopped Quotes) I haven’t had sex in two and a half years. A guy I met in San Francisco gave me a sympathy blow job. It didn’t really work. I said, You’re just doing this ‘cause you feel sorry for me. We stopped in the middle.  (Stopped Quotes) ...in the woods, if you stopped, if you grew still, you’d hear a whole new set of sounds, wind rasping through silhouetted leaves and the cries and chatter of blue jays and brown thrashers and redbirds and sparrows, the calling of crows and hawks, squirrels barking, frogs burping, the far braying of dogs, armadillos snorkeling through dead leaves...  (Stopped Quotes) Justin Bieber’s tour bus was stopped by Canadian border patrol agents. And they found marijuana. The agents said Bieber was a disgrace to Canada and should never come back. Then they found the marijuana.  (Stopped Quotes)
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