Stopping Quotes

Text Quotes
Don’t think that because you haven’t heard from me for a while that I went to sleep. I am still here, like a spirit roaming the night. Thirsty, hungry, seldom stopping to rest (Stopping Quotes)
We’re all like children. We may think we grow up, but to me, being grown up is death, stopping thinking, trying to find out things, going on learning (Stopping Quotes)
Quite simply, federal laws already on the books aimed at stopping the flow of illegal immigration must be enforced. Furthermore, states must be given the resources necessary to confront the problem, which includes strengthening the border patrol (Stopping Quotes)
I really don’t spend time thinking about the past. I think about the future. I’m not stopping (Stopping Quotes)
Relationships do change throughout the course of your life, and I always think in terms of relationships changing and evolving rather than starting and stopping (Stopping Quotes)
Clearly the secret of happiness... is a variation on the general principle of banging your head against a wall, and then stopping (Stopping Quotes)
I no longer know the author of this book, for simply stopping long enough and writing it down was where I changed from a boy with his eyes squeezed shut to a man with his eyes wide open so that the sunlight might reach my heart despite all that darkness (Stopping Quotes)
Sometimes, she thought, courage was simply a matter of putting one foot in front of another and not stopping (Stopping Quotes)
Most people assume that meditation is all about stopping thoughts, getting rid of emotions, somehow controlling the mind. But actually it’s... about stepping back, seeing the thought clearly, witnessing it coming and going (Stopping Quotes)
If you ever want to be a decent player, you have to be able to use both feet without stopping to think about it (Stopping Quotes)
While I am proud of a number of accomplishments, there are real costs to being unreasonable. Long hours. Too little time with family. A near incapacity for, as they say, stopping and smelling the roses (Stopping Quotes)
A day so happy. Fog lifted early. I worked in the garden. Hummingbirds were stopping over honeysuckle flowers. There was no thing on earth I wanted to possess. I know no one worth my envying him (Stopping Quotes)
There are two things you can learn by stopping your backswing at the top and checking the position of your hands; how many hands you have, and which one is wearing the glove (Stopping Quotes)
You’ve probably got a device on you that can shoot decent video, so what’s stopping you? (Stopping Quotes)
I get people stopping me on the street like twenty times a day, telling me how great it makes them feel and how it just helps them to go about their day and rebuild their lives. It means a tremendous amount (Stopping Quotes)
Success is every minute you live. It’s the process of living. It’s stopping for the moments of beauty, of pleasure; the moments of peace. Success is not a destination that you ever reach. Success is the quality of the journey (Stopping Quotes)
In many ways, constancy is an illusion. After all, our ancestors were immigrants, many of them moving on every few years; today we are migrants in time. Unless teachers can hold up a model of lifelong learning and adaptation, graduates are likely to find themselves trapped into obsolescence as the world changes around them. Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain (Stopping Quotes)
Each sporadic burst of work, each minor success and disappointment, each moment of calm and relaxation, seemed merely a temporary halt on my steady descent through layer after layer of depression, like an elevator stopping for a moment on the way down to the basement (Stopping Quotes)
It took me years after stopping the cocaine before I was able to enjoy a sunrise and enjoy the sound of birds (Stopping Quotes)
I’ve been obsessed with stopping people from blowing each other’s brains out since I was ten (Stopping Quotes)
Awareness of others is a beautiful thing. Learning how to support and encourage, and stopping long enough to pay attention to someone other than yourself, is a truly beautiful quality. There are a thousand beautiful things we can find about ourselves (Stopping Quotes)
In the ending the king is a powerful piece for assisting his own pawns, or stopping the adverse pawns (Stopping Quotes)
The only thing stopping you is fear, and the only thing that will get you past it is courage. What you do with your life isn’t up to your parents, your boss, or your spouse. It’s up to you and you alone (Stopping Quotes)
Your time as the entrepreneur is worth hundreds of dollars an hour. If you are doing tasks you could hire out, those are stopping you from earning that kind of money (Stopping Quotes)
Communicate everything you can to your associates. The more they know, the more they care. Once they care, there is no stopping them (Stopping Quotes)
How do we appreciate the good without letting it be the enemy of the perfect? How do we keep a step in the right direction from becoming a stopping point? How do we get beyond shades of insipid light green? (Stopping Quotes)
I do think it’s only by stopping movement that you can see where to go. And it’s only by stepping out of your life and the world that you can see what you most deeply care about… and find a home (Stopping Quotes)
Americans threw away their communities in order to save a few dollars on hair dryers and plastic food storage tubs, never stopping to reflect on what they were destroying (Stopping Quotes)
The only difference between street fighting and boxing is there a ref there from stopping me from killing you (Stopping Quotes)
I know how to go, go, go. Stopping, I’ve learned is the stuff of mastery (Stopping Quotes)