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Storytelling is fine as long as you can encourage people to act on the stories  (Stories Quotes) How many times can you put together 26 different stories without running out?  (Stories Quotes) Fiction came quite a while later. I began with short stories and fiction for children  (Stories Quotes) It simply is not cost affective to cover stories from independent sources  (Stories Quotes) The uncomfortable moments in a person’s life make great stories down the road  (Stories Quotes) And I think it’s very rare to have good stories, well written comedies  (Stories Quotes) There are enough stories about my family. We have all been in the public eye  (Stories Quotes) War stories aren’t really anything more than stories about people anyway  (Stories Quotes) Faith! He must make his stories shorter or change his comrades once a quarter  (Stories Quotes) The index tells us the contents of stories and directs to the particular chapters  (Stories Quotes) Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective stories  (Stories Quotes) A taste for dirty stories may be said to be inherent in the human animal  (Stories Quotes) Neanderthal man listened to stories, if one may judge by the shape of his skull  (Stories Quotes) Things in life have no real beginning, though our stories about them always do  (Stories Quotes) Stories are the wildest things of all. Stories chase and bite and hunt  (Stories Quotes) Stories are important... They can be more important than anything. If they carry the truth  (Stories Quotes) Stories were wild, wild animals and went off in directions you couldn’t expect  (Stories Quotes) God is the larger context and plot in which our stories find themselves  (Stories Quotes) Dear child, some stories have no morals. Sometimes darkness and madness are simply that  (Stories Quotes) I like telling stories of imperfect people because most people are imperfect  (Stories Quotes) Human beings love stories because they safely show us beginnings, middles and ends  (Stories Quotes) I think stories get better the more people try to amuse themselves  (Stories Quotes) Most of the stories I read are about my Hollywood pedigree  (Stories Quotes) I have so many different voices and stories to tell  (Stories Quotes) I’m interested in stories and the dark side of peoples’ minds  (Stories Quotes) In the villages in Europe, there are still healers who tell stories  (Stories Quotes) One of my favorite stories is my first kissing scene with Linda Gray  (Stories Quotes) One mark of a second-rate mind is to be always telling stories  (Stories Quotes) All the stories I’ll ever need are right here on Main Street  (Stories Quotes) In Paradise there are no stories, because there are no journeys  (Stories Quotes)
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