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Stories work, if they have a beginning, middle and end  (Stories Quotes) The best stories infuse wonder,  (Stories Quotes) Stories always seem to get better with age  (Stories Quotes) The Bible is not only laws, it’s also stories  (Stories Quotes) There are real people behind the [Bible] stories  (Stories Quotes) People always like stories about the little guy fighting the big guy  (Stories Quotes) Great stories changed our heart and penetrated our soul  (Stories Quotes) What I'm doing is writing stories about women who care about justice. They are women who think about the difference between right and wrong, what's legal and illegal, ethical and unethical, moral and immoral  (Stories Quotes) Humans like stories. Humans need stories. Stories are good. Stories work. Story clarifies and captures the essence of the human spirit. Story, in all its forms-of life, of love, of knowledge-has traced the upward surge of mankind. And story, you mark my words, will be with the last human to draw breath  (Stories Quotes) My father said it was a delightfully odd - and dangerously self-destructive - quirk of humans that we were far more interested in pointless trivia then in genuine news stories  (Stories Quotes) I have no fear of the dead. Indeed in my own limited experience I have found them to produce in me a feeling that is quite the opposite of fear. A dead body is much more fascinating than a live one and I have learned that most corpses tell better stories. I'd had the good fortune of seeing several of them in my time  (Stories Quotes) A dead body is much more fascinating than a live one, and I have learned that most corpses tell better stories  (Stories Quotes) I'd learned quite early in life that the mind loves nothing better than to spook itself with outlandish stories, as if the various coils of the brain were no more than a troop of roly-poly Girl Guides huddled over a campfire in the darkness of the skull  (Stories Quotes) Deeds rather than words express my concept of the part religion should play in everyday life. I have watched constantly that in our movie work the highest moral and spiritual standards are upheld, whether it deals with fable or with stories of living action  (Stories Quotes) We like to have a point of view in our stories, not an obvious moral, but a worthwhile theme.... All we are trying to do is give the public good entertainment. That is all they want  (Stories Quotes) I often forget that other people's stories aren't simply introductions to my own more engaging, more dramatic, more relevant, and better-told tales, but rather ends in themselves, tales I can learn from or repeat or dissect or savor  (Stories Quotes) It is so much easier to deal with the dead than with the living. The dead are out of the way, merely characters from stories about the past, never again unreadable, no misunderstandings possible, the pain coming from them stable and manageable. nor do you have to explain yourself to them, to justify the fact of your life  (Stories Quotes) Wars produce many stories of fiction, some of which are told until they are believed to be true  (Stories Quotes) I adored history, not the dry dates and boring battles, but the stories and the people who populated them  (Stories Quotes) Then, just at the peak of complacency, when it was assumed that the climate of the world had changed forever, when the conductor of the philharmonic played Vivaldi's Four Seasons and left out an entire movement, and when to children of a young age stories of winter were told as if they were fairy tales, New York was hit by a cataclysmic freeze, and, once again, people huddled together to talk fearfully of the millennium  (Stories Quotes) Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Speak in a low, persuasive tone. Listen; be teachable. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them...For as long as you are green, you can grow  (Stories Quotes) It is a matter of life and death for married people to interrupt each other's stories; for it they did not, they would burst  (Stories Quotes) A sister smiles when one tells one’s stories - for she knows where the decoration has been added  (Stories Quotes) The Bible give us a list of human stories on both sides of the ledger. On list of human stories is used examples - do what these people did. Another list of human stories is used as warnings - don't do what these people did. So if your story ever gets in one of these books, make sure they use it as an example, not a warning  (Stories Quotes) For every age there is a popular idea about what madness is, what causes it, and how a mad person should look and behave; and it's usually these popular ideas, rather than those of medical professionals, that turn up in songs and stories and plays and books  (Stories Quotes) The fact is there are no stories I can tell my friends that will make them feel better. History cannot be erased, although we can soothe ourselves by speculating about it  (Stories Quotes) My friends, who are both women, tell me their stories, which cannot be believed and which are true. They are horror stories and they have not happened to me, they have not yet happened to me, they have happened to me but we are detached, we watch our unbelief with horror  (Stories Quotes) Take chances when you are young so that you can tell stories when you are old  (Stories Quotes) People always like to make up stories. I am not planning on getting married. Then again, I might wake up tomorrow and decide to get married!  (Stories Quotes) All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality - the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape  (Stories Quotes)
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