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I would not know how I am supposed to feel about many stories if not for the fact that the TV news personalities make sad faces for sad stories and happy faces for happy stories  (Stories Quotes) I am surprised to see how much I have written; with stories even a page can take me hours, but the truth seems to flow out as fast as I can get it down  (Stories Quotes) There are nearly thirteen million people in the world. None of those people is an extra. They're all the leads of their own stories. They have to be given their due  (Stories Quotes) I know that there are a lot of people out there with stories far worse than mine but you, too, can make it. To those of you who have, welcome to life. I celebrate you  (Stories Quotes) The first writing I did was short short stories for a newspaper syndicate for which I was paid five dollars a piece on publication  (Stories Quotes) The facts didn't matter. Their stories mattered, and each of their stories belonged to each of them alone  (Stories Quotes) Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk  (Stories Quotes) Fire will burn any human body it touches, and starvation will waste it, but stories are not so predictable in their effects  (Stories Quotes) I would not send a first story anywhere. I would give myself time to write a number of stories  (Stories Quotes) Interpreter of Maladies is the title of one of the stories in the book. And the phrase itself was something I thought of before I even wrote that story  (Stories Quotes) It's easy to set a story anywhere if you get a good guidebook and get some basic street names, and some descriptions, but, for me, yes, I am indebted to my travels to India for several of the stories  (Stories Quotes) You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write  (Stories Quotes) That's why we get involved with other people, right? Not just for their bodies, but for everything else, too - their dreams and their scars and their stories  (Stories Quotes) As a child, my mother told me lots of fairy stories, many her own invention. She, too, tended to reverse the norm  (Stories Quotes) There are as many stories to be told as there are people to tell them about; only the mean-spirited would consider there to be a competition at all  (Stories Quotes) Don't forget - no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell  (Stories Quotes) Writers tell stories better, because they've had more practice, but everyone has a book in them. Yes, that old cliche  (Stories Quotes) Writing is writing, and stories are stories. Perhaps the only true genres are fiction and non-fiction. And even there, who can be sure?  (Stories Quotes) There's nothing wrong with a youthful prospective. Don't forget - no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories you have to tell  (Stories Quotes) An ending is an artificial device; we like endings, they are satisfying, convenient, and a point has been made. But time does not end, and stories march in step with time  (Stories Quotes) But silence is not a natural environment for stories. They need words. Without them they grown pale, sicken and die. And then they haunt you  (Stories Quotes) Silence is not a natural environment for stories. They need words. Without them they grow pale, sicken and die. And then they haunt you  (Stories Quotes) Miss Winter restored to me the virginal qualities of the novice reader, and then with her stories she ravished me  (Stories Quotes) Silence is not a natural environment for stories, Miss Winter told me once. They need words. Without them they grow pale, sicken and die. And then they haunt you  (Stories Quotes) Most science fiction seemed to be written for people who already liked science fiction; I wanted to write stories for anyone, anywhere, living at any time in the history of the world  (Stories Quotes) If you look at my last songs and first short stories, there is a real connection between them  (Stories Quotes) The tatters of old stories are tangled, weathered, muted by long held silences that succeeded loud feuds, and sometimes no doubt re-dyed a more flattering color  (Stories Quotes) Why should one not enjoy in a light hearted sort of way stories of ladies and gentlemen who fall in love and express their feelings for each other, often in most elegant phrases?  (Stories Quotes) My story and my stories are all, in one or another, the same, tales of solitude and the grand pursuit of connection, of success and the inevitability of defeat  (Stories Quotes) How we remember changes how we have lived. Time runs both ways. We make stories of our lives  (Stories Quotes)
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