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I'm not great at bedtime stories. Bedtime stories are supposed to put the kid to sleep. My kid gets riled up and then my wife has to come in and go, 'All right! Get out of the room.'  (Stories Quotes) The nutcracker sits under the holiday tree, a guardian of childhood stories. Feed him walnuts and he will crack open a tale  (Stories Quotes) Fear isn't only a guide to keep us safe; it's also a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life … the great stories go to those who don't give in to fear  (Stories Quotes) Each letter of the alphabet is a steadfast loyal soldier in a great army of words, sentences, paragraphs, and stories. One letter falls, and the entire language falters  (Stories Quotes) Meaningful stories have lots and lots of conflict. If we avoid conflict, our stories won't be meaningful  (Stories Quotes) The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best - and therefore never scrutinize or question  (Stories Quotes) I just do the best I can and write something interesting, to tell stories in an interesting way and move forward from there  (Stories Quotes) I like telling stories, and I tell stories that interest me. It would be boring to have to go to nothing but the best restaurants. That would be a misery to me  (Stories Quotes) Other religions are stories of man's search for God. The Bible is the story of God's search for man  (Stories Quotes) The revelations of devout and learn'd who rose before us, and as prophets burn'd, are all but stories, which, awoke from sleep, they told their comrades, and to sleep return'd  (Stories Quotes) In great families, some one false, paltry, tale bearer, by carrying stories from one to another, shall inflame the minds and discompose the quiet of the whole family  (Stories Quotes) Science fiction without the science just becomes, you know, sword and sorcery, basically stories about heroism and not much more  (Stories Quotes) I’ve realized that in all the great stories, even if there’s a happily-ever-after ending, there’s something sad  (Stories Quotes) I was always such a people-watcher. I would sit on street corners alone and watch people and make up stories about them in my head. Then, all of a sudden, I was the one being watched  (Stories Quotes) CNN is pretty consistently on the left, if you look at their choice of stories, what they play up. It’s not what they say. It’s what they highlight  (Stories Quotes) I don’t need any more stories. I have enough stories. I need a life  (Stories Quotes) Stories hold conflict and contrast, highs and lows, life and death, and the human struggle and all kinds of things  (Stories Quotes) I dream a lot, in colour and in sound and scent. Quite a few of my stories have come from dreams  (Stories Quotes) If a writer writes poems and short stories and novels, but nobody ever reads them, is she really a writer?  (Stories Quotes) In this life we love who we love. There were some stories in which facts were very nearly irrelevant  (Stories Quotes) Their story, yours and mine - it’s what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other to respect our stories and learn from them  (Stories Quotes) Stories worked much the same way... A false note at the beginning was much more costly than one nearer the end because early errors were part of the foundation  (Stories Quotes) So she listened hard. And she began to evolve, because stories work their magic that way. They build conviction and erode conviction in equal measure  (Stories Quotes) For listening to the stories of others... is a kind of water that breaks the fever of our isolation. If we listen closely enough, we are soothed into remembering our common name  (Stories Quotes) The universe is not made up of atoms; it’s made up of tiny stories  (Stories Quotes) I’m drawn particularly to stories that evolve out of the character of the protagonist  (Stories Quotes) I’ve always been drawn to writing historical characters. The best stories are the ones you find in history  (Stories Quotes) All human beings have an innate need to hear and tell stories and to have a story to live by  (Stories Quotes) All through my life what I’ve loved doing is watching movies. I love the escapism of film, I love stories. So it is incredible to be able to be in them as much as I am, to see them from the first stitch in a costume to the end product  (Stories Quotes) Anybody that wants to walk out that door and leave home for a few months and rely on themselves instead of fate might have some interesting stories to tell  (Stories Quotes)
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