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Bad things do happen in the world, like war, natural disasters, disease. But out of those situations always arise stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things  (Stories Quotes) I believe that the short story is as different a form from the novel as poetry is, and the best stories seem to me to be perhaps closer in spirit to poetry than to novels  (Stories Quotes) I don’t really approach stories to make them different from other stuff I’ve seen, I just try to get into the character, into his or her head. Try to make it as funny, as scary or as wild as I can so that I really like it  (Stories Quotes) I just want to be a part of great stories, whether I’m part of an amazing ensemble cast or I’m leading it or the antagonist or whatever  (Stories Quotes) I like making films about old people because they are repositories of amazing stories that they tell well. And they’re incredibly good telly  (Stories Quotes) I like movies about longing and desperation, and dark and light things, stories about people struggling to raise children, and to have relationships and be intimate with each other  (Stories Quotes) I think all those people I did stories about measured their own success by the joy their work was giving them  (Stories Quotes) I try to help people realize their dreams by using magic to tell stories that educate, move, and inspire  (Stories Quotes) In all the antique religions, mythology takes the place of dogma; that is, the sacred lore of priests and people... and these stories afford the only explanation that is offered of the precepts of religion and the prescribed rules of ritual  (Stories Quotes) In terms of stories I would buy for a science fiction magazine, if they take place in the future, that might do it  (Stories Quotes) Kids cannot follow stories. They don’t know what the hell is going on in a cartoon. They like to see funny visual things happening  (Stories Quotes) Know that there is so much more to you than your body. It’s not just about perfecting the steps; you must trust your instincts to tell deep, emotional stories through the steps that you are performing  (Stories Quotes) Man, coaching is a hard job, and it requires a lot of time... I hear stories from coaches who tell me that players call them in the middle of the night not knowing where they parked their car  (Stories Quotes) My stories are very somber, so I think I need the comic ingredient. Besides, life has so much humor  (Stories Quotes) Suspense is very important. Even though this is humor and they’re short stories, that theory of building suspense is still there  (Stories Quotes) That something extra, I believe, is a certain humanity that comes from upbeat and positive human interest letters and success stories. Advertisers like to be associated with those qualities  (Stories Quotes) The son has always felt like he was a footnote in one of the stories the father tells. The father is an amazing storyteller and one of the tales that he tells is how he met his wife  (Stories Quotes) The subject matter of the stories on the surface... there seem to be a number of stories about travel  (Stories Quotes) There are no heroes in most of my stories. I look at our society with a critical eye and find nothing extraordinary in the people I see  (Stories Quotes) There are only really a few stories to tell in the end, and betrayal and the failure of love is one of those good stories to tell  (Stories Quotes) There is a common theme, though, in the stories I have told, which are usually associations of characters or families that are formed outside of a family circle  (Stories Quotes) This technology will obviously become more prevalent. Who knows what will result? One thing is certain, computer technology will revolutionize the way we tell stories as much as movie film has  (Stories Quotes) We’ve always lived in dark times. There has always been a range of human experience from the sublime to the brutal, and stories reflect it. It’s no less brutal now; each age has its horrors  (Stories Quotes) With movies, you are always in search is a good story, one that everyone will relate to and love. I love finding those stories and creating a visual world to tell the story  (Stories Quotes) Writing for young children I find I often use particular jokes with words and exaggerated, funny events, but some of these haunt the more complex stories for older children too  (Stories Quotes) You know, sex is actually not so original as the way people love or the stories behind each relationship, which is what you remember. Sex is sex in the end  (Stories Quotes) If I told you about all the stories I don’t tell, I would be violating the very boundaries I set for myself  (Stories Quotes) To share our stories is not only a worthwhile endeavor for the storyteller, but for those who hear our stories and feel less alone because of it  (Stories Quotes) I confess I am a romantic. I love romance, and I think it’s really fun and delicious and some of my favorite films are love stories. I think that you just get a chance to fall in love with the characters so much and you get to explore their lives so deeply  (Stories Quotes) Because technically actors are just public servants really. They just tell stories because people need to be told stories. That’s all it is. And yet we get treated as though we’re important  (Stories Quotes)
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