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A book reaches a different crowd of people. There are 50 different stories of very different individuals participating in their communities either locally or nationally in meaningful ways  (Stories Quotes) Anyone who wants simple, pat stories should buy another author’s product. The real universe ain’t that way, and neither are my fictive ones  (Stories Quotes) I can’t change the past, and I don’t think I would. I don’t expect to be understood. I like what I’ve written, the stories and two novels. If I had to give up what I’ve written in order to be clear of this disease, I wouldn’t do it  (Stories Quotes) True stories, autobiographical stories, like some novels, begin long ago, before the acts in the account, before the birth of some of the people in the tale  (Stories Quotes) Much of my reading time over the last decade and a half has been spent reading aloud to my children. Those children’s bedtime rituals of supper, bath, stories, and sleep have been a staple of my life and some of the best, most special times I can remember  (Stories Quotes) The importance and influence of books on me has been cumulative: the result of hearing and reading lots of stories about interesting people and places  (Stories Quotes) The epic implications of being human end in more than this: We start our lives as if they were momentous stories, with a beginning, a middle and an appropriate end, only to find that they are mostly middles  (Stories Quotes) The stories from 1975 on are not finished and there is no resolve. I could spend 50 hours on the last 25 years of jazz and still not do it justice  (Stories Quotes) For people on social assistance, the loss of free dental care, prescription drugs and subsidized housing can greatly outweigh additional income from working. We’ve all heard the stories  (Stories Quotes) It always amazes me to think that every house on every street is full of so many stories; so many triumphs and tragedies, and all we see are yards and driveways  (Stories Quotes) I must have been 3 years old or less, and I remember paging through these comics, trying to figure out the stories. I couldn’t read the words, so I made up my own stories  (Stories Quotes) On the red carpet, I saw all these great stories, and I also got to see the plastic surgery up close  (Stories Quotes) I’m an interpreter of stories. When I perform it’s like sitting down at my piano and telling fairy stories  (Stories Quotes) That’s the irony in the work: the best stories are the worst things that happen. My best times were somebody else’s worst  (Stories Quotes) A lot of compelling stories in the world aren’t being told, and the fact that people don’t know about them compounds the suffering  (Stories Quotes) You have to pick the stories that you want to be involved with and the end game is you’d like to be a part of a hit. But I think your moral obligation is to follow your own heart  (Stories Quotes) I found out a long time ago that if I didn’t have a good story for a song, I could just make one up! Now it seems over half the stories in my show are made up. The funny thing is, those seem to be the ones that resonate the most with the audiences  (Stories Quotes) All of us are made up of the stories that we listen to, the ones we disagree with and the ones that we agree with  (Stories Quotes) You’ve just got to focus on excellence and try not to be distracted by the news and the rumors and the absurdities of the stories that were coming out  (Stories Quotes) I discovered that in a story I could safely dream any dream, hope any hope, go anywhere I pleased any time I pleased, fight any foe, win or lose, live or die. My stories created a safe experimental learning place  (Stories Quotes) I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end  (Stories Quotes) I like something where I can really use my imagination and be an active participant in the construction of the monster and usually that’s in the world of the supernatural or the world of the fantastic, so that’s why those kinds of stories about demons and the supernatural appeal to me or maybe I’m really interested in that subject  (Stories Quotes) That’s what heroic stories do for us. They show us the way. They remind us of the good we are capable of  (Stories Quotes) I had developed this habit of writing scenarios as a hobby. I would find out which stories had been sold to be made into films and I would write my own treatment and then compare it  (Stories Quotes) I’ve made seventeen or eighteen films now, only two of which have been original screenplays, all the others have been based on short stories or novels, and I find the long short story ideal for adaptation  (Stories Quotes) When I was little, I always used to like to tell stories cuz it was entertaining to people  (Stories Quotes) Everything I’ve done has always been my own made up world with its own rules and its own made up stories  (Stories Quotes) At first, I did stories on people who were maybe just eccentric. Omar was a natural progression from that  (Stories Quotes) I want to tell stories and make people feel good. That’s when music is at its finest  (Stories Quotes) I wouldn’t like to just do one story or one type of stories all the time  (Stories Quotes)
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