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I want to get up there and tell entertaining stories but that are also to a certain extent clean  (Stories Quotes) Comics as art. I do comics as comics, and my opportunity to tell stories. Simple. Basic. Let the characters have the excitement, not the package. That’s where I come from  (Stories Quotes) The sizes and shapes of the panels have never been important to my stories. It has always been the words and images that drew me in, kind of like watching a movie  (Stories Quotes) Once I was chased by the king of all scorpions. I have the most notorious animal stories  (Stories Quotes) I began using pseudonyms early in my career, when I was being paid a quarter a cent a word for my work, and when I had to write a lot to earn a living. Sometimes I had three or four stories in a single magazine without the editor knowing they were all by me  (Stories Quotes) The main thing I do now is I coach kids, and all of these stories along the way are based in reality  (Stories Quotes) Well, I suppose I’m interested in ways of storytelling and in stories that are about storytelling  (Stories Quotes) The stories are success stories. The letters from listeners often touch the heart and can be inspiring  (Stories Quotes) We tell stories. We talk about statistics. And in 1978, we added an element of the show that gave it its heartbeat: the long distance dedication  (Stories Quotes) Most religious stories and mythologies have some sort of similar root, some sort of global archetypes  (Stories Quotes) As a novelist, I tell stories and people give me money. Then financial planners tell me stories and I give them money  (Stories Quotes) I need to keep my story count high. I’m trying to get as many stories in my hour as is humanly possible. We’re telling more stories in our hour than any national newscast has in the history of this business, I think  (Stories Quotes) Pet lovers know that animals sometimes understand us better than we do, and the annals of human sin and desire provide plenty of stories to drive the point home  (Stories Quotes) One thing I want to say: I don’t like victim stories and I don’t write them  (Stories Quotes) I have no stories to sell. A lot of my relationships are with civilians, and no one wants to hear about those  (Stories Quotes) I love sharing my stories and experiences with people and connecting to them on both a humorous and emotional level  (Stories Quotes) The work of a psychotherapist involves being empathic and insightful with one’s patients without getting too lost in their painful stories to be helpful  (Stories Quotes) Writing is hard work. Generating stories that catch people’s attention and holding it are very difficult  (Stories Quotes) As a professional writer of detective stories, I string along with the ballplayers. I love a ball game  (Stories Quotes) Do goofy stories make people nice? What if, in their goofiness, these stories somehow inspire that in the right way. Is that a social good?  (Stories Quotes) Film is our literature, so we should tell stories that are apropos of our culture, in that we can learn something about ourselves  (Stories Quotes) We all like stories that make us cry. It’s so nice to feel sad when you’ve nothing in particular to feel sad about  (Stories Quotes) I enjoyed showing a bit more leg in the last few stories. It was good fun, but it can be quite sexist. But it doesnt worry me personally all that much  (Stories Quotes) All these stories are grist to the mill of the government because they build up a very useful war psychosis  (Stories Quotes) My songs examine and explore little specific emotions or situations or stories... They’re kitchen table songs, like a conversation between me and one other person. It’s almost like an alien has been sent to get emotional samples from human beings and put it all together on a record  (Stories Quotes) I don’t remember my father reading to me, but I remember him telling me bedtime stories. I got to pick what was in them, and then he’d make them up  (Stories Quotes) I know that to write you have to have stories you want to tell. You have to keep your mind alive, and you have to work hard  (Stories Quotes) I always look for good stories and good characters, and if they’re placed in a whodunit, then I’m interested  (Stories Quotes) I want to be scared. I want to keep taking insane risks. I want to be scared because you’re going to grow through that whether you want to or not. I don’t want to play the same guy. I want to keep throwing curveballs to you guys and keep telling stories  (Stories Quotes) All stories should have some honesty and truth in them, otherwise you’re just playing about  (Stories Quotes)
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