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I made a rule for myself that the only television things I would do would be my own stories  (Stories Quotes) Now, what tends to happen is that the stories get hyped. And the medicines are not quite as revolutionary and as dramatic as they seem to be. But, certainly, various phases of this problem are being attacked by the pharmaceutical companies  (Stories Quotes) I’ve seen novels that have grown out of one story in a collection. But it hasn’t occurred to me to take any of those stories and build on them. They seem very finished for me, so I don’t feel like going back and dredging them up  (Stories Quotes) Human behavior in the midst of hardship caught my attention very early on, and my first stories were all pictures, no words  (Stories Quotes) In families there is always the mythology. My father died when my kids were quite young still, and yet they still tell his stories. That is how a person lives on  (Stories Quotes) I have heard repeated stories of meth users leaving their children unattended for days as they cook, use and then sleep off the intense effects of methamphetamine  (Stories Quotes) Animation is the one type of movie that really does play for the entire audience. Our challenge is to make stories that connect for kids and adults  (Stories Quotes) I apologize for my terrible interview skills. I wasn’t prepared to expose stories about something so special and wonderfully private that is happening in my life. I guess a part of me wishes that I’d never have to and that maybe I could protect this special time. I was dreaming  (Stories Quotes) I know that I’m already in the history books and that people are going to remember me as the prisoner of war and the fabricated stories, but you know, to me I was just another soldier over there doing my job  (Stories Quotes) I didn’t make any money from my writing until much later. I published about 80 stories for nothing. I spent on literature  (Stories Quotes) It is a good idea to know which publishers publish which stories. For example, there is no sense in sending a picture book text to a publisher who does not publish picture books  (Stories Quotes) Everything runs its course. We had told a lot of stories that happened in our life. My kid was getting older, and we were running out of stories to tell  (Stories Quotes) Every story was being made up. My true friends weren’t the ones speaking. It was people who never knew me, making up stories. Even my local paper put a $1,000 bounty out for information about my whereabouts  (Stories Quotes) When you direct your first film, you always start by telling stories that you are familiar with  (Stories Quotes) We make the oldest stories new when we succeed, and we are trapped by the old stories when we fail  (Stories Quotes) In every age poets and social reformers have tried to stimulate the people of their own time to a nobler life by enchanting stories of the virtues of the heroes of old  (Stories Quotes) There are no war stories. I ended up a bombardier, but I never got overseas. And it wasn’t because I was playing baseball either. It was just a series of things that went on  (Stories Quotes) How do you make any sense of history, art or literature without knowing the stories and iconography of your own culture and all the world’s main religions?  (Stories Quotes) Keep your private life private. Be open to suggestions from different people. And just be nice. I have heard stories about people who are just plain rude to the press or fans  (Stories Quotes) Sure, women sportswriters look when they’re in the clubhouse. Read their stories. How else do you explain a capital letter in the middle of a word?  (Stories Quotes) Whether you’ve done anything wrong or not people will write whatever they want, so it’s just a matter of not reading it, not buying into it, and hopefully the people that do read it realise that it’s just fictional stories for entertainment  (Stories Quotes) As a journalist, it is so easy to get hardened when you see so many stories that are disturbing. Sometimes it’s just your survival mechanism that makes you hardened to some of it  (Stories Quotes) Sometimes stories are inherently important whether or not they have a direct relation to your life  (Stories Quotes) History is full of really good stories. That’s the main reason I got into this racket: I want to make the argument that history is interesting  (Stories Quotes) I love to tell stories and this is my way of getting them down on paper  (Stories Quotes) I love telling stories. I love the intimacy between the writer and reader. When you write sketches it’s over in two minutes. When you write a book the characters have to have a bit of emotional depth  (Stories Quotes) When I first started to get into writing, it was via music. I’d generate ideas for songs that would turn into stories, then they’d turn into novels. I was biased toward music  (Stories Quotes) I did start reading quite young but I was always read to by my parents, who are both actors. Bedtime stories from when I was about two/three to when I was about 15. In fact they didn’t stop until I eventually kind of kicked them out of my bedroom  (Stories Quotes) The stories of childhood leave an indelible impression, and their author always has a niche in the temple of memory from which the image is never cast out to be thrown on the rubbish heap of things that are outgrown and outlived  (Stories Quotes) If you read the stories of the great spiritual teachers of the past, we find that they have attained spiritual realization through a great deal of meditation, solitude and practice. They did not take any shortcuts  (Stories Quotes)
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