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The personal wealth that’s coming is absolutely secondary to the stories that I hear about our users who have given themselves some financial independence as well by starting businesses, and all the lives we’ve touched positively  (Stories Quotes) Hopefully life is long. Do stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about for many years to come. Do stuff you will want to brag about  (Stories Quotes) I write to tell stories. I believe that there a some professions in the world that will last forever: doctor or a nurse, teacher, builder and a storyteller. I write also to become myself, more so day by day. Writing is a way to shape out visible and invisible, in myself as well as in the world  (Stories Quotes) Just go into the room, sit in the centre of the room, open the doors and windows, and see who comes to visit. You will witness all kinds of scenes and actors, all kinds of temptations and stories, everything imaginable. Your only job is to stay in your seat. You will see it all arise and pass, and out of this, wisdom and understanding will come  (Stories Quotes) New technology is changing the way we can film. It’s enabling us to get fresh new images and tell brand new stories  (Stories Quotes) A life without stories would be no life at all. And stories bound us, did they not, one to another, the living to the dead, people to animals, people to the land?  (Stories Quotes) Stories are how we learn best. We absorb numbers and facts and details, but we keep them all glued into our heads with stories  (Stories Quotes) I know you’re always supposed to want more of everything. But in truth, I’m having a nice ebb and flow of being in my daughter’s life every day and getting to keep my work life alive. I’m not nominated for ten thousand everythings every minute, but I am acting and telling stories I love  (Stories Quotes) You didn’t see me on television, you didn’t see news stories about me. The kind of role that I tried to play was to pick up pieces or put together pieces out of which I hoped organization might come. My theory is, strong people don’t need strong leaders  (Stories Quotes) Witness protection just makes for exciting stories and it’s a really rich sort of place to grab stories from... people starting over completely, saying goodbye to their lives before... it never ends in terms of story opportunities  (Stories Quotes) Tattoos tell stories of crime and passion, punishment and regret. They express an outlaw, antiauthoritarian point of view and communicate a romantic solidarity among society’s outcasts  (Stories Quotes) We all love to hear a good story. We save our stories in books. We save our books in libraries. Libraries are the storyhouses full of all those stories and secrets  (Stories Quotes) If your stories are all about your products and services, that’s not storytelling. It’s a brochure. Give yourself permission to make the story bigger  (Stories Quotes) To my father, who told me the stories that matter. To my mother, who taught me to remember them  (Stories Quotes) If there is a fundamental challenge within these stories, it is simply to change our lurking suspicion that some lives matter less than other lives  (Stories Quotes) Switch on the television or glance at the newspaper: You will see death everywhere. Yet, did the victims of those plane crashes and car accidents expect to die? They took life for granted, as we do. How often do we hear stories of people whom we know, or even friends, who died unexpectedly? We don’t even have to be ill to die: Our bodies can suddenly break down and go out of order, just like our cars. We can be quite well one day, then fall sick and die the next  (Stories Quotes) We read to find out what the world is like, to experience lots of lives, not just the one we live. If it is true that our lives are chaotic and we crave a shape, stories are the shapes that we put on experience, containing all the wisdom in the world. We can even choose what kind of wisdom suits us  (Stories Quotes) I have seldom written a story, long or short, that I did not have to write and rewrite. There are single stories of mine that have taken me ten or twelve years to get written  (Stories Quotes) Time is what makes good stories. Much has been cooking for a long time, and at last finds an out in narration one day. That’s a supreme joy. And why the characters keep showing up  (Stories Quotes) Don’t believe stories which you see in the papers about troops asking as a special privilege not to be relieved. We stick it, at all costs if necessary, as long as ordered, but everyone’s glad to hand over to someone else. And anyone who says he enjoys this kind of thing is either a liar or a madman  (Stories Quotes) Reread, rewrite, reread, rewrite. If it still doesn’t work, throw it away. It’s a nice feeling, and you don’t want to be cluttered with the corpses of poems and stories which have everything in them except the life they need  (Stories Quotes) If you like to tell stories and compose sentences, and if you work hard at being good at these things, then you are a writer even if you haven’t published anything  (Stories Quotes) Sharing our stories can also be a means of healing. Grief and loss may isolate us, and anger may alienate us. Shared with others, these emotions can be powerfully uniting, as we see that we are not alone, and realize that others weep with us  (Stories Quotes) We are storied folk. Stories are what we are; telling and listening to stories is what we do  (Stories Quotes) I am not an artist, and I never intended to be one. I hope I have made some good photographs, but what I really hope is that I have done some good photo stories with memorable images that make a point, and, perhaps, even make a difference  (Stories Quotes) It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good story. We are in between stories. The old story, the account of how we fit into it, is no longer effective. Yet we have not learned the new story  (Stories Quotes) Why we started the agency to begin with is to tell stories, and the tools that we’re using are constantly changing. Every tool will be right for a different sort of situation, but in the end, it’s going to be about your view, your voice, and how you put that all together  (Stories Quotes) All of these lines across my face, tell you the story of who I am. So many stories of where I’ve been and how I got to where I am  (Stories Quotes) Stories were primarily verbal to begin with. Before there were cave paintings, stories were told over generations. We tell each other thousands of stories in the course of everyday life  (Stories Quotes) All of a sudden, I was hearing stories about how difficult I was to work with, ridiculous rumors about drugs and what a diva I was. I never had to go to rehab or a program  (Stories Quotes)
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