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We still like to make up stories, just as our ancestors did, which use personification to explain the great forces of our existence. Such stories, which explain how the world began or where the sun goes when it sets, we call myths. Mythology is a natural product of the symbolizing mind; poets, when not making up myths of their own, are still commanding ancient ones  (Stories Quotes) War all comes down to these little tiny stories about people’s lives that will never be the same  (Stories Quotes) When I first started you would pitch a story because without a good story, you didn’t really have a film. Later, once sequels started to take off, you pitched a character because a good character could support multiple stories. and now, you pitch a world because a world can support multiple characters and multiple stories across multiple media  (Stories Quotes) In writing... remember that the biggest stories are not written about wars, or about politics, or even murders. The biggest stories are written about the things which draw human beings closer together  (Stories Quotes) I’m removed in my real life, and unable to express certain things face to face. So I have always found myself in this fantasy world. That’s why I started writing songs and stories from a very young age. I’d much rather walk around anonymously cooking up tales than face the people that I have known forever  (Stories Quotes) What we know about who we are comes from stories. It’s the agents of our imagination who really shape who we are  (Stories Quotes) If the history of medicine is told through the stories of doctors, it is because their contributions stand in place of the more substantive heroism of their patients  (Stories Quotes) Storytellers, by the very act of telling, communicate a radical learning that changes lives and the world: telling stories is a universally accessible means through which people make meaning  (Stories Quotes) All experience and phenomena are understood to be a dream, this should not be just an intellectual understanding, but a vivid and lucid experience... Genuine integration of this point produces a profound change in the individual’s response to the world. Grasping and aversion is greatly diminished, and the emotional tangles that once seemed so compelling are experienced as the tug of dream stories, and no more  (Stories Quotes) The telling of stories, like singing and praying, would seem to be an almost ceremonial act, an ancient and necessary mode of speech that tends the earthly rootedness of human language. For narrated events always happen somewhere. And for an oral culture, that location is never merely incidental to those occurrences. The events belong, as it were, to the place, and to tell the story of those events is to let the place itself speak through the telling  (Stories Quotes) I’d be happy to have my biography be the stories of my dogs. To me, to live without dogs would mean accepting a form of blindness  (Stories Quotes) Stories are the secret reservoir of values: change the stories individuals and nations live by and tell themselves, and you change the individuals and nations  (Stories Quotes) The destiny of the world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in  (Stories Quotes) In the end all we have... are stories and methods of finding and using those stories  (Stories Quotes) People need stories... we use stories to teach, to learn, to make sense of the world around us. As long as we need stories, we will need books  (Stories Quotes) There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who want to know the facts, and those who want to make up a nice story to feel better. I wish I was the kind who made up stories  (Stories Quotes) Stories cannot demolish frontiers, but they can punch holes in our mental walls, and through those holes we can get a glimpse of the other and sometimes even like what we see  (Stories Quotes) A writer has many tools: eyes, ears, nose, sensations, thoughts feelings and imagination. The tools can construct a house of stories  (Stories Quotes) Listening is crucial for any novelist. Stories and ideas abound. We too often talk about ourselves and block out the richness others may offer  (Stories Quotes) You have to want to write and like to write. Sit down at that desk or machine or laptop and tell stories  (Stories Quotes) Sometimes, when I couldn’t afford to pay the utility bill at the end of the month, I was forced to read by the light of the stories themselves  (Stories Quotes) I write because the lives of all of us are stories. If enough of those stories are told, then perhaps we will begin to see that our lives are the same story. The differences are merely in the details  (Stories Quotes) Precious things lost are transmutable. They refuse oblivion. They simply wait to be rendered into testimonies, into stories and songs  (Stories Quotes) I may well do some more polemical writing, if a subject that fires me up comes along. Apart from that possibility, I would like to continue to tell stories so long as I have stories to tell  (Stories Quotes) The stories we love may not always fit neatly into a single time line, but they will always matter  (Stories Quotes) I mean, we have to read books or we’ll make mistakes. If we read stories of how other people lived, we can figure out better ways to live. I mean we can look at other people’s lives and not make the same mistakes they made. Or we can, like, use their examples as models for ourselves  (Stories Quotes) We are our stories. We tell them to stay alive or keep alive those who only live now in the telling  (Stories Quotes) We tell stories. We tell stories to pass the time, to leave the world for a while, or go more deeply into it. We tell stories to heal the pain of living  (Stories Quotes) I love stories and acting is a way to tell stories. Everyone assumes I’ve done it my whole life  (Stories Quotes) So I decided to make a film about our need to tell stories, to own our stories, to understand them, and to have them heard  (Stories Quotes)
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