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We do not ask more of the wealthy to punish success; we do it to create more success stories  (Stories Quotes) If you can write a nation’s stories, you needn’t worry about who makes its laws. Today, television tells most of the stories to most of the people most of the time  (Stories Quotes) You know, who tells the stories of a culture really governs human behavior. It used to be the parent, the school, the church, the community. Now it’s a handful of global conglomerates that have nothing to tell, but a great deal to sell  (Stories Quotes) I am expecting that consumers are going to continue and exert power and influence. The idea of radical transparency is something that few brands are taking advantage of now, and most brands fight it. I’d say that in 10 years the best brands won’t be those with the best stories, sort of made up fictional stories, but those that will give an accurate and real time picture of what they are doing in the interest of the consumer, in any given time  (Stories Quotes) Beware of the stories you read or tell; subtly, at night, beneath the waters of consciousness, they are altering your world  (Stories Quotes) Stories, we all have stories. Nature does not tell stories, we do. We find ourselves in them, make ourselves in them, choose ourselves in them. If we are the stories we tell ourselves, we had better choose them well  (Stories Quotes) Writers, because they write, are condemned never to be readers of their own stories... The memory of first putting a story into words will always prevent writers from reading their work as an ordinary reader would  (Stories Quotes) Listen, and you will realize that we are made not from cells or from atoms. We are made from stories  (Stories Quotes) Movements have narratives. They tell stories, because they are not just about rearranging economics and politics. They also rearrange meaning. And they’re not just about redistributing the goods. They’re about figuring out what is good  (Stories Quotes) Every person you see has stories, and every person you see has a few that would break your heart. We deserve each other’s respect simply because we’ve survived all we have and kept going anyway  (Stories Quotes) Adventure is important in life. Making memories matters. It doesn’t have to be a secret sea plane and an historic sports moment. But to have a great life, you need great memories. Grab any intriguing offer. Say yes to a challenge, and to the unknown. Be creative in adding drama and scope to your own life. Work at it, like a job. Money from effort comes and goes. But effort from imagination and following adventure creates stories that you keep forever. And anyone can do it  (Stories Quotes) Our stories about our own lives are a form of fiction, I began to see and become more insistent as we grow older, even as we try to make them come out in some other way  (Stories Quotes) There are only two kinds of stories in the world: those about which I do not care to write as many as 600 words, and those about which I would like to write many more than 600 words. But there is nothing about which I would like to write exactly 600 words  (Stories Quotes) Long fiction is wonderful and you can lose yourself in it as a reader and as a writer, but short stories don’t allow the same kind of immersion. Often the best stories hold you back and make you witness them. This may be one of the reasons some people reject the form. That and the fact that they are harder work to read. A story will not let you get comfortable and settle in. It is like a stool that is so small that you must always be aware of sitting  (Stories Quotes) It is through hearing stories about wicked stepmothers, lost children, good but misguided kings, wolves that suckle twin boys, youngest sons who receive no inheritance but must make their own way in the world, and eldest sons who waste their inheritance on riotous living and go into exile to live with the swine, that children learn or mislearn both what a child and what a parent is, what the cast of characters may be in the drama into which they have been born and what the ways of the world are  (Stories Quotes) In my life, the stories I have heard from my family, my friends, my community, and from willing strangers all over the world have been the true source of my education  (Stories Quotes) I do believe in the power of story. I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze and inspire their listeners  (Stories Quotes) I’m not a historian, and I wouldn’t want to be. I want to change the world. Attack the elite. Overturn the hierarchy. Look at my stories and you’ll notice that the villains are always, always, those in power. The heroes are the little people. I hate the establishment. Always have, always will  (Stories Quotes) God gave music the power to carry his light into the darkness. That’s a mighty privilege. It means intentionally telling stories and writing songs that bear truth that outlasts the songs themselves. If I did this in hopes of thunderous applause and piles of cash, I would have quit years ago. But there are moments on the stage when I sense something magical, a connection with the band and the audience, when our stories intersect and suddenly we’re wading in an ancient river. Suddenly the song is secondary to the greater story being told through each of us  (Stories Quotes) Somethings get easier. You get more confident in your abilities and you learn what kind of stories sell and what don’t. But your standards kept going up with your skills, the business aspect of writing grows more complicated, and it becomes really hard to maintain any semblance of a balanced life the longer you’re at this. No matter what level you’re at, writing is always difficult  (Stories Quotes) People do amazing things for love. Books are full of wonderful stories about this kind of stuff, and stories aren’t just fantasies, you know. They’re so much a part of the people who write them that they practically teach their readers invaluable lessons about life  (Stories Quotes) We create stories to define our existence. If we do not create the stories, we probably go mad  (Stories Quotes) Writing is for stories to be read, books to be published, poems to be recited, plays to be acted, songs to be sung, newspapers to be shared, letters to be mailed, jokes to be told, notes to be passed, recipes to be cooked, messages to be exchanged, memos to be circulated, announcements to be posted, bills to be collected, posters to be displayed and diaries to be concealed. Writing is for ideas, action, reflection, and experience. It is not for having your ignorance exposed, your sensitivity destroyed, or your ability assessed  (Stories Quotes) I like to believe that stories want to be written, that they must make an effort in order to be heard. They suggest themselves to me constantly, but I have little patience, I am lazy. Now and then, however, when I’m in the right mood, I stop to listen to one and sit down to record it. I think that by now they know I am not patient, so they make themselves short  (Stories Quotes) I’ll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love the most can never hear  (Stories Quotes) Because we humans find stories such fascinating things, it’s all too easy to get interested in the story for its own sake, and lose sight of the purpose for which we set out to use the story  (Stories Quotes) Myths are stories about people who become too big for their lives temporarily, so that they crash into other lives or brush against gods. In crisis their souls are visible  (Stories Quotes) Occasionally, the book tells stories that would likely grate on senior management – but that is what free speech is all about  (Stories Quotes) Books have a vital place in our culture. They are the source of ideas, of stories that engage and stretch the imagination and most importantly, inspire  (Stories Quotes) Without archives many stories of real people would be lost, and along with those stories, vital clues that allow us to reflect and interpret our lives today  (Stories Quotes)
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