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Children can’t help but create: they need to put their mind on the page, they want to paint, to sculpt, to write short stories  (Stories Quotes) I just want to tell stories that have an impact on people. Somebody needs to have an impact because people are lost. People are really lost  (Stories Quotes) I like to make money; I like to have nice things. But I love to act; I love to tell stories  (Stories Quotes) I feel like reading really defined me as a writer because I lived my life outside of my own body for so much of my life and I loved it. I’ve always been a reader. I think living all those stories served me to naturally take that next step to creating  (Stories Quotes) I’m just an entertainer. In a way crime stories are boring. A crime’s been committed and at the end you know it will be solved. So you’ve got to make the story interesting besides it just being a plot. And that’s why character matters, why you’ve got to make the characters interesting  (Stories Quotes) I don’t want to steal anybody’s story. I very much want to use the stories that I hear to get lost in my mind, to tell a larger story  (Stories Quotes) Before college, I acted in my room, to classical music, because music tells stories. I’d put on a record and proceed, silently. I’d keep putting the needle back to a certain segment because I hadn’t died well enough. I had to really, really feel dead. I’d love to do a death scene  (Stories Quotes) I’ve written short stories in first person, but you have so much more control writing in third person. Third person, you know what everybody’s thinking. First person is very limiting, and I could never sustain a first person novel before  (Stories Quotes) Usually in stories there are big problems in the beginning or couples are pulling away, there’s a lot of bitterness  (Stories Quotes) I’m not writing great literature. I’m writing commercial fiction for people to enjoy the stories and to like the characters  (Stories Quotes) I’m a songwriter, and people will tell you the greatest stories about their lives, whether you want to hear it or not  (Stories Quotes) I had a job, I got ill, I left the job to get better, and while I was getting better, I wrote some stories. I sent them to some publishers and the fifth one who replied said they’d take them. Then they went bankrupt. Then that bankrupt publisher got bought by a bigger firm. Story: in the end is the beginning, and in the beginning is the end  (Stories Quotes) I love being an illustrator because I get to read really great stories, work with amazing people, travel and see places I never would’ve seen. And I get to draw all the time  (Stories Quotes) I have to say that movies have as much impact on me as music. And that I learned as much about narrative from movies as I did from reading novels, how to arrange stories, how to juxtapose things  (Stories Quotes) Ghost stories always creep me out and weird me out. Those are always interesting to watch  (Stories Quotes) It’s always interesting to me to tell stories that come from difficult political climates  (Stories Quotes) Memories are just stories we tell ourselves about our past; and that’s often why they don’t match when we’ve shared the same experiences with someone  (Stories Quotes) Frankly, I’ve got to admit that I’m not perfect and have made some mistakes as some of the colourful stories about me reveal  (Stories Quotes) Stories, as much as we like to talk about them, retrospectively, as emanations of theme or worldview or intention, occur primarily as technical objects when they’re being written. Or at least they do for me. They’re the result of thousands of decisions made at speed during revision  (Stories Quotes) In our own, theatre can be the place where we come together, reaching with and through stories, to who we are and to who we can be  (Stories Quotes) Dialogue that is written in dialect is very tiring to read. If you can do it brilliantly, fine. If other writers read your work and rave about your use of dialect, go for it. But be positive that you do it well, because otherwise it is a lot of work to read short stories or novels that are written in dialect. It makes our necks feel funny  (Stories Quotes) I feel like I have so many stories basting in my mind, and they come busting out when they’re ready  (Stories Quotes) Stories have always been the things that entertain me and make me feel happy and sad and move me and give me the experience of being able to live many lives in one lifetime. It’s the best thing about being alive  (Stories Quotes) I wanted to put all my family stories down for my girls, and I remember everything so vividly. I just wanted to put everything down while I still can remember it all  (Stories Quotes) Origin stories are really important to me. I just like that sort of stuff and I feel like it makes a lot of sense to the guys, who they are. If you don’t have that stuff, it’s kind of a one dimensional version of it  (Stories Quotes) Doing a story about my mundane, waking life, how much I don’t like my job, or breaking up with someone, I don’t think so. Those stories don’t interest me that much as a general thing  (Stories Quotes) Well, politics is much more severe than entertainment. You have to hit those points, in politics, word for word. You have to remember the date. You have to remember the website. You have to rehearse stories that might be asked, have anecdotes ready for questions that might come up  (Stories Quotes) We can’t tell particularly smart stories if we want to keep our audience big enough to pay for these big spectacle films that we want to do  (Stories Quotes) Here’s my answer to the very real existential crisis that grips me midway through everything I’ve ever tried to do: I think stories help us fight the nihilistic urges that constantly threaten to consume us  (Stories Quotes) If you follow the trail of your own enthusiastically repeated stories, you will begin to rediscover the things that invigorate and enliven you  (Stories Quotes)
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