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I used to write stories and poetry, but for some reason I have it in my head that if I’m going to write, I have to write a script  (Stories Quotes) I’ve loved fairytales, folklore and mythology since I was a small child, and I think it was inevitable that they would influence my style and my development of stories  (Stories Quotes) Films are artifice. We’re telling stories on film. At the same time, when it works, there is a real tough immediacy and spontaneity to it, and a punch  (Stories Quotes) I think the role of science fiction is not at all to prophesy. I think it is to tell interesting, vivid, strange stories that at their best are dreamlike intense versions and visions of today  (Stories Quotes) All of the disparate books on my list contain characters, scenes or voices that linger long past the last page of their stories  (Stories Quotes) There’s a story about how the program is organized, there’s a story about the context in which the program is expected to operate. And one would hope that there will be something about the program, whether it’s block comments at the start of each routine or an overview document that comes separately or just choices of variable names that will somehow convey those stories to you  (Stories Quotes) I’m not in a race with anybody to make the biggest hit movie anymore. I am just trying to tell stories that I can stay interested in for the two years it takes me to supervise the writing and to direct them  (Stories Quotes) I’m a conduit for telling people’s stories. It’s a privilege  (Stories Quotes) There is no such thing as a boring person: everyone has stories and insights worth sharing. While on the road, we let our phones or laptops take up our attention. By doing that, we might miss out on the chance to learn and absorb ideas and inspiration from an unexpected source: our fellow travelers  (Stories Quotes) The brain stays up all night telling stories while we sleep. We just call them dreams  (Stories Quotes) If novels and stories are bulletins from the progressive states of ignorance a writer passes through over the years, observations and opinions about horses are all the more so, since horses are more mysterious than life and harder to understand  (Stories Quotes) I’ve always loved the blues, ever since I was a kid. It has a depth to it that a lot of contemporary music doesn’t have. It has pain and suffering in it, but funny stories, too. And it is built on storytelling, which is something I really love  (Stories Quotes) I have not lost any of my crazy, fearless, raw, soulful, eclectic side and I plan on continuing to tell universal stories in an unforgettable way  (Stories Quotes) The stories we sit up late to hear are love stories. It seems that we cannot know enough about this riddle of our lives. We go back and back to the same scenes, the same words, trying to scrape out the meaning. Nothing could be more familiar than love. Nothing else eludes us so completely  (Stories Quotes) You hear stories about directors using manipulation to get actors to do certain things, but I think when you’re working with professional actors, it’s all about trust. They can do anything you want, it’s just a matter of them understanding what you’re looking for, and the reason why  (Stories Quotes) My material is as new as anything on the dinner table. What difference does it make if I’m 70 or if I’m 20? The audience knows they aren’t getting any old stories from me  (Stories Quotes) I categorically resist this idea that films are supposed to be autobiographical and the only stories you tell are about your own life  (Stories Quotes) Growing up, my sisters and I would always talk stories. One of my frustrations was I didn’t know anything about cameras. I didn’t know how to make a film and I obviously didn’t have a special effects budget. I was a kid. So I was learning to draw to get down the stuff that was in my head, that I couldn’t afford to actually do  (Stories Quotes) Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something  (Stories Quotes) People see their own lives as stories; a lifelong story with a single hero or heroine... much contemporary unhappiness is due to the fact that people in high tech societies receive neither strong myths and stories from their culture nor the ability to construct their own... they lose the plot  (Stories Quotes) Sometimes I think that maybe we are just stories. Like we may as well just be words on a page, because we’re only what we’ve done and what we are going to do  (Stories Quotes) I love creating individual short stories within chapters, but I want to get better at building consistent narratives from start to finish  (Stories Quotes) Ultimately people don’t watch shows because of how realistic they are. They watch them because of the same dramatic elements that have always made stories interesting. And fundamentally if those elements don’t work, no amount of reality is going to be enough to keep people watching a show  (Stories Quotes) Storytelling is how we survive, when there’s no feed, the story feeds something, it feeds the spirit, the imagination. I can’t imagine life without stories, stories from my parents, my culture. Stories from other people’s parents, their culture. That’s how we learn from each other, it’s the best way. That’s why literature is so important, it connects us heart to heart  (Stories Quotes) We’re supposed to take our problems to a family adviser. Personally, I’ve never met a family adviser. They’re all off somewhere listening to dirty stories  (Stories Quotes) I was born into the century in which novels lost their stories, poems their rhymes, paintings their form, and music its beauty, but that does not mean I have to like that trend or go along with it  (Stories Quotes) The soul is the observer who interprets and makes choices in a confluence of relationships. These relationships provide the background, setting, characters, and events that shape the stories of our lives  (Stories Quotes) Anyone who has been in business can tell war stories about the bumps in the road. But if they’ve outlasted the competition, ask for their stories about survival. They’ve figured out how to turn disappointments into opportunities  (Stories Quotes) We have focused only on the negatives, and not enough on incredible stories of the human spirit and of rebirth and rebuilding. That’s equally important as the tragedy  (Stories Quotes) The press needs stories constantly. No need to bleed, just feed. Branding will keep you standing... Get press not stress  (Stories Quotes)
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