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I never think of stories as made things; I think of them as found things. As if you pull them out of the ground  (Stories Quotes) I knew books could see people around them, they ground their tiny teeth, tried to rattle like windows, stories to tell  (Stories Quotes) Fiction is about feeling, which is to say that short stories are about all of us  (Stories Quotes) A place is a story, and stories are geography, and empathy is first of all an act of imagination, a storyteller’s art, and then a way of traveling from here to there  (Stories Quotes) On one tour, I was collecting stories about pet monkeys. You’d be surprised how many people have stories about monkeys. The problem is, most monkey stories end tragically  (Stories Quotes) You have to be driven by the stories that you want to tell. You can’t simply be responding, or there won’t be any real heart to those stories anymore  (Stories Quotes) I love to tell stories and I love to work with directors and I think I write really visually, which I think directors like, and I love making movies, so I found something that I’m good at and I’m really happy doing  (Stories Quotes) What I try to do with any of my stories, any of my novels, is make them feel very original  (Stories Quotes) If I knew where creativity came from, I’d probably be a lot less stressed about coming up with new stories  (Stories Quotes) I’m generally not a social dramatist or comedy writer. My interests have always been more in psychological stories or personal relations and comic ideas  (Stories Quotes) Since I was a kid, I could make up stories, I could make up funny jokes and I could always do it. When I’m walking down the street or having dinner, ideas will hit me, and I write them down on matchbooks or napkins and throw them in the draw  (Stories Quotes) Bedtime stories were definitely a big part of my life because I was just so excited my father was talking to me  (Stories Quotes) Most people view the artistic process as something of a mystery. Leverage that, and engage your prospective clients with good stories. For many, buying art is their escape from the real world. Make it entertaining and enjoyable  (Stories Quotes) Stories never really end. They can go on and on and on. It’s just that sometimes, at a certain point, one stops telling them  (Stories Quotes) I think stories do have an ending. I think they need to have an ending eventually because that is a story: a beginning, middle and end. If you draw out the end too long, I think storytelling can get tired  (Stories Quotes) There are only two kinds of books which you can write and be pretty sure you’re going to make a living? cook books and detective stories  (Stories Quotes) What writers do is they tell their own story constantly through other people’s stories. They imagine other people, and those other people are carrying the burden of their struggles, their questions about themselves  (Stories Quotes) We’re all just big kids. That’s all we are. We are artistes. We grew up wanting to be part of the fantasy of the fairy tales and the stories  (Stories Quotes) I try to find stories that I would think that everyone would find interesting, and just a good entertaining story, and then if I can find a story that has a raison d’etre behind it that I feel is important then that’s the best for me  (Stories Quotes) Books and movies inspire me, but I do my best to keep my stories as original as possible  (Stories Quotes) Tell me the truth about death. I don’t know what it is. We have them, then they are gone but they stay in our minds. Their stories are part of us as long as we live and as long as we tell them or write them down  (Stories Quotes) I believe stories are very important to all performances. The life story of the performer shapes their work, and the life stories of the audience alter how they receive the work, what they read into the performer  (Stories Quotes) I’m more interested in plot than theme, but I hope my values find their way into my stories: kindness, sympathy, effort, and humor!  (Stories Quotes) I’ve always loved books. My mother told me that before I could talk, I’d babble in my crib as I turned the pages of my little cloth books, apparently telling stories to go along with the pictures  (Stories Quotes) Note to reporters: The sanctimony thing probably works better on someone who has never broken real stories  (Stories Quotes) This earth that we live on is full of stories in the same way that, for a fish, the ocean is full of ocean. Some people say when we are born we’re born into stories. I say we’re also born from stories  (Stories Quotes) I think that it is very good for people to talk about their paranormal experiences and share stories about things that they cannot explain  (Stories Quotes) I get all the truth I need in the newspaper every morning, and every chance I get I go fishing, or swap stories with fishermen to get the taste of it out of my mouth  (Stories Quotes) I find it ironic to read stories about myself which have never occurred and are simply so absurd that they are comical. At other times, it is very painful to be so misinterpreted and vilified  (Stories Quotes) Most of these stories, you get probably 2 percent real fruit juice and the rest is just garbage with no nutritional value  (Stories Quotes)
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