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You know, you find that these stories... will turn one of us into the good guy and one of us into the bad guy. If you look at it closely or even not that closely... it’s ridiculous  (Stories Quotes) I’m an actor because I love movies, and always have loved movies. I’m a film buff. So, getting to work with those kinds of directors and getting to tell those stories is what I want to do  (Stories Quotes) People sing each other’s songs and they cultivate standards. That’s the reason why we have folk music and folk stories. History is told through song  (Stories Quotes) I love the stories that have come before, that we know of. I think for me it’s always more interesting to start from square one and you take the fundamental pillars of the character and, around that, try to create something new and different  (Stories Quotes) I think it’s really healing to see movies that are based on true stories. It builds so much more compassion and empathy  (Stories Quotes) It’s important not to base your ambition on anybody else’s history, but to figure out how best to use your own particular personality and understanding of yourself to help tell other people’s stories  (Stories Quotes) All great literary works influence us as writers, not their stories as much as their storytelling ability  (Stories Quotes) I didn’t get joy from acting, I wouldn’t do it. My passion for acting is growing and I love telling good stories and inspiring stories and helping to give a little happiness to the world and perhaps get the audience to think about different issues  (Stories Quotes) When I write a story, I just wanna tell you what’s in my head. It can come from real life and then turn into fantasy, stuff just rhyming. And write about what you know. I just like to tell stories that have not been told or told from my perspective  (Stories Quotes) I would say I try to make my comedy really personal. I try to tell stories that happened to me, experiences from my life  (Stories Quotes) Everybody loves vampire stories, and if theres one show in particular thats done really well, it just opens the door and the opportunity for more of those kind of stories to get through  (Stories Quotes) The power of the human spirit inspires me. Movies, books, stories, people, anything that reminds us that we are more than just this physical body and our capacity for love and courage can bend reality  (Stories Quotes) I’m a storyline. I’m the chosen one for negative stories and controversial things. If I worried about it all, I would go insane  (Stories Quotes) Stories twist and turn and grow and meet and give birth to other stories. Here and there, one story touches another, and a familiar character, sometimes the hero, walks over the bridge from one story into another  (Stories Quotes) There is nobody so weak of invention that cannot make some little stories to villify his enemy  (Stories Quotes) How are we to account for the strange human craving for the pleasure of feeling afraid which is so much involved in our love of ghost stories?  (Stories Quotes) Sometimes I try my hand at turning out small profundities and uncertain short stories, but I always end up with just one single word: God  (Stories Quotes) I love stories, but writing fiction is another craft and I don’t feel as if I have it  (Stories Quotes) I’m not implying that fantasy is for kids. I’m saying that more and more people are finally realizing that there’s more to fantasy stories than elves and wizards and goblin armies  (Stories Quotes) One thing that I believe is that every time I write something, I am taking the time to celebrate. Even if I am writing a sad story or an angry poem, I am still giving those stories my time and attention  (Stories Quotes) You have to be yourself, as models come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. There are girls out there who are more voluptuous and they work better for different sorts of stories  (Stories Quotes) I always like to try different things, different genres; stories that have a dramatic element and can generate conflict which I find appealing; where the characters have to overcome obstacles. That kind of thing is challenging  (Stories Quotes) Humanity has this need to hear stories because they connect us with other people, they teach us about our own feelings. We feel less lonely when we see other people going through the same things, even if they’re fictional characters  (Stories Quotes) The mystery story is two stories in one: the story of what happened and the story of what appeared to happen  (Stories Quotes) I got around a lot, and lots of people talked to me. I salted down stories by the barrel load  (Stories Quotes) I don’t always, or even usually, read stories from beginning to end. I start anywhere and proceed in either direction. A story is not like a road to follow, it’s more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while  (Stories Quotes) If you write what you know about, you will always be on safe ground. I am very edgy and nervous about going into territories I know nothing about. That’s why you don’t find much high finance, group sex, or yachting parties in my stories  (Stories Quotes) Every articulate family... generates its own stories, explanations and myths to illuminate the differences in temperament and talent among its children, the lines of allegiance and influence between parent and child  (Stories Quotes) Stories are the one sure way I know to touch the heart and change the world  (Stories Quotes) People’s talk and the stories they tell have been engraved on my heart, and some of them have flown into my pen  (Stories Quotes)
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