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My goal is to tell good stories. And to try as best I can to do something new with acting. To learn from the past and to be a relevant artist. To make stories that are interesting and contemporary and to tell some kind of emotional truth  (Stories Quotes) I think we fall in love and become adults and become citizens in a way by writing stories about ourselves  (Stories Quotes) Medicine is probably one of the best backgrounds for a writer to find stories. I always think cops and docs have the best background because we see so much of human behavior, such a range of human emotions  (Stories Quotes) I know how easy it is to be swept away by stories, by things you wish were real  (Stories Quotes) Having small children and being an investigative reporter would seem like a difficult mix, but it worked well for me. I was often working on my own enterprise stories, which were not as deadline sensitive  (Stories Quotes) Very young children love and demand stories, and can understand complex matters presented as stories, when their powers of comprehending general concepts, paradigms, are almost nonexistent  (Stories Quotes) I know it may sound silly, but I think my short stories have a life and identity of their own. They crop up in all sorts of places  (Stories Quotes) You don’t want people to think you’re just writing stories for children about a pig in a tutu  (Stories Quotes) I usually don’t like to spoon feed my audience, because I grew up idolizing story tellers who tell stories using symbolism, so it was in my nature to do the same  (Stories Quotes) I have always been fascinated by the supernatural elements in stories, whether fairy tales, myths, film or literature  (Stories Quotes) Some of my favorite movies are just movies that are just good stories, and aren’t necessarily big budget movies or anything  (Stories Quotes) I think as a kid I always liked to listen to people. I loved hearing stories  (Stories Quotes) I don’t go looking for stories with the idea of wrongness in my head, no. But the fact is, a lot of great stories hinge on people being wrong  (Stories Quotes) You know, when people talk about filmmaking and the techniques of filmmaking, we use them all the time in network television news in order to make our stories simpler, tighter and more understandable to the general public  (Stories Quotes) Ever since I was twelve, I dreamed of being an author. I just never had the fortitude to see any of my stories through to completion. I would start a book, get a few chapters in, and grow bored or get distracted by something else  (Stories Quotes) I write for the love of writing. If I never published another book, I would still be writing stories  (Stories Quotes) I feel very privileged that I get to spend my life telling stories that mean something to people  (Stories Quotes) Something about your life always makes its way into your stories. Thats just the nature of the beast  (Stories Quotes) Epidemiologists study patterns in order to combat infection. Stories about epidemics follow patterns, too. Stories arent often deadly, but they can be virulent: spreading fast, weakening resistance, wreaking havoc  (Stories Quotes) You have only so many chances to tell stories. I didn’t want to be forever wedded to one form of storytelling when there are so many out there  (Stories Quotes) I want a documentary to crest by being voted on by 6000 people who are in the business of telling stories  (Stories Quotes) The difficulty with telling stories about real people is you have to find a way of mixing yourself into the matter  (Stories Quotes) In our memories the stories of our lives defy chronology, resist transcription: past ambushes present, and future hurries into history  (Stories Quotes) The stories we are told shape the way we see the world, which shapes the way we experience the world  (Stories Quotes) I am extremely interested in how people negotiate catastrophe, not because I’m morbidly interested in it but because I’m interested in the secret of resilience; that’s what I’m always exploring in the stories and the novels  (Stories Quotes) I love gothic monsters, but I like to root them more firmly in the traditional folklore from which they sprang. Or at least, I like to evoke the feeling of those folk stories  (Stories Quotes) I hate even the idea of a synopsis. When stories are really working, when you’re providing subtextual exploration and things that are deeply layered, you’re obligated to not say things out loud  (Stories Quotes) When it all boils down, its about embracing each others stories and maybe even finding that synergy to collaborate for the common good  (Stories Quotes) As far as I can tell, there are two kinds of poets: those who want to tell stories and sing songs, and those who want to work out the chemical equation for language and pass on their experiments as poetry  (Stories Quotes) I don’t think it’s going to be possible for the next generation of writers to tell stories without telling stories about telling stories  (Stories Quotes)
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