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I think statistics go in one ear and out the other. All of us respond to stories more than numbers  (Stories Quotes) I think probably I’m quite sentimental; I like big emotional stories, I like being moved by things, but I think I’m very embarrassed by sentiment. I’m very embarrassed by corniness  (Stories Quotes) I think I’m still trying to find my voice as a filmmaker and finding stories to tell  (Stories Quotes) I’m probably the most loquacious author when it comes to my dedications. The reason is there is some symbolism there. I’ve been writing these books, bringing these stories to my readers who I love so much, and I have a greater love for my family  (Stories Quotes) I think love is one of the most elusive things in the world. I don’t know that there’s a perfect formula for it and that’s what makes the stories interesting  (Stories Quotes) You can’t stop suffering, you can’t stop terrible things from happening, but you can bear witness... The least us reporters can do is go there and tell their stories  (Stories Quotes) Everything encourages you not to tell stories of gay lives. There is no economy yet for that kind of cinema  (Stories Quotes) That’s a discovery process. That’s the terrifying and wonderful part about getting picked up to series. You get to develop the stories and talk about the characters, and find out where the heart of the series is  (Stories Quotes) I love drama. My passion is drama. It always has been. I love telling those sorts of stories  (Stories Quotes) If you really listen to my music my music is more like stories than party records. I never made party records  (Stories Quotes) You have to believe in love stories and prince charming and that eventually you’ll find your own happily ever after  (Stories Quotes) Ocean’s remarkable stories, depth of commitment, and eloquent communication make him a fantastic resource for conferences, universities, and indeed everyone who wants a potent dose of grounded inspiration  (Stories Quotes) There are two kinds of stories, the ones you live and the ones you make up. And nobody knows the difference, and I don’t ever tell which is which  (Stories Quotes) Our desires teach us who we are and who we want to become. Our desires shape our stories  (Stories Quotes) When women get together, they tell stories. This is how it has always been. Telling stories is our way of saying who we are, where we have come from, what we know, and where we might be headed  (Stories Quotes) We’re dead as a species if we don’t tell stories, because then we don’t know who we are  (Stories Quotes) Actors, who invest a lot of time and energy, will never put down each other. Every one of us has their own space in the industry. These stories are either publicity mechanisms or someone just writes them to create a controversy  (Stories Quotes) So many stories, and to choose which ones to tell and how to tell them. The words, they will tap me on the shoulder and they will speak to me: Tell me! Tell me! The stories choose me  (Stories Quotes) As a reader, I don’t feel a story has an obligation to make me happy. I want stories to show me a bigger world than the one I know  (Stories Quotes) The most attractive characteristic in a person is the story they are telling the world. We stop and stare at stories  (Stories Quotes) If you’re going to be a healer, it’s not enough to read books and learn allegorical stories. you need to get your feet wet, get some clinical experience under your belt  (Stories Quotes) There’s no more personal issue than gun violence; every one of these stories is a life lost, I’m hoping that over the long term, as I tell these stories, that it will help to open people’s eyes  (Stories Quotes) In western countries, there are roles written for older actors. Films are made on them, including love stories  (Stories Quotes) Women tell stories; men want answers. Guys get impatient when we drone on forever; we get frustrated when they tune out  (Stories Quotes) I love studying folklore and legends. The stories that people passed down for a thousand years without any sort of marketing support are obviously saying something appealing about the basic human condition  (Stories Quotes) Story is the mother of us all. First we wrap our lives in language and then we act on who we say we are. We proceed from the word into the world and make a world based on our stories  (Stories Quotes) Every kid loves fairy tales, stories of witches and giants and magicians. Then, when you get a little older you can’t read fairy tales anymore  (Stories Quotes) My personal feeling is that audiences are crying out for stories they can invest in and feel. I see a lot of big movies that leave me feeling rather numb  (Stories Quotes) I found that while it was interesting to travel around and take the photographs, I would find that I was more interested in the stories behind the photographs. I was more interested in narrative  (Stories Quotes) Rap music came along and saved my life. I started to tell the stories of the streets and that was my way out  (Stories Quotes)
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