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Without our stories, we are not only able to act clearly and fearlessly, we are also a friend, a listener. We are people living happy lives. We are appreciation and gratitude that have become as natural as breath itself. Happiness is the natural state for someone who knows that there’s nothing to know and that we already have everything we need, right here now  (Stories Quotes) We are all creative, but by the time we are three of four years old, someone has knocked the creativity out of us. Some people shut up the kids who start to tell stories. Kids dance in their cribs, but someone will insist they sit still. By the time the creative people are ten or twelve, they want to be like everyone else  (Stories Quotes) His mother called such people ignorant and superstitious, but his father only shook his head slowly and puffed his pipe and said that sometimes old stories had a grain or two of truth in them and it was best not to take chances. It was why, he said, he crossed himself whenever a black cat crossed his path  (Stories Quotes) It’s really hard to get stories made that are about women. Not just women being obsessed with men, or supporting men. And it’s really hard to get men to be a part of films that are about women in a leading role. I’m really interested in how we can adjust that  (Stories Quotes) I listened so hard because it felt like, while she was telling me stories, she was massaging my soul, letting me know that I was not alone, that I will never have to be alone, that there are friends and family and churches and coffee shops. I was not going to be cast into space  (Stories Quotes) I want my stories to be something about life that causes people to say, not, oh, isn’t that the truth, but to feel some kind of reward from the writing, and that doesn’t mean that it has to be a happy ending or anything, but just that everything the story tells moves the reader in such a way that you feel you are a different person when you finish  (Stories Quotes) I want us to organize, to tell the personal stories that create empathy, which is the most revolutionary emotion. The truth of the mater is that hierarchy and violence can’t be remedied by more hierarchy and violence. The end doesn’t justify the means, the means we choose decide the end we get. The means are the end  (Stories Quotes) Great stories agree with our worldview. The best stories don’t teach people anything new. Instead the best stories agree with what the audience already believes and makes the members of the audience feel smart and secure when reminded how right they were in the thirst place  (Stories Quotes) If one loves stories, then one would naturally love the story of the story. Or the story behind the story, pick your preposition. It does seem to me to be a kind of animal impulse almost, a mammalian curiosity. For a reader to wonder about the autobiography in a fiction may be completely unavoidable and in fact may speak to the success of a particular narrative, though it may also speak to its failure  (Stories Quotes) I’ve never been in charge of my stories, they’ve always been in charge of me. As each new one has called to me, ordering me to give it voice and form and life, I’ve followed the advice I’ve shared with other writers over the years: jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down  (Stories Quotes) Stories always have held conflicts and contrasts, highs and lows, life and death situations. And there can be much suffering in stories, but now we say the artist doesn’t have to suffer to show suffering. You just have to understand the human condition, understand the suffering  (Stories Quotes) Like night dreams, stores often use symbolic language, therefore bypassing the ego and persona, and traveling straight to the spirit and soul who listen for the ancient and universal instructions imbedded there. Because of this process, stories can teach, correct errors, lighten the heart and the darkness, provide psychic shelter, assist transformation and heal wounds  (Stories Quotes) You’ve read newspaper stories about elderly widows who die and leave their entire estates to their pet cats, right? Well, your cat reads those stories too, and has spent most of its skulking, devious little life dreaming about inheriting all your money  (Stories Quotes) Stories are our attempts to share our values and beliefs with the hopes that we may attract those who believe what we believe. This is the basis of forming a trusting relationship. Story telling, therefor, is only worthwhile when it tells what you stand for, not what you do  (Stories Quotes) You need contrast and conflict in order to tell a story. Stories need to have dark and light, turmoil, all those things. But that does not mean the filmmaker has to suffer in order to show the suffering. Stories should have the suffering, not the people  (Stories Quotes) You see the lighted windows and what you want to think is that there may be many interesting stories behind them, but what you know is that really there are just dull, dull souls, mere consumers of food, who think their instincts are emotions and their tiny lives of more account than a whisper of wind  (Stories Quotes) The great thing about having spent all this time on film sets is that I’ve been able to watch directors and how they work. I now know that this is what I want to do as well: to tell stories visually. But it’s definitely my vision that I want to put across, nobody else’s  (Stories Quotes) One of the main things I do is focus on ideas and what stories we decide to tell, but probably the biggest part of my job I’d say is working on the storyboards  (Stories Quotes) It works in the comic book, but as the audiences have gotten older and more sophisticated, I think the stories need to grow up with them. This is a story about a couple of rival gangs and what goes wrong in a couple of days  (Stories Quotes) That’s what I think musicals will come to. No backstage stories, nothing of that sort  (Stories Quotes) Stories come from other shows at other studios where only 2,000 rounds were actually used and the money for the other 3,000 went right into the studio pockets. Corners were cut and that production suffered. Knock wood, that hasn’t happened to us  (Stories Quotes) In independent film you tend to have stories that involve more of a community, and the smaller characters are important to the story  (Stories Quotes) People that I’m most attracted to, they’re not living by any sort of rules. They’re the kind of people with stories to tell  (Stories Quotes) I like good stories. Quality products and character are what’s important. Even if the script isn’t that strong, if I challenge myself with a great character, I’ll go for it  (Stories Quotes) I’ve read stories that are set in a celebrity’s house, and you know where it is and what it looks like and what’s inside it, and that’s not something I want anyone to know  (Stories Quotes) Stories where the author has known very little, but run a computer program that tells him how to construct a planet, and looked up specific things about rocketry and so on, really suck  (Stories Quotes) I’m going to tell stories to the world. I think there’s time for me to grow. We’ll see  (Stories Quotes) I feel that these stories are being written to articulate certain confusions and disappointments, and I do mean to shake up the reader, and I do hope they’re on target  (Stories Quotes) There are some people who believe that these are not real stories with real people, but they actually are  (Stories Quotes) When we report stories, we don’t just want to talk to people who did the right thing. We want to talk to people who did the wrong thing  (Stories Quotes)
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