Stories Quotes

Text Quotes
Hopefully, any character I play has an anchor in reality. The more fantastical characters, or fantastical worlds that they inhabit are really fun and allow you, in some ways, to tell stories and reveal things about our lives that would be harder to take, in a more realistic setting. (Stories Quotes)
The challenge of the unknown future is so much more exciting than the stories of the accomplished past. (Stories Quotes)
There are a lot of things I might be good at, such as competitive figure skating, window washing from ten stories up, and being an open heart surgeon. I might also make an excellent Kamikaze pilot - except for the fact that I don’t want to learn how to fly and have no interest in taking my own life on behalf of Japan. (Stories Quotes)
A story must be told or there’ll be no story, yet it is the untold stories that are most moving. (Stories Quotes)
Written by the ancient Chinese philosopher of the same name, the ‘Zhuangzi’ is one long perplexing puzzle of a rambling collection of enigmatic short stories. It’s a strange feeling to laugh at a joke written by someone in the 4th century B.C. (Stories Quotes)
Even if these stories are 3,000 years old, there’s still so much about the characters, about the dilemmas, about their understanding of the universe that still resonates. The whole idea of order and chaos, which is really central to the ancient Egyptian understanding of the world, is still very much with us. (Stories Quotes)
I read mostly historical fiction - lots of stuff set in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. I also liked sci-fi and fantasy: David Gemmell, Raymond E. Feist. It’s a nice escape from the world. As much as I do love real-life stories, they can often make you hurt in a way I’d rather not hurt. (Stories Quotes)
My childhood was spent with dogs, and I work with dogs surrounding me. This relationship is hardly unique - man-and-dog stories date back to ancient history, up to 10,000 years ago - but it feels that way to me. I used to have a love-hate relationship with dog stories because some got the dynamic right but most were dead wrong. (Stories Quotes)
I was born in England and went to school there. That’s when I discovered my undying passion for history - not just for the Middle Ages, but all periods of history. My favorites are medieval, Elizabethan, and Georgian; however, I’ve written stories set in periods as early as ancient Rome, right up to the Victorian era. (Stories Quotes)
Angels, demons, spirits, wizards, gods and witches have peppered folk religions since mankind first started telling stories. (Stories Quotes)
When I first met Alan Parker, who directed ‘Angel Heart,’ he’d heard so many horror stories about me that he was literally scared to death of me. Right away, he sat me down and said, ‘I’m very scared of you. I’ve heard you’re a very bad boy.’ (Stories Quotes)
Your kindness, beauty, and simplicity remind me the stories about angels, and I was told they are just legends and myths. (Stories Quotes)
Just as our ancient ancestors drew animals on cave walls and carved animals from wood and bone, we decorate our homes with animal prints and motifs, give our children stuffed animals to clutch, cartoon animals to watch, animal stories to read. (Stories Quotes)
Most of these wild animals depart in autumn when the sun changes their behavior and they feel the urge to migrate or go off alone. While they are with us, however, they become characters in my books, articles, and stories. (Stories Quotes)
I probably get more inspiration for human stories and idiosyncrasies than I do animal stories (Stories Quotes)
Somewhere, there, is an analogy, in a small way, if you have the patience for it. But I guess it isn’t a very good anecdote. I’m better at animal stories. (Stories Quotes)
I would just watch the animals, and their stories would roll out when I wrote (Stories Quotes)
Doctors are human animals. They want to be loved, they are tribal, they instinctually favor stories over scientific evidence, they make mistakes, and even small gifts make them susceptible to being biased. (Stories Quotes)
Doctors are human animals. They want to be loved, they are tribal, they instinctually favor stories over scientific evidence, they make mistakes, and even small gifts make them susceptible to being biased. If we took doctors seriously as human animals, we might hurt them - and they might hurt us - a lot less. (Stories Quotes)
You hear about those stories where a person is married to someone and they have another family - that’s pretty much unforgivable! (Stories Quotes)
When you’re guest-starring on another show, it really requires you to jump through hoops in a way, because you’re servicing the stories of the main characters. You have to be able to portray a lot of different elements. You show up and get on board and get on their journey; you have to be flexible as to what they need for the role. (Stories Quotes)
I think anything we do - eating, walking down the street, online shopping - gives you another perspective on writing stories. (Stories Quotes)
While technology efficiently delivers news stories to our desktops, laptops and mobile devices, magazines are all about context - how ideas and images are presented in relation to one another and within a larger point of view. (Stories Quotes)
Anyone who wants simple, pat stories should buy another author’s product. The real universe ain’t that way, and neither are my fictive ones. (Stories Quotes)
I went to film school so I have a writing and directing background, and I think a lot of the material I’m interested in writing and getting out there is stories about anti-heroes and people you should just not ordinarily root for - trying to figure out a way of appealing to people they wouldn’t normally appeal to. (Stories Quotes)
I’m a sci-fi girl. If I can have anything in life, I’d want tons of great science-fiction movies and stories. It’s so progressive, beautiful, and imaginative. (Stories Quotes)
Harper Lee and Truman Capote became friends as next-door neighbors in the late 1920s, when they were about kindergarten age. From the start, they recognized in each other an apartness, as Capote later expressed it; and both loved reading. When Lee’s father gave them an old Underwood typewriter, they began writing original stories together. (Stories Quotes)
I love great journalism. I appreciate it. I love a good, you know, I love good news stories. I love great books. I love great articles. I appreciate them so much, and they’ve been part of my education as a woman. (Stories Quotes)
You have to appreciate the readers, without them there are no stories worth telling (Stories Quotes)
By removing the stories from the morass of things that surround us, I’m hoping to achieve some kind of purer approach to emotional life. (Stories Quotes)