Story Quotes

Text Quotes
Many musicians are fabulously skilled at playing the black dots on the printed page, but mystified by how the dots got there in the first place and apprehensive of playing without dots. Music theory does not help here; it teaches rules of the grammar, but not what to say. When people ask me how to improvise, only a little of what I can say is about music. The real story is about spontaneous expression, and it is therefore a spiritual and a psychological story rather than a story about the technique of one art form or another (Story Quotes)
As a writer, I am just an actor in a play, telling a story that needs to be told (Story Quotes)
Every story, each poem that a person shares, each voice that speaks against menstrual taboo, inspires me (Story Quotes)
Don’t lecture someone on their choices when you don’t know their story (Story Quotes)
In recent years we’ve seen an explosion of creative programming, and I think it represents a third golden age of television because the creators have more control over the story. The audience doesn’t care about the platform. They care about the content (Story Quotes)
Life, like any other exciting story, is bound to have painful and scary parts, boring and depressing parts, but it’s a brilliant story, and it’s up to us how it will turn out in the end (Story Quotes)
Why is every great children’s story about a journey? Maybe that’s because we are always on one (Story Quotes)
I have these huge black foam boards on the wall, and tacked to them, I have these white punch cards with my story ideas, scenes and notes (Story Quotes)
We don’t tend to ask where a lake comes from. It lies before us, contained and complete, tantalizing in its depth but not its origin. A river is a different kind of mystery, a mystery of distance and becoming, a mystery of source. Touch its fluent body and you touch far places. You touch a story that must end somewhere but cannot stop telling itself, a story that is always just beginning (Story Quotes)
It’s a damn good story. If you have any comments, write them on the back of a check (Story Quotes)
Storytelling is at the heart of life... In finding our own story, we assemble all the parts of ourselves. Whatever kind of mess we have made of it, we can somehow see the totality of who we are and recognize how our blunderings are related. We can own what we did and value who we are, not because of the outcome but because of the soul story that propelled us (Story Quotes)
Two kinds of reading can be distinguished. I call them reading like a reader and reading like a writer... when you read like a reader, you identify with the characters in the story. The story is what you learn about. When you read like a writer, you identify with the author and learn about writing (Story Quotes)
Compelling characters are not cogs in the machine of your plot; they are human beings to whom the story happens (Story Quotes)
I do not share the pessimism of the age about the novel. They are one of our greatest spiritual, aesthetic and intellectual inventions. As a species it is story that distinguishes us, and one of the supreme expressions of story is the novel. Novels are not content. Nor are they are a mirror to life or an explanation of life or a guide to life. Novels are life, or they are nothing (Story Quotes)
The story knows itself better than the writer does at some point, knows what’s being said before the writer figures out how to say it (Story Quotes)
I care more about making sure the story is correct and the characters are behaving in character than I do about the individual jokes (Story Quotes)
Miss the audience’s heart as a filmmaker, and the only wallet that gets hit will be your own. That’s because the heart is always the first target in story telling (Story Quotes)
When you make a movie, everyone should leave their own personal problems at home. When they start bringing those to set, filming can be very difficult... You don’t need any extra drama. Put the drama into the story, in the characters (Story Quotes)
I am drawn to any story that makes me want to read from one sentence to the next. I have no other criterion (Story Quotes)
I pretty much drink a cup of coffee, write in my journal for a while, and then sit at a computer in my office and torture the keys. My one saving grace as a writer is that, if I’m having trouble with the novel I’m writing, I write something else, a poem or a short story. I try to avoid writer’s block by always writing something (Story Quotes)
Stories heal us because we become whole through them. In the process of writing, of discovering our story, we restore those parts of ourselves that have been scattered, hidden, suppressed, denied, distorted, forbidden, and we come to understand that stories heal (Story Quotes)
I don’t judge in my books. I don’t have to have the antagonist get shot or the protagonist win. It’s just how it comes out. I’m just telling a story (Story Quotes)
If you have distance from the events, then your story can work as an analogy or parable rather than its literal narrative (Story Quotes)
For the source of the short story is usually lyrical. And all writers speak from, and speak to, emotions eternally the same in all of us: love, pity, terror do not show favorites or leave any of us out (Story Quotes)
Heat is required to forge anything. Every great accomplishment is the story of a flaming heart (Story Quotes)
I say, as a singer grows older, his conception grows a little deeper, because he lives life and he understands what he is trying to say a little more. And I think this gives. If a singer tries to find out what’s happening in life, it gives him a better insight on telling the story of the song he is trying to sing (Story Quotes)
Not only is your story your truth, your story is going to be the platform and the foundation for everything that’s getting ready to happen in your life (Story Quotes)
When you spend time with your friends, what do you talk about? Those things which made an impression on you that day, that week... I write stories the same way. Events at home, in school, at work, in the street, these are the bases for a story. Some experiences leave such a deep impression that instead of talking about them at the club I work them into a novel (Story Quotes)
The camera is an extension of yourself... Your story treatment may be subjective, but it is important to remain objective as to truth (Story Quotes)
We have to create miracles. A miracle is not the intersession of an external divine agency in violation of the laws of physics. A miracle is simply something that is impossible from an old story but possible from within a new one. It is an expansion of what is possible (Story Quotes)