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Storyteller Quotes

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I am not a storyteller... not like the others. I only have one tale to tell  (Storyteller Quotes) Old stories have a habit of being told and retold and changed. Each subsequent storyteller puts his or her mark upon it. Whatever truth the story once had is buried in bias and embellishment. The reasons do not matter as much as the story itself  (Storyteller Quotes) From my point of view, which is that of a storyteller, I see your life as something artful, waiting, just waiting and ready for you to make it art  (Storyteller Quotes) For anyone who is: just keep writing. Keep reading. If you are meant to be a writer, a storyteller, it’ll work itself out. You just keep feeding it your energy, and giving it that crucial chance to work itself out. By reading and writing  (Storyteller Quotes) I am not a great prose stylist. I’m a storyteller. There are thousands of people who don’t like what I do. Fortunately, there are millions who do  (Storyteller Quotes) It is an ancient need to be told stories. But the story needs a great storyteller. Thanks for all of it, Jo  (Storyteller Quotes) A true storyteller is really good at writing himself into a corner and then finding a way out of that corner  (Storyteller Quotes) The wider the author’s arsenal of tools and the better technically equipped the storyteller is, the better the tale will be  (Storyteller Quotes) When you make work, your goal might not be first and foremost to have as many people as possible see it, but it might be more about honing your craft as a storyteller or making art, but, there’s no doubt about it, you want lots of people to see it  (Storyteller Quotes) Fundamentally, whether directing in the theatre or a film, you have to be a good storyteller, regardless of the form. The thing I had to work hardest at was thinking in shots  (Storyteller Quotes) I wanted to hold onto and exploit the power of narrative. This is not only a book about a great storyteller, but there have to be stories about the storyteller  (Storyteller Quotes) Read the folklore masters. Go to galleries. Walk in the woods. That’s what you need to be an artist or storyteller  (Storyteller Quotes) The storyteller makes no choice, soon you will not hear his voice, his job is to shed light, and not to master  (Storyteller Quotes) Because I am a storyteller I live by words. Perhaps music is a purer art form. It may be that when we communicate with life on another planet, it will be through music, not through language or words  (Storyteller Quotes) A good storyteller is a person with a good memory and hopes other people haven’t  (Storyteller Quotes) At first, being a storyteller, it was fun to dress up and fun to sing songs and pretend to be very dramatic - all of that stuff was just fun early on  (Storyteller Quotes) I’m not a natural storyteller at all. If anything, I’m a natural interviewer, a natural listener, but I’m not a natural storyteller  (Storyteller Quotes) The opportunity to be a storyteller is the greatest thing in the world, and I feel so lucky and really love it  (Storyteller Quotes) For a fiction writer, a storyteller, the world is full of stories, and when a story is there, it’s there, and you just reach up and pick it  (Storyteller Quotes) I see myself as a storyteller. So, when I read something, I see the story, and I see it on screen, in my head, in a certain way. I always want to see it and see me in it  (Storyteller Quotes) I sang in the coffee houses of the country in the early 60s with no idea of success in terms of records or television. I just thought I was a storyteller. I didn’t even think of myself as a singer  (Storyteller Quotes) I’m an old storyteller. [When] I tell the story, it’s about the story  (Storyteller Quotes) As a writer, as a storyteller, you have to have your emotions close, and the older I’ve gotten, the less I’ve worried about not displaying emotions  (Storyteller Quotes) Your job as an actor is to be a storyteller and communicate to people. And I think it’s very easy to see whether or not people are listening  (Storyteller Quotes) I love helping someone else tell their story, but I like being the storyteller sometimes  (Storyteller Quotes) Whole interaction between the storyteller and the listeners had a very powerful influence on me  (Storyteller Quotes) What I’ve learned in the last few years is that I am merely a storyteller  (Storyteller Quotes) I’m definitely musician and storyteller. But I always like to take an active role in things I care about socially and environmentally  (Storyteller Quotes) It was very important to me to choose a director like Gary [Ross], whose instincts come from character, who’s a storyteller, and who puts characters first  (Storyteller Quotes) I’ve always been a writer, I’ve always been a storyteller, but I never thought about screenwriting  (Storyteller Quotes)
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