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Straight Quotes

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I never have had blonde hair. I have never had straight hair. I never wear pink clothes or spray tan and I never wore heels to school.  (Straight Quotes) I like to be weird, kinky, straight, in and out, up and down. I like to blow up people’s expectations, create them, destroy them, and dissolve them. It is fun.  (Straight Quotes) The Weezer ‘Blue’ Album is a classic. I think My Morning Jacket’s ‘Circuital’ is a great album to have. Any Led Zeppelin album. Pink Floyd ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’ or ‘Animals.’ I always catch myself at concerts being like, ‘Oh, I just stared at the drummer for 15 straight minutes.’ I study them.  (Straight Quotes) To set the record straight, I’m not upset for me, but for all the girls out there that are struggling with their body image.  (Straight Quotes) My website inspired me to create my book club and provides me with a creative outlet where I can write about things that interest me. It’s a platform where I can present ideas or new ventures and get feedback straight from the people who mean the most to me.  (Straight Quotes) I left drama school to do ‘The Book Thief’ - it was a real trip going straight from school kind of right into it, but I feel like the momentum of being in school put me in a good mindset as far as going into it as a learning experience.  (Straight Quotes) Trouble can be a lot of fun. It’s the straight and narrow that makes life tedious and boring.  (Straight Quotes) I’m a deeply boring person in real life; I don’t do any drinking and going out until four in the morning. I’ll usually head straight home for a cup of tea.  (Straight Quotes) I say, ‘I’m bi, my love knows no gender,’ and the straight community says, ‘Oh right, that’s just a cover-up - you’re gay!’ And the gay community says, ‘Yeah right, that’s just a cover-up - you’re gay.’ They both want to push me gay.  (Straight Quotes) You’re dressed in a tuxedo, you wear a bow tie. A bow tie with a tuxedo is more formal than a straight tie with a tuxedo.  (Straight Quotes) Oh yeah, I mean, it wasn’t a very good guitar, most good guitars have got thrust rods in the necks that you can adjust or that’ll keep them in shape, you know keep them straight. This one just, well it turned into a bow and arrow after a couple of months.  (Straight Quotes) The message behind every brand that’s plus size is about making a woman feel confident in any shape or size. Now straight size, it’s all about the signature brand and how to look good in that one brand, and not necessarily how to look good for yourself.  (Straight Quotes) If you break up with your partner, go straight to the studio. You’re going to make great music.  (Straight Quotes) Every fighter has a story that could break your heart. We lose, we get hurt and everything comes apart. That’s when it’s so difficult to stay on the straight and narrow.  (Straight Quotes) I think as far as straight actors playing gay roles, Brokeback Mountain was a big breakthrough. I’m pretty sure when they were casting that movie that - I think the story is, like you know, 10 to 15 other actors turned it down.  (Straight Quotes) My mother was a restorer, she repaired broken things. I don’t do that. I destroy things. I cannot go the straight line. I must destroy, rebuild, destroy again. My rhythm is not the same. My mother moved in a straight line: I go from one extreme to the other.  (Straight Quotes) I wanted so badly to be straight like my friends. But I couldn’t change it any more than I could change having brown eyes. And I knew I would never fit into what kids thought was normal.  (Straight Quotes) I’ve gotten my personal life all the way intact and made sure that it’s straight. Without that, you have no foundation. Your building is going to crumble.  (Straight Quotes) If I had been straight, I would have been an entirely different person. I would never have turned toward writing with a burning desire to confess, to understand, to justify myself in the eyes of others... I wouldn’t have been impelled to live in New York and choose the hard poverty of bohemia over the soft comfort of the business world.  (Straight Quotes) Barack Obama doesn’t believe in free enterprise. He’s never going to admit it. For instance, he’s never going to come straight out and say, ‘If you own a business you didn’t build it.’ Alright, maybe he will.  (Straight Quotes) I like Modernism. I grew up around these sort of eclectic, heavily carved, baroque, rococo, highly ornamented styles that were in my life from the time that I was a child until now in my business life. So I like clean, straight, minimalist lines.  (Straight Quotes) I can get into politics. I’m a pretty straight guy for this business. I have a pretty healthy outlook.  (Straight Quotes) I never even went to high school because I went straight from middle school into the music business. I don’t really know what it is supposed to be like.  (Straight Quotes) I’m really normal. I play football, go to the beach, drive. We have dogs. I can imagine people calling me a character, but I’m Joe Straight.  (Straight Quotes) We take life for granted, sleepwalking until a shattering event knocks us awake. Zen says, don’t wait until the car accident, the cancer diagnosis, or the death of a loved one to get your priorities straight. Do it now.  (Straight Quotes) This left me alone to solve the coffee problem - a sort of catch-22, as in order to think straight I need caffeine, and in order to make that happen I need to think straight.  (Straight Quotes) You can graph human evolution, which is mostly a straight line, but we do get better and change over time, and you can graph technological evolution, which is a line that’s going straight up. They are going to intersect each other at some point, and that’s happening now.  (Straight Quotes) There is nothing worse than sitting in the make-up trailer knowing that the whole crew are twiddling their thumbs waiting for you to change your hair from straight to curly or up to down. Sometimes it can’t be avoided.  (Straight Quotes) When I was working at Trio, I was pitched ‘Queer Eye for the Straight Guy’ and I knew, whoever gets this, this is a game changer. When I started at Bravo in 2005, it was a hit, and Season 1 of ‘Project Runway’ was in postproduction.  (Straight Quotes) Veronica Mars’ was my first job, and for some reason, my character changed her hairstyle halfway through the season from curly to - I don’t even know why - suddenly straight.  (Straight Quotes)
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