Straight Quotes

Text Quotes
My grandfather was a newspaper publisher and his paper had all the comics in NYC, so some of my earliest memories are of reading the family paper and heading straight for the comics insert. (Straight Quotes)
It’s been a little tough just because we’ve been playing so much. Your lives are getting a little more complicated than they were straight out of college when we first started. People are starting to get married, have families and all, it becomes more of a challenge. It’s not an easy lifestyle. (Straight Quotes)
It seems everyone wants to know if I have an eating disorder, and playing an anorexic character on ‘Make it or Break It’ probably didn’t help much. To set the record straight, I certainly do not have an eating disorder. I think as anyone can gather, I love food, and it is not just a front to cover up the fact that I don’t eat any. (Straight Quotes)
What a sound money system does is to stabilize all the elements in it, and reduces the uncertainty that people confront. And the one thing all human beings do when they are confronted with uncertainty is pull back, withdraw, disengage, and that means economic activity, which is really dealing with people, just goes straight down. (Straight Quotes)
I would love to see no more ghettos, but the things is, there’s no diplomacy in the ghetto. They want to tell you something, they tell you straight! An upper class, more educated person - they find a diplomatic way to tell you the thing. I love it when you just come heart to heart. That’s the way I knew it coming up, so that’s the way I like it. (Straight Quotes)
You can’t have Rosie on The View and Elton John packing Mom and Pop in at Caesars Palace and gay people all over television, and then have these politicians run out there with a straight face and say that gay and lesbian relationships are a threat to the family. We are winning in the culture - which is why we’ll ultimately win the political war. (Straight Quotes)
Once I was playing and moving around and I fell right on my back. Just straight on my back. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. (Straight Quotes)
Most emerging markets are skipping web based technology and go straight to mobile (Straight Quotes)
I can feel things - tap into emotions. When I meet a new person, I know their life straight away. I suppose you could call it a special intuition, but it’s my number one quality, and I’m always 99.9 percent right. If I don’t like someone, it always turns out to be for a good reason. (Straight Quotes)
My real motivation came from my desire for music videos to have the same equal soul-touching emotional resonance that straight music does. (Straight Quotes)
There’s the emotional work that comes with living with someone who’s not you and who therefore has different preferences ans styles of communicating. She might prefer to talk for three days straight if that’s what it takes to resolve an argument, while you would rather fill your pockets with granite and walk into the ocean. (Straight Quotes)
Being able to live my life transparently does empower me to feel like I can be myself more. It’s easier for me to flirt with girls now that girls know that I’m gay. It almost makes it a sexier encounter than if I was trying to pretend that I was straight. (Straight Quotes)
I consider myself gay because at the end of the night, that’s who I want to cuddle with. But when I go out, I go to straight clubs. (Straight Quotes)
No one likes a straight road but the man who pays for it, or who, when he travels, is brute enough to wish to get to his journey’s end. (Straight Quotes)
Dream big . . . don’t let anybody or anything break your wishbone. Stay strong, full of faith, and courageous... keep that backbone straight. And along the way, don’t forget to laugh and enjoy the journey. (Straight Quotes)
My Yoga practice is number one, straight physical exercises are number two, and when I can do neither, I focus on the breath. Make sure I drink enough water and get enough sleep. (Straight Quotes)
My readers are 90 percent gay, and it’s who I write for. I am not here to entertain straight people. (Straight Quotes)
Part of the strength that Charlie and I have as a team is we’ve been able to keep our priorities straight through our entire partnership. We’ve been able to maintain a life outside of skating, and though we’ve given up a lot of things and we’ve been training really hard our entire lives, we’ve been able to maintain great social lives. (Straight Quotes)
I don’t think about life everlasting. If something doesn’t have scientific evidence to back it up, I don’t believe it. I’m a straight shooter. (Straight Quotes)
When everyone around you is doing all this incredible pirate acting and you’re having to sort of play the straight guy and move the story forward, you kind of want to be doing some of that pirate ripping it up stuff, but in truth, to be a part of that project is what I love. (Straight Quotes)
Growing up is never straight forward.There are moments when everything is fine, and other moments where you realize that there are certain memories that you’ll never get back, and certain people that are going to change, and the hardest part is knowing thatthere’s nothing you can do except watch them. (Straight Quotes)
To say that everything without exception is going straight to hell is not an alternative vision but only an inversion of the mainstream’s ‘everything’s fine.’ (Straight Quotes)
First of all, let’s get one thing straight: fitness and exercise aren’t the same thing. You can exercise without getting fit, but you can’t get fit without exercise. (Straight Quotes)
I started working on a TV show in Australia, straight out of high school, so I missed the whole university experience. (Straight Quotes)
The natural law of inertia: Matter will remain at rest or continue in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force. (Straight Quotes)
Music is almost like a therapy for me. It helps keep me centered and think straight. Before I discovered it, I was walking around, and it felt like there were 25 extra pounds of gravity on my shoulders. It’s like you’re mute or something. (Straight Quotes)
The next time someone says This sounds great, but I just don’t have the TIME... Look them straight in the eye, smile warmly, and ask, Would you like to change that? (Straight Quotes)
While we women dilly-dally, making decisions, leaving jobs half done, forgetting where we’ve put the house keys while we water the Hoover and leave the laundry in the dishwasher, men, like blinkered horses, look straight ahead, oblivious to peripheral vision, where a discarded pile of wet towels might have caught their eye. (Straight Quotes)
I Couldn’t Look Straight In HER Eyes As I Already Know SHE Can Read My Eyes Without Reading My Lips. (Straight Quotes)
I don’t know many people, if any, who have had some straight line toward success. I mean, they start here, they work hard, they’ve got what it takes, and they just go straight to the top over some number of years. Most people get a little failure. (Straight Quotes)