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Strange Quotes

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Governments might come and go, wars will reshape the Ununited Kingdoms many times. But companies will stay, and flourish. Show me any major even on this planet and I will show you the economic reason behind it. Commerce is all powerful, Miss Strange. Commerce rules our lives  (Strange Quotes) The calla lilies are in bloom again. Such a strange flower-suitable to any occasion. I carried them on my wedding day, and now I place them here in memory of something that has died  (Strange Quotes) It was an old fashioned house - the sort of house in fact, as Strange expressed it, which a lady in a novel might like to be persecuted in  (Strange Quotes) Mr. Segundus began to suspect that they had an uneventful morning, and that when a strange gentleman had walked into the room and dropt down in a swoon, they were rather pleased than otherwise  (Strange Quotes) Of course, as a model for my magician Strange is far from perfect - he lacks the true heroic nature; for that I shall be obliged to put in something of myself  (Strange Quotes) He did not feel as if he were inside a Pillar of Darkness in the middle of Yorkshire; he felt more as if the rest of the world had fallen away and he and Strange were left alone upon a solitary island or promontory. The idea distressed him a great deal less than one might have supposed. He had never much cared for the world and he bore its loss philosophically  (Strange Quotes) Ladies and gentlemen, I have a grave announcement to make. Incredible as it may seem, strange beings who landed in New Jersey tonight are the vanguard of an invading army from Mars  (Strange Quotes) I suddenly wondered whether Mother might not actually be happy now, whether the sensation of happiness might not be something like faintly glittering gold sunken at the bottom of the river of sorrow. The feeling of that strange pale light when once on as exceeded all the bounds of unhappiness - if that can be called a sensation of happiness, the Emperor, my mother, and even I myself may be said to be happy now  (Strange Quotes) Made as we were in the image of God we scarcely find it strange to take again our God as our All. God was our original habitat and our hearts cannot but feel at home when they enter again that ancient and beautiful abode  (Strange Quotes) I felt a pang - a strange and inexplicable pang that I had never felt before. It was homesickness. Now, even more than I had earlier when I'd first glimpsed it, I longed to be transported into that quiet little landscape, to walk up the path, to take a key from my pocket and open the cottage door, to sit down by the fireplace, to wrap my arms around myself, and to stay there forever and ever  (Strange Quotes) What intrigued me more than anything else was finding out the way in which everything, all of creation - all of it! - was held together by invisible chemical bonds, and I found a strange, inexplicable comfort in knowing that somewhere, even though we couldn't see it in our own world, there was a real stability  (Strange Quotes) To great sections of the Church the art of worship has been lost entirely, and in its place has come that strange and foreign thing called the "program."  (Strange Quotes) How sad, how strange, we make companions out of air and hurt them, so they will defy us, completing creation  (Strange Quotes) How sad, how strange. We make comparnions out of air and hurt them, so they will defy us, completing creation  (Strange Quotes) It is very strange, this domination of our intellect by our digestive organs. We cannot work, we cannot think, unless our stomach wills so. It dictates to us our emotions, our passions  (Strange Quotes) The modern writer is too often a theseus so enamored of the grotesque appearance and strange cavortings of the Minotaur that he has decided to make his permanent abode in the Labyrinth, and to accept the Minotaur's laws as his own  (Strange Quotes) What a strange narrowness of mind now is that, to think the things we have not known are better than the things we have known  (Strange Quotes) But I love the idea - whether it's in my work or where I live - exploring new frontier, and I like putting myself in strange places and trying to survive and figure things out and gather up an infrastructure. I like knowing that I could figure out a way to live anywhere  (Strange Quotes) So what is so strange about saying I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to reconstruct and reform this nation so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation? I want the country to survive. I want the country to succeed  (Strange Quotes) As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change, neath every one a friend  (Strange Quotes) Strange, when you come to think of it, that of all the countless folk who have lived before our time on this planet not one is known in history or in legend as having died of laughter  (Strange Quotes) Of rich men it telleth, and strange is the story how they have, and they hanker, and grip far and wide; and they live and they die, and the Earth and its glory has been but a burden they scarce might abide  (Strange Quotes) We hear the wail of the remorseful winds in their strange penance. And this wretched orb knows not the taste of rest; a maniac world, homeless and sobbing through the deep she goes  (Strange Quotes) When you're around me and really see that all I do is live and breathe for my work, it's not strange, it's just Gaga  (Strange Quotes) England looked strange to us returned soldiers. We could not understand the war madness that ran about everywhere, looking for a pseudo-military outlet. The civilians talked a foreign language; and it was newspaper language  (Strange Quotes) Love is a strange thing. It can make the weakest person strong and the strongest person weak  (Strange Quotes) Man's being is made of such strange stuff as to be partly akin to nature and partly not, at once natural and extranatural, a kind of ontological centaur, half immersed in nature, half transcending it  (Strange Quotes) The ability of writers to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power  (Strange Quotes) Life is a B movie. It's stupid and it's strange, a directionless story, and the dialogue is lame. But in the he said, she said, sometimes there's some poetry, if you turn your back long enough, and let it happen naturally  (Strange Quotes) That is at bottom the only courage demanded of us: to have courage for the most strange, the most singular and the most inexplicable that we may encounter  (Strange Quotes)
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