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Strange Quotes

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Everybody needs a way out of that pain. Many people choose drugs and alcohol. Some people obsessively exercise or develop strange dietary habits, which is what I did. At least it got me toward a path of healthier living  (Strange Quotes) The man who voyages strange seas must of necessity be a little unsure of himself. It is the man with the flashy air of knowing everything, who is always with it, that we should beware of  (Strange Quotes) Once you have heard a strange audience burst into laughter at a film you directed, you realize what the word joy is all about  (Strange Quotes) Man, born of woman, has found it a hard thing to forgive her for giving him birth. The patriarchal protest against the ancient matriarch has borne strange fruit through the years  (Strange Quotes) I have looked on scenery as a strange and on scenery more grand, but on scenery at once so strange and so grand I have never looked and probably never shall again  (Strange Quotes) I like many different things you know so I’m probably going to experiment, and if I didn’t I’d be a little bit strange and boring and stiff and kind of dead, and I’m very not that  (Strange Quotes) It’s nice when people want your autograph, but it’s a little strange because I never expected it  (Strange Quotes) A week of sweeping fogs has passed over and given me a strange sense of exile and desolation. I walk round the island nearly every day, yet I can see nothing anywhere but a mass of wet rock, a strip of surf, and then a tumult of waves  (Strange Quotes) Cannes is a very strange place. I tried to show up as best I could and to try not to be cynical  (Strange Quotes) I think that most actors, and they’re a very strange lot actors, very strange people, but I think that they attempt to keep in touch with the child  (Strange Quotes) It’s a well known thing that ordinary perceptions can have a strange aspect when one is travelling  (Strange Quotes) One gets into a strange psychological, almost hypnotic, state of mind while on the firing line which probably prevents the mind’s eye from observing and noticing things in a normal way  (Strange Quotes) The work which is manipulated looks a little boring to me. I think life is pretty strange anyway. It is wooo, wooo, wooo!  (Strange Quotes) I got bad calls every match, and I never got an apology. So I thought it was rather strange  (Strange Quotes) What is also strange to me is that public libraries have always been in the forefront of opposing censorship  (Strange Quotes) What’s lucky about my career in general is that I stumbled into what every writer most wants. Not repeating myself and doing strange things has become my trademark  (Strange Quotes) Yes, you know sometimes, we started out thinking out how strange our painting was next to normal painting, which was anything expressionist. You forget that this has been thirty five years now and people don’t look at it as if it were some kind of oddity  (Strange Quotes) It is strange to reflect how much energy is thrown away in attempting to know the unknowable  (Strange Quotes) The moment one accosts a stranger or is accosted by him is above all in this life the moment of drama... Whoever we meet watches us intently at the quick, strange moment of meeting, to see whether we are disposed to be friendly  (Strange Quotes) When you are in a room and your job is to write jokes 10 hours a day, your mind starts going to strange places  (Strange Quotes) It is strange how one feels drawn forward without knowing at first where one is going  (Strange Quotes) To the intelligent man with an interest in human nature it must often appear strange that so much of the energy of the scientific world has been spent on the study of the body and so little on the study of the mind  (Strange Quotes) My sense of divine brings with it a strange sound of music with its glories, a marvellous melody sounding like a multitude of flutes  (Strange Quotes) My career has been a bit strange. I don’t think it took the normal route  (Strange Quotes) If you haven’t found something strange during the day, it hasn’t been much of a day  (Strange Quotes) Grief is like a moving river, so that’s what I mean by it’s always changing. It’s a strange thing to say because I’m at heart an optimistic person, but I would say in some ways it just gets worse. It’s just that the more time that passes, the more you miss someone  (Strange Quotes) You have to also provide a video for it, look a certain way and big hair... If you’re a woman it’s even more strange with fake fingernails and corsets and all this stuff that was big in the 80s  (Strange Quotes) I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering; surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy!  (Strange Quotes) She did not talk to people as if they were strange hard shells she had to crack open to get inside. She talked as if she were already in the shell. In their very shell  (Strange Quotes) Truth may be stranger than fiction, goes the old saw, but it is never as strange as lies  (Strange Quotes)
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