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Strange Quotes

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To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the most pleasant sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure  (Strange Quotes) Soon the child’s clear eye is clouded over by ideas and opinions, preconceptions, and abstractions. Simple free being becomes encrusted with the burdensome armor of the ego. Not until years later does an instinct come that a vital sense of mystery has been withdrawn. The sun glints through the pines and the heart is pierced in a moment of beauty and strange pain, like a memory of paradise. After that day, we become seekers  (Strange Quotes) You may not believe in magic but something very strange is happening at this very moment. Your head has dissolved into thin air and I can see the rhododendrons through your stomach. It’s not that you are dead or anything dramatic like that, it is simply that you are fading away and I can’t even remember your name  (Strange Quotes) The strangest thing about strange things is that they’re only strange when you hear about them or think about them later, but never when you’re living them  (Strange Quotes) What she said was always strange. It had happened long ago. It seemed insignificant. And yet it was something you remembered forever. The words as well as the story. The voice as much as the words  (Strange Quotes) Why should I be afraid now? Strange men have come to kill me ever since I was twelve years old  (Strange Quotes) Truthfully, this is the fabric of all my fantasies: love shown not by a kiss or a wild look or a careful hand but by a willingness for research. I don’t dream of someone who understands me immediately, who seems to have known me my entire life, who says, I know me too. I want someone keen to learn my own strange organization, amazed at what’s revealed; someone who asks, and then what, and then what?  (Strange Quotes) 9p.m. My flat. Feel very strange and empty. Is all very well thinking everything is going to be different when you come back but then it is all the same. Suppose I have to make it different. But what am I going to do with my life? I know. Will eat some cheese  (Strange Quotes) I am fated to journey hand in hand with my strange heroes and to survey the surging immensity of life, to survey it through the laughter that all can see and through the tears unseen and unknown by anyone  (Strange Quotes) Night was a very different matter. It was dense, thicker than the very walls, and it was empty, so black, so immense that within it you could brush against appalling things and feel roaming and prowling around a strange, mysterious horror  (Strange Quotes) It was true that the city could still throw shadows filled with mystifying figures from its past, whose grip on the present could be felt on certain strange days, when the streets were dark with rain and harmful ideas  (Strange Quotes) Life is so full of unpredictable beauty and strange surprises. Sometimes that beauty is too much for me to handle. Do you know that feeling? When something is just too beautiful? When someone says something or writes something or plays something that moves you to the point of tears, maybe even changes you  (Strange Quotes) It’s a strange paradox that a man gifted with too many talents can fritter them all away without developing a single one to its full  (Strange Quotes) The strange thing was, he wanted to like everyone. He just couldn’t find a way to do it  (Strange Quotes) The aim of literature... is the creation of a strange object covered with fur which breaks your heart  (Strange Quotes) Some loves have to be given up, others have to be forgotten. Strange as it may sound, if you think of me as a monster, but I can love most passionately. I do not think of myself as evil  (Strange Quotes) By its nature, the metropolis provides what otherwise could be given only by traveling; namely, the strange  (Strange Quotes) In order to go on with our lives, we are always capable of making the ominous into the merely strange  (Strange Quotes) When in the end, the day came on which I was going away, I learned the strange learning that things can happen which we ourselves cannot possibly imagine, either beforehand, or at the time when they are taking place, or afterwards when we look back on them  (Strange Quotes) Such days of autumnal decline hold a strange mystery which adds to the gravity of all our moods  (Strange Quotes) She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you’re swimming and you want to put your feet down on something solid, but the water’s deeper than you think and there’s nothing there  (Strange Quotes) I realize I will never hear from dena again, and I will never call her. it gives me a chill. it is a strange thing to end a friendship, even if you know it’s what you want. it’s like a death; all of a sudden your experience of a person become finite  (Strange Quotes) When I was able to get home it first hit me that you had left and I couldn’t do anything about it. Every day before that an evening with you was waiting for me after school, now no more, strange feeling. I had grown too accustomed to your warmth. That is also a danger. At home I looked at the notebooks that you had bought and I got the stupidest surge of hope that I’d find something of you, something especially for meant for me. I would so much like to have something of you that I could always keep by me, that nobody else would notice  (Strange Quotes) We could see the children’s toys here and there, and we saw a game that the children had made themselves out of dirt, deer antlers and abalone shells, but the game was so strange that only children could tell what it was. Perhaps it wasn’t a game at all, only the grave of a game  (Strange Quotes) For some nights I slept profoundly; but still every morning I felt the same lassitude, and a languor weighed upon me all day. I felt myself a changed girl. A strange melancholy was stealing over me, a melancholy that I would not have interrupted. Dim thoughts of death began to open, and an idea that I was slowly sinking took gentle, and, somehow, not unwelcome possession of me. If it was sad, the tone of mind which this induced was also sweet. Whatever it might be, my soul acquiesced in it  (Strange Quotes) It’s a strange sensation to live inside another person’s life, to wonder all the time what he is doing, or thinking or feeling  (Strange Quotes) It’s strange how memory gets twisted and pulled like taffy in its retelling, how a single event can mean something different to everyone present  (Strange Quotes) I don’t know how you perceive my mission as a writer, but for me it is not a responsibility to reaffirm your concretized myths and provincial prejudices. It is not my job to lull you with a false sense of the rightness of the universe. This wonderful and terrible occupation of recreating the world in a different way, each time fresh and strange, is an act of revolutionary guerrilla warfare. I stir the soup. I inconvenience you. I make your nose run and your eyeballs water  (Strange Quotes) One of the strange things about friendship is that time together isn’t cancelled out by time apart. One doesn’t erase the other or balance it on some invisible scale. You can spend a few hours with someone and they will change your life, or you can spend a lifetime with a person and remain unchanged  (Strange Quotes) One of the odd things about middle age, he concluded, was the strange decisions a man discovers he’s made by not really making them, like allowing friends to drift away through simple neglect  (Strange Quotes)
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